As an artist my goal is to always put everything I have

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Transcript As an artist my goal is to always put everything I have

Studio spring 2011 part three
Studio Art Therapy ARTH 4973
Spring 2011
Joan Phillips, Instructor
I most often create art to reduce my stress and
anxiety about my school work. I usually
include a verse, song lyric, or other quote in
my art that has had some significance in my
life. I love to include floral and buttons in my
artwork because they are some of my favorite
things. I have been crafting all my life and
have no plans to ever stop.
Caitlin Morris
I mainly create images from imagination. I like to
start in the middle of the canvas then work
toward the edges creating multiple images
that either come from my imagination, my
memory, or pictures that i come across. I base
my choices of how confident I feel in
composing the image. From their I sketch out
a rough outline then add as much detail as
needed. Pen and Paper, Acrylic on Canvas
Kyle Verity
I rely on my goofiness to guide my creative
process. I use the music I listen to as a guide
for the colors I use; such as brighter colors for
happier music. I like to start with a single idea
and continue to utilize the entire piece of
material. I usually end up laughing at the
finished product which makes me smile.
Michael Diver
My artistic process is actually very simple. I take some
time to think about something I would enjoy making
and start to think about how to make it happen. My favorite
types of art to do are painting and drawing. My artistic
process just includes what would I like to see done, how
I would enjoy spending a few relaxing hours, and what is
calming and funny. These may seem like weird tactics or
ideas for creating artistic ideas because they aren’t very
complex or deep but the couple of hours I get to do
art in the studio I want to relax and just have fun.
Tina Pothoff
My inspiration comes from my joie de vivre.
I consider art to be an important aspect of life.
My ideas have mainly emerged from my desire to
spread this joy to others. My projects revolve around
vibrant colors and optimistic messages.
I have a tendency to make things more
complicated than they have to be. Having studio time
to work on my creations has allowed me to relax and
enjoy the process just as much as the end product.
Claire Philbin
I chose to paint seasonal trees because they are
hard to mess up but at the same time they are very
simple. I think trees are very beautiful and they
represent every season, snow on the leafless limbs
to blooming colorful flowers. I was mostly inspired
by a painting that I saw at local restaurant, it was
just a bunch of colorful trees. You can do so many
things with trees and it always comes out looking
very original.
Danielle McArthur
The inspiration for my work came to me randomly one day
when I saw our empty liquor bottles on the counter. For a
while everyday when I left my apartment, I would look at them
and wonder what I could do with them since they were empty
and sitting on the counter. I started thinking about decorating
them and using them as decorations because I like decorations
in general. Then it came to me, that I could use colored tissue
paper which would color the bottles and individualize them. I
cut out magazine clippings of things that had to do with my
personality and what I felt ould describe me. The colors, jewels,
and decorations on the bottle each describe something that I
like or what describes my personality. I decided to make one
for each of my roommates - each bottle representing their
Tania Suja
My project is painted canvas with cut magazine
circles pastes on. I chose bright colors because
they make me happy. Each piece of art has one
panel that has a pattern on it. It was a lot harder
than i thought it would be to find colors that
matched. There is a lot of diversity in the way
that the pictures can be hung. I really like the
way it turned out.
Elizabeth Burgess