Post-election Special

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Post-election Special
The Obama as Antichrist
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• Barack Obama's election on Tuesday set off
international celebrations and ignited a fervor for
the United States that has been unseen since the
days immediately following the September 11,
2001, terror attacks.
• To some observers, the international reaction has
elevated America's president-elect to an
unparalleled post: president of the world.
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• In Kenya, where Obama's father was born, a
national holiday was declared on Thursday. In
Indonesia, children danced at the school Obama
attended when he was a young boy, embracing
him as much for what he represents abroad as
for the policies he advocates at home.
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• "People from all over Africa, especially in Kenya,
where this is a holiday, are feeling that the most
powerful person in the world does not have to
be a white guy. That's a huge breakthrough for
the United States and for humanity," said Walter
Russell Mead, the Henry A. Kissinger senior
fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on
Foreign Relations.
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• "This is the fall of the Berlin Wall times ten,"
Rama Yade, France's junior minister for human
rights, told French radio. "On this morning, we all
want to be American, so we can take a bite of
this dream unfolding before our eyes.”
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• America's popularity abroad waned dramatically
during the Bush administration, and some voters
expressed hopes that in electing Obama, they
could restore the country's image. The wave of
good feelings since Tuesday night suggests that
even before taking office, Obama has made
substantial inroads.
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• "This may be the beginning of a new world. It
marks the end of old elites and opens the door
for new approaches worldwide," an Israeli man
in his mid-50s said in Tel Aviv.
• Foreign observers, who paid rapt attention
during the long election season, are taking a
personal stake in the outcome of a vote a world
away. Expectations are high for the 47-year-old
Obama, who will take over on January 20 amid a
financial collapse and who will preside over two
wars on his first day in office.
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• "The standing of everybody in the world is going
to be affected by what President Obama does or
doesn't do," said Mead, noting that all eyes will
be looking to the new president for a way out of
the global financial crisis.
• In the Muslim world, the response has been
mixed. A journalist with a pan-Arab news channel
told FOX News that on election night, workers
were going around the newsroom congratulating
each other, as if Obama were their presidentelect.
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• Iraqis have expressed skepticism that any rapid
changes will come as a result of the election, but
many see their fates ineluctably tied to Obama's
foreign policy. "By God, the new American
President Obama has promised to pull the troops
out. This is in the best interest of the Iraqi
people," said one Baghdadi.
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• Arab heads of state have been more circumspect,
waiting to see whether Obama's Mideast policy will
depart significantly from that of the Bush
administration, and some newspapers in the Arab
world have openly announced their distrust of the
• "There is no significant difference between Obama
and McCain. They disagree only on the means to
achieve America's chief goal, which is to rule for
another hundred years," said an editorial in the
Saudi daily Al-Watan, according to the Middle East
Media Research Institute, which monitors the Arab
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• Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
congratulated Obama Thursday for his win -- the
first time an Iranian leader has welcomed an
incoming president since the 1979 Islamic
Revolution. And some Iranians, speaking to FOX
News, said they were excited by the prospect of
the coming administration.
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• "I want to congratulate you on Barack Obama's
victory that really turned a new chapter in the
world's history -- that an African-American man,
decent and intelligent, became president of the
world," one Iranian said.
• "This was done in America. Your nation has the
credit for it." - Fox News
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• Credit?
• Sorry to break the bad news to Joe the Plumber.
But the winner of Campaign 2008 is Peggy the
Moocher. No matter who moves into the White
House, Peggy has good reason to do a happy
dance. The plain, ugly fact is that both major
political parties are committed to spreading the
wealth in one form or another. It's all just a
question of how much and how quickly.
• Who is Peggy the Moocher?
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• She's Peggy Joseph, a voter in Sarasota, Fla., who
exulted earlier this week at a Barack Obama rally
that this was "the most memorable time of my
life." Why? As she told a Florida reporter on a
YouTube video that has been viewed by
hundreds of thousands: "Because I never
thought this day would ever happen. I won't
have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't
have to worry about paying my mortgage. You
know. If I help [Obama], he's gonna help me."
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• Messianic fever grips a segment of the American
populace and media.
