Cryptic art of the catacombs: Fish & Anchor

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Transcript Cryptic art of the catacombs: Fish & Anchor

Christian Art: History & Theology
The beginnings of Christian
art: from catacombs to
Iconoclastic Controversy.
John of Damascus’ defense
of icons.
Functions of the icons in
the Church.
Apse mosaic. St Catherine's
Monastery, Sinai. c. 565/6.
Cryptic art of the catacombs
6 Sinai Christ
Catacomb of Domitilla. Rome. 3rd c.
Christ’s appearance hinted at. Christ as…
Catacomb of Domitilla. Rome. 3rd c.
Christ teaching apostles
Catacomb of Domitilla. Rome. 3rd c.
This is Plotinus and
his students
And this is…
Church of St Julia,
Brescia. Ivory panel. ca.
What is Jesus doing?
This is Jesus too (believe it or not)
Rome, Museo Nazionale Delle Terme, ca. 350.
Christ surrounded by apostles
Basilica of St Pudenziana, Rome, ca. 400.
Youthful Christ
Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, 522-47.
Times change
Christ is now surrounded by…
The Dominant Image in the Byzantine period
Christ Pantokrator. Hagia Sophia, Instanbul, ca. 1185
How did Jesus really look like?
Sinai icon compared to the negative of the image on the Shroud of Turin
Reasons for the outbreak of iconoclasm
Reaction to the loss of Eastern provinces to the Arabs
Reasons for the outbreak of iconoclasm
Reaction to the loss of Eastern provinces to the Arabs
Impact of Islam upon Emperor Leo III
Emperor’s attempt to break the power of the
monastic institutions
Reasons for the outbreak of iconoclasm in the 8th c.
• Emperor’s attempt to break the power of the
monastic institutions
• Reaction to the loss of Eastern provinces to the
• Impact of Islam upon Emperor Leo III
Iconoclastic council in 754
Sum up the arguments of the
iconoclasts against the use of
Iconoclasts destroying icons.
Chludov Psalter c. 850-75.
Questions continued…
According to the
iconoclasts, what
is the only
representation of
the incarnation?
What practical
did the council
The Cross, after 740. Apse
mosaic. St Irene, Istanbul.
The Theotokos and Child
(replacing a cross) 787-97
and 11th cent. Apse mosaic.
St Sophia, Thessaloniki.
Iconoclastic controversy timeline
• 726 Emperor Leo III (717-741) issues a ban on
all religious imagery
• 754 Iconoclastic council summoned in
• 787 Second Council of Nicea defends the use of
• 843 Iconoclastic period ends. Empress Theodora
allows the restoration of icons.
John of Damascus (675-749)
• Brought up at the court of
the caliph of Damascus
• Resigned his position and
entered monastery of St.
Sabbas c. 726
• Wrote On the Orthodox
• Defended icons (seminar)
Defense of Icons by John of Damascus
1. State John’s arguments for the use of icons.
2. Which position, iconoclast or iconodule, do you
find most convincing? Why?
Wall-painting from the Synagogue at
Dura. General view, west wall.
Binding of Isaac. Floor mosaic. Synagogue of
Beth Alpha, c. 518 C.E.
Functions of Icons in the Church 1:
“The Bible for the illiterate”
Functions of Icons in the Church 2:
Means of remembrance
Functions of Icons in the Church 3:
Theology in Color
Functions of Icons in the Church 4:
Windows into the Kingdom of Heaven
Functions of Icons in the Church:
“The Bible for the illiterate”
Means of remembrance
Theology in color
Windows into the kingdom of heaven
“Crutches of prayer”
Photograph-portrait-icon: similarities and
Portrait Artist's Workshop.
Painted Sarcophagus (detail). 1st century AD
Kerch, Bosporan Kingdom
Christ teaching apostles