שקופית 1

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Transcript שקופית 1

Jean Dubuffet pendant son service militaire
avec le singe de Jeanne Lége-1924
Jean Dubuffet was born July 31, 1901, in Le
Havre, France. He attended art classes in his
youth and in 1918 moved to Paris to study at
the Académie Julian, which he left after six
months. During this time, Dubuffet met
Raoul Dufy, Max Jacob, Fernand Léger, and
Suzanne Valadon and became fascinated
with Hans Prinzhorn’s book on psychopathic
art. He traveled to Italy in 1923 and South
America in 1924. Then, Dubuffet gave up
painting for about ten years, working as an
industrial draftsman and later in the family
wine business. He committed himself to
becoming an artist in 1942. Dubuffet’s first
solo exhibition was held at the Galerie René
Drouin, Paris, in 1944.
Double autoportrait -1936
A Widow - 1943
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York
Paris 1943
Métro, 1943
The Little Kiss )1943(
A View of Paris with Furtive Pedestrians - 1944
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
During the 1940s, the artist associated
with André Breton, Georges Limbour,
Jean Paulhan, and Charles Ratton. His
style and subject matter in this period
owed a debt to Paul Klee. From 1945,
he collected Art Brut, spontaneous,
direct works by untutored individuals,
such as mental patients. The Pierre
Matisse Gallery gave him his first solo
show in New York in 1947. From 1951
to 1952, Dubuffet lived in New York.
He then returned to Paris, where a
retrospective of his work took place at
Mangeurs d'oiseaux
the Cercle Volney in 1954.
Grand Jazz Band -New Orleans
Museum of Modern Art, New York
The Violinist from the Marionettes 1944
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Beach with Bathers
Snack for Two from the Mirobolus,
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Childbirth - March 1944
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Woman Grinding Coffee - 1945
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Supervielle, Large Banner - 1945
The Art Institute of Chicago
"There is no art without
intoxication. But I mean mad
intoxication! Let reason teeter!
Delirium! The highest degree of
delirium! Plunged in burning
Art is the most enrapturing orgy
within man's reach .
Art must make you laugh a
little and make you a little afraid.
Anything as long as it doesn't
bore." --Jean Dubuffet
Limbour as a Crustacean, 1946
Apartment Houses, Paris, 1946
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Dhotel nuance d'abricot - 1947
Private Collection
Joë Bousquet in Bed- 1947
Smiling Face
Musical Experiences
print, NEW YORK 1950
Fleshy Face with Chestnut
Hair -1951
Guggenheim Museum
Butterfly-Wing Figure - 1953
Butterfly wings and gouache on
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden,
Washington D.C.
Madame j'ordonne, 1954
Bibi Trompette's Garden - 1955
Butterfly wings, gouache, and watercolor on wove paper
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C
Cloudy Weather-1955
Berkeley Art Museum
‫אהבה‪1956 ,‬‬
‫מוזיאון ישראל‬
Villa by the Road - 1957
National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh
His first museum retrospective occurred in 1957 at the Schloss
Morsbroich, Leverkusen.
Dubuffet exhibitions were subsequently held at the
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, in 1960–61;
Museum of Modern Art, New York,
Art Institute of Chicago in 1962;
Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1964; the Tate Gallery
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, in 1966
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, in 1966–67.
Collection of Dubuffet’s writings, Prospectus et tous écrits suivants, was
published in 1967, the same year he started his architectural structures.