• A great leader seems to them poised to redeem our
collective sins and change nearly everything,
bringing about a new era in which permanent
solutions are found to age-old conditions.
• Whenever I watch Barack Obama, listen to his
eloquent but nonspecific oratory, and see the nearswooning young people who invariably follow him
wherever he goes, I cannot help but think of the
pied piper and wonder toward what destination he
is marching our youth.
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February 11, 2008
Obama's Politics of Collective Redemption
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
"Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is
promising too much. Where it wishes to do the
work of God, it becomes not divine, but
demonic." Pope Benedict XVIA
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• Obama is having this pied-piper effect not only
on kids, but also on a large swath of Democrat
and not a few independents and Republican
voters, too.
• Call me skeptical, but this whole Obama
phenomenon seems downright eerie.
• Over and over again, Obama invokes his double
mantra: "It's time for change!" and "Yes, we
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Obama's name plus one other word:
Obama + messianic 75,200
Obama + savior 226,000
Obama + prophet 312,000
Obama + Christ 504,000
Obama + change 4,540,000
Obama AND Antichrist = 932,000
Obama AND Savior = 1,710,000
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• A number of internet postings indicate that a
great many see Obama in not only political
terms, but also wrapped in the untarnished cloak
of some vague spiritual-awakening.
• It is quite tempting to assume that Barack
Obama simply is harvesting the inevitable fruits
of 35 years of dumbed-down, political
indoctrination in the guise of education in this
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• This is dangerous. The problem goes deeper,
right into the human soul.
• A lust for transformation is a common feature of
revolutionaries, and when they succeed in
grabbing power, the results usually are brutal.
• Less than a century ago, massive numbers of
people fell for a different political messiah on the
European continent, and they were products of
an education system and cultural establishment
widely regarded as a world leader.
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• That place was, of course, Germany.
• And the political messiah promoting "change"
was Adolph Hitler.
• Hitler's slogan: "Alles muss anders sein!"
("Everything must be different!")
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• Hitler used each of these phrases to describe his
own political program:
• "A declaration of war against the order of things
which exist, against the state of things which exist, in
a word, against the structure of the world which
presently exists.”
• "revolutionary creative will" which had "no fixed
aim, no permanency, only eternal change.”
• "an ethic of self-sacrifice”
• "people's community”
• "public need before private greed”
• "communally-minded social consciousness"
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• All of these expressions came from Adolph Hitler.
• Saul Alinsky, one of Obama's primary political
mentors, espoused eerily similar societal
admonitions in his book Reveille for Radicals; p.
133 and 105:
• "A People's Organization (later changed to
"community organization") is dedicated to an
eternal war. It is a war against poverty, misery,
delinquency, disease, injustice, hopelessness,
despair, and unhappiness."
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• "A People's Organization is not a philanthropic
plaything or a social service's ameliorative
• It is a deep, hard-driving force, striking and
cutting at the very roots of all the evils which
beset the thinks and acts in terms of
social surgery and not cosmetic cover-ups."
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• "There is hope, and life is worth living.
• There may not be a light at the end of the trail
but they (the masses) have a light in their hands,
a light they made themselves, and they know
that not only will they themselves have to work
out their own destiny but that they themselves
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Obama says, "Yes we can!"
Exactly what should change and how is unclear.
Time for Tough Questions and Straight Answers
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• More than four months ago, when a reporter
noticed that Obama was no longer wearing an
American flag lapel pin, and asked if he were
making a fashion statement, this was part of
Obama's reply:
• "Instead," (of wearing the pin) he said, "I'm going
to try to tell the American people what I believe
will make this country great, and hopefully that
will be a testimony to my patriotism."
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• Well, here we are a week after Super Tuesday
and it seems we are still waiting for Obama to
expound upon the "what" and the "how" of this
ethereal "change" mantra, to spell out his
commitment to "patriotism."
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• Little has been made in the mainstream press of
the brand of black liberation theology preached
by Obama's pastor and spiritual mentor, Rev.
