Transcript Document

Status of Global Advancement of Biotechnology in All Areas

Duane R. Berglund and Phil McClean Department of Plant Science North Dakota State University September 22, 2005


The Crop Biotech Market Is Dominated By Five Countries a 58.8%/118 ma (63%/106 ma) 6.7%/13 ma (6.0%/10 ma) 4.6%/9 ma (3%/7 ma) 6.2%/12 ma (3%/7 ma) 20.0%/40 ma (21%/36 ma)

Top Five Countries = 96% of market 20 % increase in biotech acreage from 2003

a 2004 growing season data


2003 in parentheses.


Impact of GM Crops on Worldwide Crop Production

GM crops are grown on 5% of the 3.7 billion acres of cultivated land in the world


Global Value of Biotech Crop Market

• 2004 market value of Biotech crops was $4.70 Billion • Represented 15% of the total global crop value of $32.5 Billion • Projected global Biotech crop value in 2005 is a > $5 Billion Source: CropBiotech.Net


The Latest Biotech News ND GMO Planting Decisions (Winter 2005)

• •

New law enacted during 2005 legislative session Only the ND state government has the authority to ban plantings of GMO crops

Response to laws passed at county level in other states

EU Approving GMO-free Zones (May 2005)

European Union GMO regulations permit regions to declare themselves GMO Free

• •

Otherwise approved GMO products can be grown 162 regions or provinces (like states in USA) have

asked to be GMO free 4500 total government units have made the request



Economic Effect of Bt Cotton In China

$200/acre increase in income

$750 million increase nationally


Benefits to Hungarian Farmers Trait

Bt corn (european cornborer) Bt corn (Western corn rootworm) 16 mill Herbicide tolerant maize Herbicide tolerant sugarbeet

Total benefit

3 mill

Farmer realized


Industry realized

24% 14 mill 3 mill 65% 73% 50% 35% 27% 50%


Demont et al. 2005. Potential impact of biotechnology in eastern Europe: transgenic maize, sugar beet, and oilseed rape in Hungary.


Source: Monsanto

Herbicide resistant crops

 


: soybean, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa


: sugarbeet (

on hold

), lettuce, strawberry, wheat (

on hold

), Turf grass  resistance gene from

bacteria is source Virus resistance

  papaya, squash, potato resistance gene from a



Whats Being Looked at Today in the Biotechnology Labs.

Healthcare • 130+ medicines and vaccines • 350+ products in clinical trials Food Applications • Enzymes for cheese, yogurt, baked goods, wine Environmental Cleanup • Microorganisms to clean-up waste Industrial Processes • Reduce impact of processes in cleaning, textile and paper industries Agriculture • Insect control • Other agronomic traits – fusarium, leaf rust, drought and salt tolerance • Improved Quality of grains • Food applications Animal Healthcare and Marine Life Extension

Source : Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)

Bacterial and Animal Biotechnology Products

Source: Chr. Hansen

Biotech chymosin

 enzyme used to curdle milk products    gene from


harvested from GE bacteria replaces the calf enzyme Source: Rent Mother Nature


(bovine somatotropin)     increases milk production gene from


protein harvested from GE bacteria replaces cow protein originally harvested from pituitary glands of slaughtered cows Extension

Next Generation of Ag Biotech Products

Golden Rice

   Increased Vitamin A content Transgenes from bacteria and daffidol Controversory: large amount needed to solve problem and is a culture issue!!

Source: Minnesota Microscopy Society


  White mold resistance Resistance gene from wheat Extension

Environmental Applications

Indicator bacteria

  contamination is detected in the environment microbes sensitive to certain pollutants


  cleanup contaminated sites uses microbes designed to degrade the pollutant Extension

Land Mine Detection

Without this effort, that is dangerous to our military, children are maimed.


Land Mine Detection

How biotechnology helps

• Patented transgene added to plants • When metal from mine is detected •

Plant turns from green to red

• Technology developed by

Aresa Biodetection Mine detected


Biotechnology and Health Product

Insulin Interferon Interleukin Human growth hormone Neuroactive proteins


Diabetes Cancer Cancer Dwarfism Pain Extension

Edible Vaccines – A Biopharming Dream

Biotech Plants Serving Human Health Needs

• A pathogen protein gene is cloned • Gene is inserted into the DNA of plant (potato, banana, tomato) •Plant must be isolated and highly regulated!

• Humans eat the plant • The body produces antibodies against pathogen protein • Human are


against the pathogen • Examples:  Diarrhea  Hepatitis B  Measles Extension

Future Health-related Biotech Products


    Herpes hepatitis C AIDS malaria

Tooth decay

  

Streptococcus mutans

, the mouth bacteria releases lactic acid that destroys enamel engineered

Streptococcus mutans

does not release lactic acid destroys the tooth decay strain of bacteria


Top Biotechnologies In The Future

Nutritionally Enriched Crops

• Malnutrition is widespread • Malnutrition is associated with many diseases •

Modification of staple crops necessary to solve the problem


Precautionary Principle

Why Europe Regulates Biotech Products

Precautionary Principle States

• Commercial activities can be restricted by governments 


a scientific or environment risk is perceived 


conclusive data is



It is:

• A key principle that underlies European Union approaches to regulating biotech products • Incorporated into the

Maastricht Treaty

that lead to the formation of the EU Extension

Precautionary Principle Effects of Applying the Principle

• The principle makes it difficult to:  determine when risk avoidance should take precedence over the general welfare • At its most basic, the principle  Regulates man’s excitement of the new and novel  Can prevent the most unexpected damage from occurring • As interpreted the principle requires that: 

Biotech products should be regulated until compelling evidence proves they are safe


What Would Lead to Acceptance of GMO Products?

Significantly Lower Prices

Norway (2003 study)

Consumers would buy the product over non-GMO bread  If the cost of GMO bread 49.5% lower

Japan (2004 study)

Consumers would preferentially buy GMO-base product  If the cost of GMO noodles was >50% lower

England (2001 study)

Men: would pay 26% extra to avoid GMO technology Woman: would pay 49% extra to avoid GMO technology

Data quoted from

: AgBioForum (2004) 7:70-75 Extension

Other Attitudes Toward Biotechnology

Developing Countries


• Will pay  16% premium for GM oil  38% premium for GMO rice  35% premium for processed GMO potato products


• 66% would try GMO products • GMO products most favorable to those with limited access to high quality food Extension

Data quoted from

: AgBioForum (2004) 7:70-75

Why Are Attitudes Different??

In these countries,

•An urgent need for available, nutritious food of good quality exitsted • Individuals trusted their government • Science in general had a positive public opinion

These attitudes are opposite of those expressed in European public opinion pools


Data quoted from

: AgBioForum (2004) 7:70-75 Extension

Thanks for your attention ANY QUESTIONS