Landscape with Three
Trees, 1959
‫"ארט ברוט מצוי בקוטב ההפוך למחנה הידע‪,‬‬
‫זהו מחנה הטאבולה ראסה‪ ,‬הלוח החלק‪,‬‬
‫העבודות הן בבחינת קולו של האיש‬
‫ולא של התאורטיקן‬
‫פעולת היצירה נובעת‬
‫מתוכן בצורתה הטהורה ביותר והיא מבטאת‬
‫אקסטזה של‬
‫כושר המצאה בלתי מרוסן‪,‬‬
‫שיכרון‪ ,‬חירות‬
‫דובופה (‪)1959‬‬
‫‪Court les rues‬‬
Spinning Round 1961
‫במהלך דרכו המיקצועית הארוכה‬
‫היה ז'ן דובופה חלוץ של עמדה מתריסה‬
‫ומרדנית כלפי האמנות והתרבות‪.‬‬
‫הוא ביקש מגע ישיר עם כוחות היצירה‬
‫ומצא מקור השראה במה שהוא כינה‬
‫'אמנות ברוט' (‪ - )Art Brut‬האמנות‬
‫הלא‪-‬מעובדת ‪ ,‬הלא‪-‬שפויה‪ ,‬האמנות‬
‫הלא‪-‬מערבית‪ ,‬ציורי ילדים וגרפיטי‪.‬‬
‫לשימוש שהוא עשה בחומרים‬
‫לא‪-‬קונבנציונליים‪ ,‬שהביעה מרד נגד‬
‫ההגדרות המסורתיות של יופי‪,‬‬
‫הייתה השפעה על אמנים רבים‬
‫בני המאה העשרים‪.‬‬
‫אחרי שהשלים את 'טקסטורולוגיות'‬
‫ואת 'מטריולוגיות' בסוף שנות ה‪ 50-‬של‬
‫המאה ה‪ ,20-‬חש דובופה שמיצה את‬
‫מחקר החומרים ותופעות הטבע‪.‬‬
‫'המומצא הוא שמקסים אותי כיום;‬
‫אני רעב ללא‪-‬אמיתי‪ ,‬לחיים המזוייפים‪,‬‬
‫הוא החל את סדרת 'קרקס פריז' שלו‬
‫בפברואר ‪ ,1961‬סדרה שבישרה שינוי‬
‫חשוב באמנותו‪ .‬פריז הייתה עכשיו‬
‫המוקד שלו‪ ,‬פריז דינמית ומסחררת‪ ,‬לא‬
‫פריז האמיתית‪ ,‬אלא זו המומצאת‪ ,‬פריז‬
‫שהוא הפך לקרקס קלידוסקופי‪' .‬אני‬
‫רוצה שהרחוב שלי יהיה משוגע‪,‬‬
‫השדרות הרחבות‪ ,‬החנויות והבניינים‪,‬‬
‫יצאו כולם במחול מטורף'‪ ,‬אמר האמן‪.‬‬
‫‪Paris Circus-1962‬‬
Gare Montparnasse Porte des Lilas - 1961
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran
‫פוארו זנזיבר‪1962 ,‬‬
‫בפוארו זנזיבר‪ ,‬דובופה מצרף יחד צבעים נקיים ובוהקים‪ ,‬דמויות מתוחמות בקו מתאר עז וסיסמאות‬
‫כתובות בכתב יד מצטרפים לכדי תמונה זוהרת‪ .‬הדמויות המצוירות בקו עצבני הן בעת ובעונה אחת‬
‫קומיות וגרוטסקיות‪ .‬אפן הארוך מזכיר לנו את פינוקיו‪ ,‬הן כמו מגחכות אל הצופה‪ ,‬ומזכירות לנו‬
‫שבשנות ה‪ 30-‬ייצר דובופה בובות‪ ,‬מסיכות ומריונטות למחייתו‪ .‬הבובות ממוסגרות בתאים ולצידן‬
‫כתובות דמויות גרפיטי‪ ,‬אשר תוכנן הוא גס או חסר משמעות‪ ,‬כמו שם התמונה‪.‬‬
Baba Solstice - 1961
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Actor in a Ruff, 1961
Bearded head
Bird Perched on the Corner of the Wall
Post-War and Contemporary Art
"Vache Tachetée"
"Ancien Combattant
Clairvoyant Beard
Schilderij La Main dans la Sac in het
van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven
Hopes and Options 1971
Soon thereafter, he began numerous commissions for monumental
outdoor sculptures. In 1971, he produced his first theater props, the
“practicables.” A Dubuffet retrospective was presented at the
Akademie der Kunst, Berlin, the Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna,
and the Joseph-Haubrichkunsthalle, Cologne, in 1980–81. In 1981, the
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum observed the artist’s 80th birthday
with an exhibition. Dubuffet died May 12, 1985, in Paris.
