Using Demonstrative Adjectives to Express Position

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Using Demonstrative Adjectives
to Express Position
Adjective-describes a noun
Give me the red book.
Give me that book.
Give me this book.
Pronoun-takes the place of a noun
Maria is next; give her the ball.
That pencil is yours; this is mine.
This book is mine; that is yours.
As you know, there are three kinds of
Demonstratives In Spanish:
• One that points out someone or
something near the speaker.
• One that points out someone or
something farther away.
• One that points out someone or
something at a greater distance.
= right here
allí = right there (further away)
= over there (great distance)
Demonstratives can also be pronouns that
take the place of nouns. They have the same
gender and number as the noun they replace
and have a written accent.
¿Saben quién es ese señor?
¿Ése? Sí, es el reportero.
Aquella reportera es del canal 2, ¿no?
Aquélla es del canal catorce.
In Spanish, the only difference between demonstrative
pronouns and demonstrative adjectives is that demonstrative
pronouns have a written accent.
Juan reads this book. (adjective)
Juan lee este libro.
Juan reads this one. (pronoun)
Juan lee éste.
That statue is Greek.
Esa estatua es griega.
That is American.
Ésa es americana.
This, That or
That One Over There???
• este-this
-Este libro es de Bill.
• ese-that
-Ese chico se llama Esteban.
• aquel-that one over there
-El libro es de aquel chico.
In Spanish, adjectives have four forms:
masculine singular, masculine plural,
feminine singular, feminine plural.
• este libro (this book)
estos libros (these books)
esta pluma (this pen)
estas plumas (these pens)
ese libro (that book)
esos libros (those books)
esa pluma (that pen)
esas plumas (those pens)
aquel libro (that book over there)
aquellos libros (those books over there)
aquella pluma (that pen over there)
aquellas plumas (those pens over there)
Here are the corresponding
demonstrative pronouns:
éste (this one - masculine)
éstos (these ones - masculine)
ésta (this one - feminine)
éstas (these ones - feminine)
ése (that one - masculine)
ésos (those ones - masculine)
ésa (that one - feminine)
ésas (those ones - feminine)
aquél (that one over there - masc.)
aquéllos (those ones over there - masc.)
aquélla (that one over there - fem.)
aquéllas (those ones over there - fem.)
Choose the correct demonstrative
adjective that corresponds to
"this" or "these."
1.this book
este/esta libro
2.these apartments
estas/estos apartamentos
Choose the correct demonstrative
adjective that corresponds to
"that" or "those."
3. those women
esos/esas mujeres
4. that bed
esa/eso cama
5. that girl
eso/esa chica
Choose the correct demonstrative adjective
that corresponds to "that _____ over there"
or "those _____ over there."
5. that lady over there
aquella/aquello señora
6. those buildings over there
aquellos/aquel edificios
7. that guy over there by the gym
aquel/aquellos chico
Choose the correct demonstrative
adjective or demonstrative pronoun
8. That book is mine, but that one over there is
Ese libro es mío, pero aquel/aquél es suyo.
9. These magazines are mine, but those over
there are his.
Estas revistas son mías, pero
aquellas/aquéllas son suyas.
10.This magazine is mine, but that one is hers.
Esta/ésta revista es mía, pero ésa es suya.
¿Cuál pájaro te gusta?
¿Cuál gato te gusta?
¿Cuál perro te gusta?
¿Cuál postre prefieres?
¿Cuál zapatos prefieres?
Today’s work…p.83 ACT 9 ODDS
Cambia el artículo definido a la forma correcta de adjetivo
demonstrativo para hablar de los problemas del periódico.
Escribe cada oración de tres maneras.
(Replace the definite article with all three forms of the
demonstrative adjectives.) No accents required.
1. La cámara no sirve.
Esta/Esa/Aquella cámara no sirve.
9. Los titulares no llaman la atención.