Transcript Chapter 1

Chapter 8 Overview
Theories of development
Prenatal development
Early and middle childhood
Early and middle adulthood
Later adulthood
Theories of Development
Developmental psychology
– The study of how humans grow, develop,
and change throughout the life span
What did Piaget find regarding
stages of cognitive development?
During the sensorimotor stage (birth to 2
years), infants gain an understanding of the
world through their senses and motor
– Infants act on objects and events that are
directly perceived
Major achievement of this stage is object
– The realization that objects continue to exist
when they can no longer be perceived
What did Piaget find regarding
stages of cognitive development?
During the preoperational stage (age 27), children acquire symbolic function
– Understanding that one thing can stand for
During this stage, children exhibit
– Belief that everyone sees what they see, thinks
what they think, etc.
What did Piaget find regarding
stages of cognitive development?
In the concrete operational stage (7 to
11 or 12 years), children acquire the
concept of conservation
– Understanding that a given quantity of matter
stays the same despite rearrangement or change
in its appearance, as long as nothing is added or
taken away
– Conservation develops because children begin to
understand reversibility
Realizing that any change in the shape, position, or
order of matter can be reversed mentally
What did Piaget find regarding
stages of cognitive development?
In the formal operational stage (age 11
or 12 years and beyond) preadolescents and
adolescents acquire the capacity for
hypothetico-deductive thinking
– The ability to apply logical thought to abstract
and hypothetical situations in the past, present,
and future
What did Kohlberg claim about the
development of moral reasoning?
Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a stage theory
of moral development
He presented moral dilemmas to research
participants and analyzed the moral
reasoning that they described
He classified moral reasoning into three
levels, with each level having two stages
– People progress through the levels and stages in
a fixed order
– Each level has a prerequisite stage of cognitive
What did Kohlberg claim about the
development of moral reasoning?
Preconventional level
– Lowest level of moral development
– “Right” is whatever gains a reward or avoids
Conventional level
– Right and wrong are based on the internalized
standards of others
– “Right” is whatever is approved by others or is
consistent with the laws of society
Postconventional level
– Highest level of moral reasoning
– “Right” is whatever furthers basic human rights
How does Erickson’s theory
describe the process of
psychosocial development?
Basic trust vs. basic mistrust
– Birth to 1 year
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
– 1 to 3 years
Initiative vs. guilt
– 3 to 6 years
Industry vs. inferiority
– 6 years to puberty
How does Erickson’s theory
describe the process of
psychosocial development?
Identity vs. role confusion
– Adolescence
Intimacy vs. isolation
– Young adulthood
Generativity vs. stagnation
– Middle adulthood
Ego integrity vs. despair
– Late adulthood
Prenatal Development
The development from conception to
What happens during each of the
three stages of prenatal
Period of the zygote
– Zygote attaches to the uterine lining
– Ends 1 to 2 weeks after conception
Period of the embryo
– Major systems, organs, and structures of the
body develop
– Ends when bone cells appear, 3 to 8 weeks after
Period of the fetus
– Rapid growth and development of body
structures, organs, and systems
– 9 weeks after conception until birth
A neonate, a newborn infant up to
one month old, comes equipped with
an impressive range of reflexes,
built-in responses to certain stimuli
that they need to ensure survival in
their new world
How do infants’ perceptual and
motor abilities change over the
first 18 months of life?
A person’s behavioral style or
characteristic way of responding to the
How does temperament shape
infants’ behavior?
Thomas, Chess, and Birch (1970) identified
three general types of temperament
– Easy
Have pleasant moods, approach new people and
situations positively
– Difficult
Have generally unpleasant moods, react negatively to
new people and situations
– Slow-to-warm-up
Tend to withdraw, are slow to adapt, somewhat
negative in mood
Infant temperament is strongly influenced by heredity and is
somewhat predictive of personality later in life
How do the four attachment
patterns identified in infants differ?
Attachment is the strong affectionate bond
a child forms with the mother or primary
Harry Harlow found that contact comfort
forms the basis of attachment in rhesus
Human infants exhibit separation anxiety
and stranger anxiety once attachment
has formed, at about 6 to 8 months of age
How do the four attachment
patterns identified in infants differ?
Secure attachment
– About 65% of infants
– Use mother as a secure base for exploring
– Distressed by separation from caregivers, greet
caregivers when they return
– More cooperative and content than other infants
– Display better social skills as preschool children
Avoidant attachment
– About 20% of infants
– Not responsive to mother, not troubled when
she leaves
– May actively avoid contact with mother after
How do the four attachment
patterns identified in infants differ?