Jeremiah Wright, Jr., who holds a master's degree
on world religions with a focus on Islam, and who
has traveled to Middle Eastern countries in the
company of Louis Farrakhan. Rev. Wright created
and presides over the Center for African Biblical
studies, whose mission is African-centered Bible
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• "We are an African people, and we remain true to
our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of
• Several forms of liberation theology sprouted during
the 20th century, all espousing a third way between
godless communism and the socialist utopian
• All are predicated upon an acceptance that sin is not
individual, but collective, and that sin cannot be
overcome through religious conversion, but only by
a people's struggle against all injustice.
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• Congregations of various faiths and
denominations have been used as platforms for
collective statist approaches to human
• The social gospel espoused by religious-left
churches in the U.S. is another form of liberation
theology, which takes a political route to
redemption for man's collective soul.
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• According to liberation theologies, God does not
save men.
• Man saves himself through a political process of
absolute social justice.
• Writing in 2004, as Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,
Pope Benedict had this to say about liberation
theology in his book, Truth and Tolerance (p.
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• "...this struggle (against all injustice), it was said,
would have to be a political struggle, because the
structures (of oppression) were strengthened and
maintained by politics. Thus redemption became a
political process, for which Marxist philosophy
offered the essential directions. It became a task
that men themselves could -- indeed had to -- take
in hand and became, at the same time, the object of
quite practical hopes; faith was changed from
‘theory' into practice, into concrete redeeming
action in the liberation process." (emphases mine)
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• Consider these statements from Obama's campaign
website, contained in his video invitation for all to
"join us in changing the Country.”
• "We believe in what this Country can be.”
• "In the face of war, we believe there can be peace.”
• "In the face of despair, we believe there can be
• "...America can be one people reaching for what's
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• Obama indeed seems to be offering a people's
government solution to all human problems.
• He is, after all, running for President of the United
States, not for a pulpit.
• Substituting the state for God as provider has been
the inherent common thread in all Marxist regimes.
• And in this seemingly redemptive offering, Obama
may be promising what only God can actually
deliver, in the form of yet another, more eloquent,
version of the same old utopian dream that started
with Rousseau and Marx.
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• Can man successfully redeem himself through
collective transformation and liberation?
• Pope Benedict says "No" rather emphatically, in
Truth and Tolerance. Writing of the fall of the Soviet
Union:"...where the Marxist ideology of liberation
had been consistently applied, a total lack of
freedom had developed, whose horrors were now
laid bare before the eyes of the entire
world. Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is
promising too much. Where it wishes to do the
work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."
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• Coincidentally, Saul Alinsky began his book Rules
for Radicals:
• "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder
acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all
our legends, mythology, and history (and who is
to know where mythology leaves off and history
begins -- or which is which), the first radical
known to man who rebelled against the
establishment and did it so effectively that he at
least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."
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• Attempting to discern true meaning from Obama's
speeches gives one the feeling of having been
trapped in a sort of verbal quicksand.
• Hair-pulling levels of frustration await any effort to
find any specific meaning.
• A sensation of lethargic sinking into an abyss of
abstract gibberish awaits the mind looking for
• Obama's public statements, his speeches, even his
"present" votes in the Illinois legislature leave one
dangerously unsure of his true intentions.
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• Obama's World Tour was planned as the high point
of his campaign, with the candidate retracing the
footsteps of great presidents of the past,
hobnobbing with world leaders and as one pundit
put it, "making the Europeans love us again.”
• Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he
addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of
the world."
• It was a typically flowery Obama speech, but it hit an
unexpectedly sour note when he dramatically
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• "People of Berlin – people of the world – this is
our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye
toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let
us remember this history, and answer our
destiny, and remake the world once again.”
• Pundits on both sides are trying to sort it out. It's
a great speech, like I said, if somebody is running
for president of the world… - Hal Lindsey
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• Whatever Obama's concrete plans are, they
ought to aligned with his political mentor, Saul
Alinsky, and his spiritual mentor and liberation
theology specialist, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
• In the absence of any genuine explanations from
candidate Obama himself, the change of which
he speaks reasonably may be inferred to be quite
antithetical to anything even remotely
resembling American patriotism.
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• And that is a legitimate concern for every
American voter.
• Kyle-Anne Shiver is a frequent contributor to
American Thinker.
• She welcomes your comments at
[email protected].
