Field Instructor Orientation to Field EducationSPRING 2015

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Transcript Field Instructor Orientation to Field EducationSPRING 2015

Field Instructor
Orientation to Field
UCF School of Social Work
Field Education Office
Field Education Faculty and Staff
Jacquie Withers, LCSW – Coordinator of Field Education
Shelley Hall, MSW – Asst. Coordinator of Field Education
Shellene Mazany, LCSW – Instructor, Field Education
Shanice Rodriguez - Program Assistant
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Accreditation Standards in Field Education
Set forth by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)
 10
Core Competencies and 41 Practice Behaviors
 31 Advanced Practice Behaviors (Clinical students only)
Accreditation standards incorporated into Field Seminar and Field
Education documents
Students instructed on use of forms throughout Field Seminar
Agency Field Instructors can find documents online at School of
Social Work website, under “FIELD” tab or can request electronic
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Accreditation Standards in Field Education
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
Core Competencies (10)
1. Identify with social work profession
2. Apply ethical principals in practice
3. Apply critical thinking in practice
4. Incorporate diversity into practice
5. Advocate for human rights and social justice
6. Engage in informed research
7. Apply knowledge of human behavior in the social environment
8. Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being
9. Respond to contexts that shape practice
10. Engage, assess, intervene and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations and
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field-At-A-Glance (Handout)
2014 – 2015
Generalist MSW
Clinical MSW
1. Assessing needs and resources
2. Providing resources
3. Obtaining resources (case
4. Developing/Improving resources
1. Assessing needs and resources
2. Providing resources
3. Obtaining resources (case
4. Developing/Improving resources
1. Clinical practice with individuals
2. Clinical practice with families
3. Clinical practice with groups
Entry-level practice
Entry-level practice
Community-based clinical practice
Type of Internship
Spring Semester Only
Concurrent with course work
Concurrent with course work
Total Internship Hours
420 Total Field Hours
400 Total Field Hours
600 Total Field Hours
Hours/Semesters in Field
(Full Time Students)
28 hours/week during Spring
Average 14 hours/week Fall and
Spring semester (200 hours each
semester) Start 2nd week of Class.
Average 20 hours/week Fall and
Spring semester (300 hours each
Hours/Semesters in Field
(Part Time Students)
17 hours/week Spring semester
(250 hours)
14 hours/week Summer semester
(170 hours)
Average 10 hours/week Fall and
Spring (150 hours each semester)
Average 8 hours/week Summer
semester (100 hours)
Average 13 hours/week Fall and
Spring (200 hours each semester)
Average 16 hours/week Summer
semester (200 hours)
Supervision Required
1 hour/week with BSW or MSW
1 hour/week with MSW
1 hour/week with MSW
FT – 1.5 hours every other week during
Fall and Spring semesters
FT – 1.5 hours every other week during
Fall and Spring semesters
Field Seminar
FT – 3 hours/week during Spring
PT – 2 hours/week Spring semester
and 1 hour/week Summer semester
PT – 1 hour every other week during
Fall, Spring and Summer semesters
PT – 1 hour every other week during
Fall, Spring and Summer semesters
Field Seminar Instructor
Field Seminar Instructor
Field Seminar Instructor
Learning Competencies
January 2015
Field Paperwork
turned in to:
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Required Field Hours
Full-Time Students:
Complete a TOTAL of 420 hours at field placement:
 Spring Semester: 28 hrs./week = 420 hours
Part-Time Students
 Spring
Semester: 17 hrs./week = 250 hours
 Summer Semester: 14 hrs./week = 170 hours
Total = 420 hours
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Block Placement in Field
 Throughout spring semester, students are required to take the
3-hour Field Seminar course while also completing their field
 Part-time students are in the Field Seminar course spring and
summer semester(s)
 Some students may have additional courses to take during
spring semester as well
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Important Dates
Spring Semester Begins: January 12, 2015
Spring Semester Ends: April 27, 2015
Exam Week: Wednesday, April 29 – Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Students must be in their field placement through the end of
the semester/cannot end early
