Transcript Document

A Critical Infection Control Issue
At the end of this lesson the student
1. Able to wash hands with 100%
accuracy following procedure
2. Understand the basic principles
of aseptic handwashing.
Aseptic Handwashing
Handwashing is a basic task required in any
health occupation.
 Handwashing is generally considered to be
the most important method in preventing
the spread of infection.
 Regular handwashing is recommended for
routine cleansing of the hands when visibly
Aseptic Handwashing
Soap is used as a cleaning agent because it
aids in removal of germs.
 Liquid soap should be used, as bar soap can
contain microorganisms
 Warm water should be used, hot water will
burn hands and cold water lessens the
 Friction helps to rub off pathogens
Aseptic Handwashing
Fingertips must point downward to prevent
water from getting of forearms and running
down to contaminate hands.
 Dry towels must be used to turn the faucet
on and off, wet towels allow passage of
pathogens to the hands.
 Nails harbor dirt and must be cleaned with
the blunt end of an orange stick to prevent
Handwashing should be
1.When arriving and leaving work facility
2. Before and after every patient contact
3. Before moving from contaminated body
site to a clean body site
4. Any time hands are contaminated
5. Before applying and after removing gloves
6. Any time gloves are torn or punctured
Handwashing should be performed:
7. Before and after handling specimens
 8. After contact with any soiled item
 9. After picking up item from floor
 10. After personal use of the bathroom
 11. After you cough, sneeze, or use a tissue
 12. Before and after any contact with your
mouth or mucous membrane, such as
eating, drinking, smoking, applying lip
balm, or inserting or removing contact lens.
Hand Hygiene Techniques
Alcohol hand rub
Routine hand wash 10-15 seconds
Aseptic procedures 1 minute
Surgical wash 3-5 minutes
Routine Hand Wash
Repeat procedures until hands are clean
Areas Most Frequently Missed
HAHS © 1999
Hand Care
 Nails
 Rings
 Hand
 Cuts & abrasions
 “Chapping”
 Skin Problems
In Review:
Handwashing is the
simplest, most
effective measure for
the spread of infection.