Guggenheim Collection - Dubuffet Biography
Cheveux de Sylvain
Pisser at the Wall
Jean Dubuffet, National Observer, 16 June 1973
"The Greek idea of the Seven Arts is very stupid. There are many more than
seven arts. The Arabic people know how to throw their cloaks over their
shoulders in a certain way. When Europeans go over there, they see that, but
they don't think it's an art because the Greeks didn't call cloak-throwing one
of the Seven Arts.
But the people who do it, they know it's an art. That's the reason I was
interested in the work of people who knew nothing of the art
of museums or have decided to forget all they have seen in museums, to fight
against it. The art in museums prevent people from creating. It's intimidating
to them ".
“Group of Four Trees” -Manhattan Plaza
Closerie Falbala, 1971-1973
Jean Dubuffet wanted his works to remain together, even after his death. The
foundation was set up in his lifetime, in 1973, to introduce the public to all his work.
The artist's pieces have been divided between two sites. To the south of Paris, a
private 19th-century mansion houses temporary exhibitions over three floors,
displaying various artistic periods.
The second site is a few miles from the capital, in Val-de-Marne. This houses the
largest work of art ever created by Dubuffet, "La Closerie Falbala", classified as an
historic monument, representing a white garden ringed with black, containing a villa
(where the artist liked to rest). Right next to this monumental creation, the artist's
former studios have been converted into exhibition rooms. More than 1000 of his
works are on show here, including paintings, sculptures, gouaches, architectural
models, etc. A journey into the mind of Dubuffet.
Jean Dubuffet the architect in the Archbishops’ Palace
The artist's major work, the Closerie Falbala, was classed as an
historic monument in 1998. It is situated close to the former sculpture
studios which now hold the artist's architectural models.
Jean Dubuffet dans "la closerie Falbala"
The Closerie Falbala is found in Périgny-sur-Yerres (a monumental sculpture with a
surface area of 1610 m2), a simulacrum of a walled garden in the centre of which stands
the Villa Falbala built by Jean Dubuffet to shelter the Cabinet Logologique
Monument with Standing Beast, James R. Thompson Center 1984
Vicissitudes - 1977
Tate Gallery, London
Dubuffet jean chaufferie avec cheminee 1970-1996
tour aux figures 1983-85
Dubuffet continues: "...My work preceding this cycle creates sinuous graphics
responding with immediacy to spontaneous and, so to speak, uncontrolled
impulses of my hand which traces them. These graphics start uncertain, fleeting,
ambiguous figures. Their movement unclenches in the spirit that finds itself in
their presence a " suractivation " of the faculty of seeing in their tangles all sorts
of objects which make and unmake themselves as the eye moves, thus aligning
intimately the transitory and the permanent, the real and the deceptive. It results in
(...) a grasp of conscience of the illusionary character of the world we believe to be
real, to which we call the real world. These graphics with constantly ambiguous
references have the virtue (...) to put into question the foundation of that which we
have traditionally looked at as reality and that is only in truth an option collectively
adopted to interprate the world which surrounds us amongst an infinate number of
other options, others that would be neither more or less legitimate..."
Jardin d'émail
Sculptures by Jean Dubuffet in Hakone Open Air Museum/Japan
‫קלריטה ואפרים‬
:‫הנכם מוזמנים להיכנס לאתר שלנו‬
‫נשמח לתגובות‬