Transcript Slide 1

Patient and Public Involvement
A volunteer’s
guide to PPI
For more information please contact
The PPI team
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Trust Headquarters
City Hospital Campus, Hucknall Road,
Nottingham, NG5 1PB
phone 0115 9691169 ext 76029
This information can be provided in different languages
and formats. To request this or for more information
please contact the PPI team on 0115 9691169 ext
76028 / 76029
© 2013 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Designed by April Strategy LLP
Version 3, March 2013
What is Patient & Public Involvement (PPI)?
Why carry out PPI?
Getting involved in PPI activities
The PPI cycle: four types of activity
A. Patients’ needs and views
B. Participation and co-design
C. Partnership in running services
D. Planning and monitoring
Involving seldom heard people and
diverse minority groups
In this document the term ‘patients and public’
encompasses patients, carers, service users,
individuals, groups and communities. Depending
on what we want to achieve we may involve
different people or groups at different times.
Our commitment to our
patients is to provide caring,
safe, thoughtful and
effective care. We have
made a promise to patients
that ‘we are here for you’.
In making this a reality every
day, for every one of our
patients it is essential that
patient and public opinion is
heard, feedback is acted on,
and lessons are learned.
Chief Executive,
NHS Trust
This guide has been
introduced to help volunteers
and other members of the
public to support us in our
Patient and Public Involvement
activities. If you would like get
involved please do get in touch
with the PPI team.
Why involve patients and the public?
What is Patient and Public Involvement?
Why is PPI important?
PPI means putting patients and the public at the centre of
all that we do, so they can:
PPI is about understanding and valuing the benefits
of involving patients, visitors, carers and other
members of the public in the planning, development,
day-to-day delivery and evaluation of health services.
Effective PPI can improve patient care, and it’s a
legal requirement too.
Let us know about their needs and experiences
Identify what they want from services
Share their ideas and get involved in service design
Have a say on how services and plans are delivered
Understand why services need to change
Tell us how we are doing delivering our promises
What benefits are we looking for?
Involve people in decisions about their treatment
Understand what’s going well.
PPI helps us to be ‘here for you’
Our promise to our patients at Nottingham University
Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) is that ‘we are here for you’.
Through our Values and Behaviors project we have
promised patients that they will feel cared for, feel safe,
feel confident in their treatment and feel that our services
are getting better.
PPI is about listening to and involving patients and the
public, so we can understand how we can best serve
their needs as individuals. It helps us to be
‘here for you’ in ways they want.
By listening to patients’ views: we can learn about
their needs and experiences and identify specific
areas for improvement
By involving patients and the public in service
design: we can ensure that our services are
designed and adapted to respond better to the
needs of individual patients and patient groups
By running services in partnership with patients:
we keep patients’ needs at the forefront of every
decision we make, and allow alternative proposals
to be developed
By measuring how we are doing: we can see how
our improvement plans and activities are
Getting involved in PPI activities
At NUH PPI is everybody’s job
Everybody at NUH is committed to improving the
health and wellbeing of the people we care for.
Involving patients in improving services is an
important part of our professional roles. Our Trustwide values and behaviours state that:
Improving services is everybody’s role
We can start by listening to patients.
Getting involved
PPI activities you can get involved in
We have a regular programme of events for our
10,000 Foundation Trust public members
Our Readers’ Panel advises us on patient
information leaflets and other publications
Our Patient Partnership Group meets monthly to
comment on services and advise on PPI activities
We have a Young People’s Forum
We work closely with LINks (local involvement
networks) and patient support groups
We attend local community events and forums.
Listening to patients’ experiences
This guide has been introduced to
help volunteers and other members
of the public to support us in our
PPI activities. If you
are interested
in getting
please get in
touch with the
PPI team on
0115 9691169 ext 76029
We measure the views of inpatients and users of
other services through annual national surveys and
monthly Trust-wide surveys
We use handheld ‘patient opinion trackers’ to
understand patients’ experience of our services, and
train volunteers to carry out these surveys and to
undertake ‘observations of care’
We have processes to manage and learn from
patient complaints, concerns and compliments.