Students may work a few days past the semester ending date
during finals week
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Important Dates
Spring Break: March 9-14, 2015
LEAD Day: Monday, March 23 & Tuesday, March 24,
**Students who attend are eligible to receive 14 field
hours for attending
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Purpose of Field Seminar Class
Opportunity for student to process field experience:
Develop a sense of self in practice
Become familiar with other agencies; community resources
Experience and process ethical dilemmas
Strive for cultural sensitivity & competence
Understand realities of social, political & economical injustice
Gain understanding of CSWE Accreditation standards
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Seminar Instructor/Liaison
Teaches Field Seminar
Serves as liaison between the university and the agency
Conducts site visit with agency during semester
Maintains phone and e-mail contact with the Field Instructor throughout
the field placement
Contact person for any problems that arise with students during the
course of their internship (please initiate contact early and as often as
necessary to assist you with problems)
Each Agency Field Instructor will receive an email from their Field
Liaison within the first 1-2 weeks of the field placement
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
BSW Field Seminar Faculty & Staff
Robin Kohn, LCSW
Linda Manning, LCSW
Shellene Mazany, LCSW
Marixa Salgado, MSW
Valerie Smith, MSW
Michelle Vance, MSW
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Agency Roles
Field Instructor
MSW Degree with 2 years post-MSW social work experience or BSW
Degree with 5 years post experience
LCSW preferred but not mandatory
Attend 16-hour supervisory course
Task Supervisor
January 2015
Agency staff member assigned to supervise specific learning tasks
given to student
May provide ongoing feedback to student regarding performance in
field and participate in student evaluation with Agency Field
Instructor and student
May sign certain field documents
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Role of Agency Field Instructor
Critical component of student success
Work closely with the UCF Seminar Instructor/Liaison
Sign all documents required by the School of Social Work
(Learning Contract, Evaluations, Supervisory Log, Record of Field
Specific Tasks:
Provide student with a general orientation to field agency
Identify and/or design learning assignments for the student
Review, modify (as needed) and sign the student’s Learning
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Role of Agency Field Instructor
Provide weekly supervision (minimum of 1 hour per week) to
assist in relating assignments and theory to social work practice
Encourage the integration of knowledge, skill sets and professional
values into the intern’s own style of practice
Allow opportunities for interns to see in practice the values of our
profession and ways to integrate these into their own interactions
in the field
Process issues associated with the profession of social work (ethical
dilemmas, conflicts of interest, etc.)
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Role of Agency Field Instructor
Provide ongoing feedback to student regarding performance in
Communicate with the UCF Field Seminar/Liaison to discuss
student progress and/or performance issues
Complete evaluation of student performance (see Midterm
Evaluation and Semester Evaluation on School of Social Work
Review evaluation(s) with student
Optional: complete request form for a Certificate of Participation
(must be submitted to the Coordinator of Field Education within 2
weeks of the end of the semester).
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Supervision & Generational Differences
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Supervision & Generational Differences
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
UCF Field Program Expectations of Agency
Agency orientation for student at start of internship (comparable
to orientation provided to a new employee)
 Tour of facility, introduction to agency personnel, assignment of
mailbox, office, etc.
 Primary mechanism for ensuring that student understands
functions and expectations of agency
 Allows student to gain basic familiarity with agency setting and
practices before specific tasks are assigned
 Description of the history, philosophy and goals of the agency
 Profile of clients served, services offered, eligibility requirements
and source of referrals
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
UCF Field Program Expectations of Agency
Agency orientation (cont.)
