Transcript Jeopardy

American Revolution
Q 11
Q 16
Q 21
Q 12
Q 17
Q 22
Q 13
Q 18
Q 23
Q 14
Q 19
Q 24
Q 10
Q 15
Q 20
Q 25
Final Jeopardy
Question 1
England wanted to control its
colonies for these reasons.
Answer 1
What are 1. to remain a world power
2. to get the money from
the taxes to pay for the
French and Indian war ?
Question 2
England taxed the colonies
for these reasons.
Answer 2
What are 1. to help pay for the
French and Indian War ?
2. to help maintain the
troops that were in the
colonies ?
Question 3
The colonists were dissatisfied for
these five reasons.
Answer 3
What are 1. no representation in
2. resented power of the
colonial governors
3. England wanted to
control colonial legislature
4. opposed taxes
5. Proclamation of 1763
hampered westward movement ?
Question 4
John Locke thought all people had
a right to this.
Answer 4
What is --life, liberty and property ?
Question 5
John Locke thought this about the
Answer 5
What is --the government’s purpose is
to protect the rights of the people and
it only has the powers that the people
give it ?
Question 6
Define unalienable rights.
Answer 6
What are --rights that cannot be
taken away ?
Question 7
The Declaration of Independence says
that people have these unalienable
Answer 7
What are --life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness ?
Question 8
These are the four main philosophies
of the Declaration of Independence.
Answer 8
What are 1. unalienable rights
2. government is to protect these
3. government gets it power from
the people
4. people have a right & a duty to
change the government that
violates their rights ?
Question 9
He was the British king during the
Revolutionary period.
Answer 9
Who was --King George?
Question 10
He was the British General
who surrendered at Yorktown.
Answer 10
Who was --Lord Conwallis ?
Question 11
He championed the cause of
Answer 11
Who was --John Adams ?
Question 12
He was the Commander of the
Continental Army.
Answer 12
Who was --George Washington ?
Question 13
He was the major author of the
Declaration of Independence.
Answer 13
Who was --Thomas Jefferson?
Question 14
He was the outspoken member of
the House of Burgesses and inspired
colonial patriotism with “Give me
liberty or give me Death” speech.
Answer 14
Who was --Patrick Henry ?
Question 15
He was a prominent member of the
Continental Congress and helped
frame the Declaration of
Answer 15
Who was --Benjamin Franklin?
Question 16
He was the journalist who
wrote Common Sense.
Answer 16
Who was --Thomas Paine ?
Question 17
She was a former slave who wrote
poetry and plays supporting
American independence.
Answer 17
Who was --Phillis Wheatley?
Question 18
He was the patriot who made a daring
ride to warn the colonists that “The
British are coming”.
Answer 18
Who was --Paul Revere ?
Question 19
During this event colonists in
Boston were shot after taunting the
British soldiers.
Answer 19
What is --the Boston Massacre?
Question 20
During this event Samuel Adams and
Paul Revere led patriots in throwing
tea into the harbor to protest tea taxes.
Answer 20
What is --the Boston Tea Party ?
Question 21
During this meeting delegates from
all colonies met to discuss problems
with England and to promote
Answer 21
What was --the First Continental
Congress ?
Question 22
This was the site of the first armed
conflict of the Revolutionary War.
Answer 22
What was --the Battle of Lexington
and Concord ?
Question 23
This was the result of the approval
of the Declaration of Independence.
Answer 23
What is --the colonies were declared
independent from England on July
4, 1776 ?
Question 24
This American victory was the
turning point of the Revolutionary
Answer 24
What was --the Battle of Saratoga ?
Question 25
The Revolutionary War ended here
because of this.
Answer 25
What is --the colonial forces won at
Yorktown, Virginia and General
Cornwallis surrendered ?
Final Jeopardy
The colonists were able to defeat the
British for these three reasons.
Final Jeopardy Answer
What are 1. they were defending their
own land, beliefs and
2. they had the support of
France and Spain
3. they had strong
leadership ?