2011-2013 National Health Strategy

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Transcript 2011-2013 National Health Strategy

2011-2013 National Health
Vision: An integrated health system that
promotes and sustains the health status of
Palestinians and addresses the key
determinants of health in Palestine, especially
the removal of the Israeli Occupation.
In partnership with stakeholders, to develop
the institutional capacity of the Ministry of
Health of a future independent State of
Palestine in order to ensure good governance
of the health sector, leadership in policy
making and regulation of the health system,
the promotion of better health and the
provision of accessible, quality health services
in both the public and private sectors
Literature Review / SWOT analysis
 National Health Conference, 5-2009
 Participatory
MOH / MOH Planning Team
 Strategy Working Team
 National Council for Health Policy and
 Roundtable Meeting
Priority Areas
Governance/Institutional Development
Human Resource Development
Access to quality health services
Health financing & financial management
Healthy Behaviors
Aid Effectiveness
Public-private partnerships
Cross-sectoral collaboration and cooperation
State building and health system and
services strengthening to realize an
effectively functioning health sector that
facilitates implementation and the
achievement of planned results in
Strategic Objectives
Strengthen the governance and institutional development of the
Ministry of Health including oversight, policy, planning and
evidence based decision making, monitoring and evaluation,
regulation, licensing, health information, health management and
health systems development.
Strengthen human resources in the health sector through
improving the planning, management, training and education and
financing of human resources.
Promote healthy behaviors and improve disease prevention as
upstream policy and practice in the Palestinian health system.
Strategic Objectives Cont.
Assure the rights of all citizens to access quality sustainable
primary, secondary and tertiary health services, in particular
primary health care, for the poor, vulnerable, and unemployed, as
well as those displaced and/or living in hard to reach areas
through ensuring adherence to a national health facilities
coverage plan in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Ensure sustainable health financing mechanisms and effective,
efficient and transparent financial management through
establishing and monitoring different mechanisms to finance
health, ensuring spending is in line with priorities.
Strengthen aid effectiveness through reaching a joint consensus
on how best to implement the Paris and Accra principles,
implementing joint working that reflect the inputs of all
Strategic Objectives Cont.
Maintain and strengthen public-private partnerships especially
between MoH, UNRWA, NGO’s and the private-for-profit sector to
facilitate harmonization, coordination, and comprehensiveness of
efforts to ensure access for all Palestinians to health prevention
and health services and to meet the national health objectives.
Develop the role of the Ministry of Health in cross-sectoral work
with other ministries and national institutions to assure the
strengthening of the health component in national plans such as
education, environment, labor and emergency and disaster
planning and management.
Program Areas
Quality sustainable health services including
primary, secondary and tertiary care
Public health especially healthy behaviors
Human resource development
Governance including health financing, publicprivate partnerships, aid effectiveness and
cross-sectoral collaboration
Strategic actions/ Planned results
(Annex A &B)
 Annual Action Plans
 MOH M&E Committee
 Joint Annual Results Reviews
National M&E System
 National Indicators
 MDG Indicators
 See annex B – Results Framework
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