Chapter 1 – New Beginnings

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Chapter 1 – New Beginnings
Animaniacs - Presidents
Presidential Morph - American Pops
“Believe in the
Greatness of America”
“The News Room”
•“We can’t solve our problems until we
recognize that there is a problem”
Chapter 1. New World Beginnings
A. The 1st Americans cross land bridge over Bering Sea
1. 50 to 20 thousand years ago—Siberian hunters became first
American inhabitants
2. 14,000 years ago—humans reached tip of South America
B. Pre-Columbian civilizations – “American Indians”
1. 10 to 75 million people
a. South America – Incas
b. Central America – Mayas (Yucatan) and Aztecs (Mexico)
c. North America - Iroquois (NY), Cherokee (South), Mississippians,
Pueblo (Southwest)
Routes of the First Americans
Locations of Major Indian Groups
and Culture Areas in the 1600s
C. European Arrivals
1. 1000 CE - Norse Vikings (Erik the Red, Leif Erikson) in
Newfoundland (Canada)
2. 1492 CE – Christopher Columbus (Spain) “discovered”
island of Hispaniola – mistakenly called people “Indians”
3. 1497 CE – John Cabot (England) explored northern
America (Newfoundland)
4. 1499 CE – Amerigo Vespucci (Spain) mapped east coast
of South America
5. 1500 CE – Pedro Cabral claimed Brazil for Portugal
6. 1507 CE – Juan Ponce de Leon (Spain) Puerto Rico; 1513
– Florida searching for “Fountain of Youth”
7. 1513 CE – Vasco de Balboa (Spain) – first European to
see Pacific Ocean
8. 1519 CE – Ferdinand Magellan (Spain) – first to sail
around S. America
9. Spain was first to seek empire – “God, Gold, and Glory”
Voyages of European Exploration
D. Treaty of Tordesillas – 1494
1. decision by Pope to
settle disputed claims of
Portugal and Spain
2. divided Spanish and
Portuguese territory in
“New World” North-South
by 46th meridian
3. Portugal got land east of
line – Brazil and African
4. Spain got land west of
line – everything else
E. New Spain
1. Spanish explorers – Conquistadors and Missionaries
conquered Caribbean, C. & S. America
a. 1519 – Hernan Cortes conquered Aztecs (Chief
Montezuma) in Tenochtitlan; est. Mexico City
b. 1535 – Francisco Pizarro conquered Incas in Peru, est.
city of Lima
c. 1539-1542—de Soto explored Southeast (U.S.)
d. 1540-1542—Coronado explored Southwest (U.S.)
2. Spain est. Encomienda System of govt. in New
a. Large tracts of land given to Spanish conquerors
b. Indigenous inhabitants became property of conquerors;
forced labor on sugar plantations; to be converted to
c. Considered inhumane/slavery by church; replaced by
Repartimiento system
d. Conquistadores inter-married w/Indian women – “new
race” called mestizos – cultural and biological bridge
between Spain and indigenous Americans
3. Columbian Exchange transforms life on 3 continents
a. From the New World (America) to the Old – corn, potatoes,
tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash, tomato, wild
rice, etc.
b. From the Old World to the New
1. cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus, carrots,
Kentucky bluegrass, etc.
2. devastating diseases (smallpox, yellow fever, malaria), as Indians had
no immunities – An estimated 90% of all pre-Columbus Indians died,
mostly due to disease.
c. From Africa to New World – slave labor to work sugar plantations
with loss of Indian population
4. Other Europeans threaten Spanish dominance
a. England (1497): John Cabot (an Italian who sailed for
England) touched the coast of the current day U.S.
b. France (1524): Giovanni de Verrazano also touched on
the North American seaboard.
c. France (1535): Jacques Cartier went into mouth of St.
Lawrence River (Canada).
d. France (1608) —Samuel de Champlain founded
e. France (1679): Robert de LaSalle sailed down the
Mississippi River claiming the whole region for their
King Louis and naming the area "Louisiana" after his
f. French empire included St. Lawrence River, Great
Lakes, Mississippi
1. Very few permanent settlements – only fur trading posts
2. Fur trade with Indian trading partners very profitable
5. To oppose threats, Spain set up forts (presidios) up
California coast, and St. Augustine, Florida (1565) – the
oldest continually inhabited European settlement in the
This fanciful artist's rendition of St. Augustine, pioneer Spanish
settlement, is of interest despite its historical inaccuracies. The
Castillo de San Marcos at no time resembled the fort as portrayed.
The artist probably included the high hills because he mistook the
Spanish word for thick forests to mean hills. From the 1671
engraving "Pagus Hispanorum," by an unknown artist, probably
prepared in Amsterdam. (Courtesy, Chicago Historical Society.)
6. Black Legend: the false notion that Spaniards
only brought bad things (murder, disease,
slavery); though true, they also brought good
things: legal systems, architecture,
Christianity, language, civilization