Resistant attachment
– 10 to 15% of infants
– Seek close contact with mother, and tend not to
branch out and explore
– After separation, may display anger toward
mother; not easily comforted
Disorganized/disoriented attachment
– 5 to 10% of infants
– Protest separation, but exhibit contradictory and
disoriented behavior when reunited
Early and Middle
Mastery of language, both spoken and
written, is just one of several
important developmental processes
that happen in early and middle
What are the milestones of
language development, and how do
various theorists explain them?
– Vocalization of basic speech sounds, which
begins between 4 and 6 months
One-word stage
– First words spoken at about 1 year
– First words usually represent objects that move
or that infants can act on
Two-word stage
– Usually begins about 18-20 months
What are the milestones of
language development, and how do
various theorists explain them?
Telegraphic speech
– Between 2 and 3 years, children start using
short sentences that contain only essential
content words
Children follow grammatical rules in their
speech, as indicated by
– Misapplying a grammatical rule, such as adding
“ed” to form a past tense
Children say “goed”, comed”, “doed”, etc.
What outcomes are often
associated with the three parenting
styles identified by Baumrind?
Authoritarian parents
– Make arbitrary rules, expect unquestioning
obedience, punish transgressions
Authoritative parents
– Set high but realistic standards, reason with the
child, enforce limits, and encourage open
communication and independence
Permissive parents
– Make few rules or demands, allow children to
make their own decisions and control their own
What outcomes are often
associated with the three parenting
styles identified by Baumrind?
Children with authoritative parents
– tend to be happier and have higher self-esteem,
and be more self-reliant, socially competent, and
responsible than their peers
Children with authoritarian parents
– tend to be withdrawn, anxious, and unhappy
Children with permissive parents
– tend to be the most immature, impulsive, and
dependent, and the least self-reliant and selfcontrolled
How do social learning, cognitive
developmental, and gender-schema
theorists explain gender role
Social learning theory
– Gender role development results from
modeling and reinforcement
Cognitive developmental theory
– Development occurs in stages marked by
increasingly sophisticated reasoning about the
permanence of gender
Gender-schema theory
– Children acquire schemas for maleness and
femaleness from their culture and use them to
process information about gender
The developmental stage that begins
at puberty and encompasses the
period from the end of childhood to
the beginning of adulthood
How does puberty influence
adolescents’ self-concepts and
A period of rapid physical growth and
change that culminates in sexual maturity
Puberty and self-concept
– Early maturation in boys is associated with
higher self-esteem
But may also be associated with greater aggression
and hostility
– Early maturation in girls is associated with higher
risk of eating disorders, earlier sexual
experiences, more unwanted pregnancies, and
earlier exposure to alcohol and drug use
How does puberty influence
adolescents’ self-concepts and
Incidence of sexual activity
increases dramatically
through teen years
Factors associated with
later onset of sexual
activity include
Living with both biological
Higher academic
Involvement in sports
Frequent attendance of
religious services
What are the neurological and
psychosocial characteristics of
emerging adulthood?
Neuroimaging studies indicate that parts of
the brain involved in decision making and
self control mature between the late teens
and early twenties
Jeffrey Arnett has proposed that this agerange is a unique developmental period,
which he calls emerging adulthood
– A period when individuals explore options and
develop new skills in work and romantic domains
before committing to adult roles
Early and Middle
Early adulthood
– Ages 20 to 45 or 45
Middle adulthood
– Ages 40 or 45 to 65
Late adulthood
– After age 65 or 70
What are two themes of social
development in early and middle
Establishment of an intimate partnership
– Majority of adults marry and have children
– But they do so at later ages today than in past
Career development
– Job satisfaction is strongly related to satisfaction
with other aspects of life, such as romantic
Later Adulthood
The life expectancy in the United
States has increased from 49 to 76
years from the beginning to the end of
the 20th century
People older than age 65 constitute
about 15% of the U.S. population
How does the body change in the
later adult years?
General slowing, the reduction in the
speed of neural transmission leading to a
slowing of physical and mental functions
Decline in sensory capacity
Development of chronic conditions such as
arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure
But, physical exercise can improve strength
and mobility in older adults
What happens to cognitive ability in
later adulthood?
Crystallized intelligence tends to
increase over the lifespan
– Verbal ability and accumulated knowledge
Fluid intelligence peaks in early 20s and
declines slowly as people age
– Reasoning and mental flexibility
What are some of the adjustment
challenges in the social lives of
older adults?
Loss of a spouse
Altered living arrangements
Most older adults cope with these
adjustments and maintain a sense of life
What are the components of
successful aging?
Maintaining one’s physical health, mental
abilities, social competence, and overall
satisfaction with life
– An optimistic outlook
– Eating a healthy diet
– Staying active cognitively and socially