The PPI cycle
All these activities form part of our PPI cycle and the
next pages describe how you can help us by getting
The PPI cycle
A. Patient needs and views
Four types of PPI activity
At NUH we use PPI across the life-cycle of service
delivery and improvement, from listening to patients’
views, involving them in designing improvements, acting
as partners in oversight of service delivery, and
measuring how we are doing to identify new areas for
Getting new insight into the needs, views and
experiences of the people we serve, listening to:
1. Patient stories
2. Focus groups and discussions
3. One-to-one interviews
B. Participation and co-design
Involving patients in designing improvements and
making strategic decisions, through:
1. ‘In your shoes’ workshops
2. Experience-based design
3. Informal consultation meetings
C. Partnership in running services
of PPI
Giving people a say in running our services, via:
1. User and community groups
2. Patient champions
3. Carer groups
D. Planning and monitoring
Checking how we are doing and where to focus
improvement efforts, using tools including:
1. Surveys
2. Observations during care and treatment
3. Recording and action planning.
A. Patient needs and views
B. Participation and co-design
This includes approaches that staff and services use to
gain insight into the needs, views and experiences of
the people we provide a service to. This helps us to
understand where we need to focus our improvement
efforts and identify what works well to give positive
feedback to our teams.
This includes approaches that can help us involve
patients and the public in designing service
improvements and making strategic decisions:
1. Patient stories to inspire and motivate change
2. Focus groups to explore an issue in detail
3. One-to-one interviews to gain insight from a
broader cross-section of the population.
1. In your shoes: setting priorities with patients
and building staff ownership for delivering them
2. Experience-based design: staff and patients
working together to design service
3. Informal consultation meetings: getting
public feedback to proposals, and listening to
alternative approaches.
How can you get involved?
The experience of every single patient or carer is
important to us, and is an opportunity to learn and
improve. Let us know if you or a family member of
friend has had an experience at NUH from which we
can learn
To support our frontline teams in their efforts to hear
about patients’ experiences we can offer you training
to listen to patients’ stories on the wards or to
facilitate focus groups.
How can you get involved?
By registering your interest in supporting a
specific service or group of services, we can let
you know about the improvement events and
workshops that will most interest you
You could support the services you are interested
in by offering to help with ‘recruitment’ of patients
and the public to attend events, for example by
handing out leaflets.
C. Partnership in running services
D. Planning and monitoring
This includes approaches that give our communities
and service users a say in how our services are run
and help us to stay patient-focused in our day-to-day
management and decision-making:
Approaches to check how we are doing in delivering
our promises to ensure patients feel cared for, feel
safe and feel confident in their treatment, and in
delivering improvement plans:
1. User and community groups: regular meetings
of people who are interested in specific services
to provide insight into experiences and feedback
on developments
2. Patient champions: involving patients as
observers at regular management meetings to
ensure decision-making is patient-centred
3. Carer groups: support networks for carers to
understand their needs and experiences, and
gain feedback on proposals.
How can you get involved?
1. Surveys: can help determine priorities and
track if services are improving over time
2. Observations during care and treatment: are
helpful in providing immediate feedback to
clinicians on the care they are providing and
supporting behaviour change
3. Recording and action planning: after each
PPI activity teams develop an action plan.
How can you get involved?
You could join an existing user or carer group.
Contact the PPI team for a list of current groups
Where a user or carer group doesn’t currently exist
we can support you to set up and run one
We are actively looking for ‘patient champions’, so if
you would like to attend key meetings to help us
stay patient-focused please let the PPI team know.
Learning how to undertake ‘observations of care’
is a simple way to help us ensure we are
delivering our promises and procedures. It’s a lot
easier than it sounds, so please get in touch with
the PPI team
Help us to get feedback from patients in real time
through our ‘patient opinion tracker’ programme.
Involving seldom heard and diverse
minority groups
There are many people in our community whose views
we have not heard as much as we could. Often it is
these groups who do not access services they are
entitled to and often need.
There are many reasons why these groups are heard
less than others, and so we need to work harder to
ensure we do listen to their experiences and points of
view. If you can help us to hear more about the needs
and experiences of these groups and individuals, please
get in touch with the PPI team.
People who find it more difficult to have their views
heard can include, but are not limited to:
• Anyone with a bad experience of the service
• Ethnic minorities or people who don’t speak English
as a first language
• People with mental health issues
• People with learning difficulties
• Disabled people
• Children and young people
• Older people
• Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people
• Victims of domestic abuse
• Refugees and asylum seekers
• Homeless people
• Travellers
• Single parents
• Sex workers
• People who work
• Carers
• Drug users.