 Organizational structure and governing body, staffing pattern,
funding sources and interface with other agencies
 Review of relevant agency procedures, forms & requirements
as delineated in agency policy manuals
 Available agency in-service training and community seminars
 Other information as related to assigned work area & specific
tasks (i.e., work schedule, record keeping procedures,
confidentiality laws, dress requirements, time/day of
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Learning Activities for Students in Field
 Initial assignment of cases and projects should be made
within the first three weeks of placement so the student
immediately feels involved and productive
 Learning assignments should be designed according to the
goals and objectives for the specified learning level
 A minimum of 50% of the student’s field hours should be
face-to-face client contact
 Assignments should include a variety of practice experiences
& wide range of meaningful encounters with the social service
delivery system
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Evaluation of Student Performance
Evaluation - ongoing activity throughout the field
 Issues with student performance should be swiftly
addressed by Agency Field Instructor so resolution can be
 If resolution is not successful, Agency Field Instructor
should inform the Field Liaison and/or Field Coordinator
 Agency Field Instructor urged to contact Field Office early
to support and assist in the process
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Documents & Student Assignments
 Students are given a schedule of assignments & due dates for
all assignments at 1st Field Seminar class (first week of the
 It is the student’s responsibility to provide documents to the
Agency Field Instructor & to allow adequate time for
completion (minimum two weeks)
 Agency Field Instructors are not expected or advised to
complete evaluations or other field documents if submitted at
last-minute by student
 ALL evaluations must be completed by the Agency Field
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Documents & Student Assignments
Learning Contract
Student must provide Agency Field Instructor a copy of Learning
Completed by the student with guidance/input from the Agency
Field Instructor and/or Task Supervisor
One document for all semesters
Should be realistic, specific, achievable with target dates for
It is unacceptable for a student to present a blank Learning Contract
to a Agency Field Instructor and claim: “I don’t know how to do
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Documents & Student Assignments
Record of Field Hours
 Brought to weekly supervision for signature (by Agency Field Instructor
or Task Supervisor)
 Will not be accepted by Field Office if all field hours are signed on one
 Will be checked by the Field Seminar Instructor/Liaison during class
 Students are eligible for field hours for LEAD Day only. Other
extracurricular activities/events do not qualify for field hours unless
requested by agency and is related to field placement
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Documents & Student Assignments
Supervisory Log
 Brought to weekly supervision for signature by Agency Field
 Log should be completed with specific information about the
content of supervision; stating “cases discussed” is not
 Will be checked by Field Seminar Instructor/Liaison during
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Your Student: What You Can Expect
 Feelings of anxiety and excitement at the same time
during initial weeks of internship
 May “cling to you like Velcro” at first but do wish to
become independent (in most cases!)
 Have attended a thorough orientation to Field
Education (the following are slides that are shown to
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
Importance of field placement…
 Presents multiple opportunities to become part of the
professional social work community; network
 Opportunity to establish professional reputation; leading to
professional references and job opportunities
 Poor performance at your field placement can have
negative consequences as a developing professional
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
Polite, respectful attitude
 Punctual; always able to locate if necessary
 Positive attitude during supervision
 Use of appropriate title for supervisor (do not call your supervisor by
his/her first name)
 Appropriate dress (No exposure of mid-section of body, no jeans or
shorts, flip flops, etc.)
 Personal hygiene
 Strong work ethic
 View self as agency employee; team player
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
Social Media & Technology
 Students
are prohibited from using Facebook,
Instagram, Vine, Twitter or other social media sites
while at field placement
 It is unacceptable to “friend request” Field
Instructor/Task Supervisor
 Paying bills online or completing other personal
tasks while at internship is not permitted
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
Insurance and liability issues:
 Under NO circumstances is a student to transport a client in
personal vehicle
 Students are covered by Liability Insurance by the University
of Central Florida
 Students are NOT covered by worker’s compensation by their
agency in the event of an injury on the job
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
The supervisory relationship:
 Relationship
between student and Field Instructor
is always professional not personal
 Do not socialize with Field Instructor outside of
field placement unless it is a work event
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
January 2015
Establish a regular schedule with agency Field Instructor/Task
Don’t be late to agency; if delayed for a legitimate reason, sick or
there is an emergency immediately inform field agency
Students who falsify field hours in any form are reported to Office of
Student Conduct, receive a failing grade for course and forfeit ALL
earned field hours
The Field Office strongly recommends that agencies keep a separate
sign-in log for all students to record the hours they are working
It is unacceptable to miss hours at your field agency due to studying,
exams or assignments due
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Information Provided to Students
Agency time-off/vacation policies
 Students
MUST discuss time off expectations and needs
in advance (and obtain approval) with appropriate
agency staff
 Students follow the expectations/calendar of the agency
and not the academic calendar
 Holidays are based on the agency’s holiday calendar not
the academic calendar
 Students do not accrue field placement hours during
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Sincere Appreciation From Field Office
THANK YOU for your ongoing commitment as a
Field Instructor for our students – we cannot
achieve success without you!
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Field Education
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education
Sincere Appreciation From Field Office
January 2015
University of Central Florida - Office of Field Education