Hallowe’en: Faith and Fun

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Hallowe’en: Faith and Fun
Did you know?
Hallowe’en dates back to the ancient
Celtic celebration of New Year’s Eve
called the Samhain (This means
‘Summer’s End’ in Irish) which marked
the onset of Winter.
The Celts believed that the sun was in danger of
being kidnapped by Winter and feared that the
spirits of the dead might damage their crops.
Trick or Treat!
The phrase Trick or Treat also originates from the
Ancient Celts who believed that spirits and ghosts
roamed the countryside on Hallowe’en night. The
people wore costumes and masks to avoid being
recognised as humans.
Legend has it that Jack
O’Lantern was a man who
sold his soul to the devil,
and thus could not get into
Spookier still, it is said he
roams the Earth to this
day, with a turnip carved
into a lantern and the fire
of hell burns within!
Why Pumpkins?
In the previous slide we learned that Jack O’Lanterns
were originally carved from turnips. When the Irish
arrived in America, they had to use pumpkins instead of
turnips. It is clear that America then embraced the idea
as it now generates an estimated $6b spending spree
in the US annually at this time of year.
Trick or Treat is also
believed to have come
from the practice of
‘souling’; this was when
poor people went from
door to door begging for
food, in particular, ‘soul
cakes’ (barm brack) in
exchange for them saying
prayers for the souls of the
Christian Feast Days
By 800 AD, Christianity was well established in Ireland
and the feast of All Saints’ Day was fixed to take place
on November 1st. Around this time it came to be that
All Souls’ Day proceeded this and was celebrated on
October 31st (Hallowe’en – Hallowed Eve).
As we already know, black and orange are the colours associated with Hallowe’en, here’s
Orange = Represents Harvest and Autumn
Black = Death and Darkness
Did you know? In Mexico, this feast is known as
‘The Day of the Dead’ and it is believed that on this
night, spirits return to visit their loved ones.
As part of the custom in Mexico, sweets are offered in
the form of skull shapes. The people believe that the
spirits absorb the smell of the sweet and savoury
If you suffer from a phobia of Hallowe’en and all
things spooky, the correct term for your
affliction is Samhainaphobia!!
Where does Banshee come from?
The banshee is a female spirit in Irishfolklore, usually
seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the
other world.
In legend, a banshee is a fairy woman who begins to
wail if someone is about to die. In Scottish Gaelic
Mythology, she is known as the bean sith or beannighe and is seen washing the bloodstained clothes or
armour of those who are about to die.
Vampires are associated with Hallowe’en. Vampires
are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by
feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of
blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they
are undead or a living person/being. ‘Dracula’ is a
famous character who features in a story based on a
Count who lived in Translyvania, written by the Irish
author, Bram Stoker.
On October 31st, it’s important to remember that the
day/night is not just about dressing up in frightful
costumes and eating sweets. As it is All Souls’ Day
we remember those who have died belonging to us
and those who may have no one left to pray for
them. We can go to Mass and light a candle for them
to honour their memory.
On November 1st, we celebrate All Saints’ Day. We
can pray to the Saints whilst at Mass and show our
gratitude as we remember that they intercede for
us all the time.
You can recite this simple prayer for your loved
This time of year is all about FAITH and FUN!!
Happy Halloween!!