• Page Printed from:
mas_politics_of_collective.html at November 07,
2008 - 08:26:03 AM EST
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• The “Obama as Messiah” Complex
• Posted in New World Order, new age movement:
Obama, by truthspeaker on the November 6, 2008
• We are now the Obamanation……I had no idea until
recently that so many people viewed Obama as a
Messiah figure! Now I have to say that either
Obama has some great marketing people working
for him, or else there is a real spiritual force working
here! OR, he actually is doing NLP on the
masses! It’s easy to see from the following pictures,
videos and quotes.
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• “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are
the change that we seek”
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• “Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure,
a great soul, and some affectionately call him
Mahatma Obama.”– Dinesh Sharma
• “We just like to say his name. We are considering
taking it as a mantra.”– Chicago Sun-Times
• “A Lightworker — An Attuned Being with
Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity
who will actually help usher in a New Way of
Being”– Mark Morford
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• “What Barack Obama has accomplished is the
single most extraordinary event that has
occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political
history”– Jesse Jackson, Jr.
• “This was the moment when the rise of the
oceans began to slow and our planet began to
heal.”– Barack Obama
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• “Does it not feel as if some special hand is
guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has
said, the utter improbability of it all?”– Daily Kos
• “He communicates God-like energy…”– Steve
Davis (Charleston, SC)
• “Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an
Advanced Soul”- Commentator @ Chicago Sun
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• “I’ll do whatever he says to do. I’ll collect paper
cups off the ground to make his pathway clear.”–
Halle Berry
• “A quantum leap in American consciousness”–
Deepak Chopra
• “He is not operating on the same plane as
ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of
transformation in an age of revolution, as a
figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the
21st century.” – Gary Hart
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• “Barack Obama is our collective representation
of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our
deepest knowings . . . He’s our product out of the
all-knowing quantum field of intelligence.”– Eve
• “This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New
Testament.” | “I felt this thrill going up my leg. I
mean, I don’t have that too often. No, seriously.
It’s a dramatic event.”– Chris Matthews
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• “[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled
with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man
for this time.”– Toni Morrison
• “Obama’s finest speeches do not excite. They do
not inform. They don’t even really inspire. They
elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but
the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at
his best, able to call us back to our highest
selves.”– Ezra Klein
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• “Obama has the capacity to summon heroic
forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary
citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic
chorus of unique creative acts whose common
purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the
great challenges facing mankind.”– Gerald
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• “We’re here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is
an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for
eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the
Unvarnished Truth.”– Oprah Winfrey
• “I would characterize the Senate race as being a
race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and
highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s
something else going on. I think that Obama, his
election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I
know that that was God’s plan.”– Bill Rush
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• “Speaking in February of the man she knows better
than anyone else does, Michelle Obama said that
her husband, Illinois Senator and candidate for the
Democratic Presidential nomination Barack Obama,
is the only candidate for president who understands
that before America can solve its problems,
Americans have to fix their "broken souls.”
• She also said that her husband's unique
understanding of the state of souls of the American
people makes him uniquely qualified to be
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• “Obama can do what his opponent in the
Democratic race Senator Hillary Clinton, and
Senator John McCain, the presumptive
Republican presidential nominee, cannot do.
• He can heal his countrymen's broken souls. He
will redeem them.” - Obama the Savior By
Caroline Glick
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• Messiah In Our Midst The One, the Anointed. By
Jonah Goldberg
• Is Barack Obama the Messiah?Before we answer
that question, let me vent for a moment. In 2000
I was cruelly denied the Pulitzer despite being
the only columnist in America to ask the pressing
question: Is Al Gore an alien? The evidence was
there for all to see. He was born nine months
after the mysterious alien sighting at Roswell,
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• His weird syntax and verbal rhythms are
• He often refers to “earth” or “this planet” as if
he’s just passing through, and he once angrily
complained to the Washington Post that it had
printed a picture of the earth from outer space
“upside down.”
• There is no “upside down” in space — unless
Gore had his childhood view in mind.
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• At least I’m not in the wilderness this time. Lots
of people have pondered the possibility that
Barack is our Divine Redeemer. There are
websites dedicated to the question “Is Barack
Obama the Messiah?” Google that question and
you’ll get more than 35,000 hits. (Enter just the
words “Messiah” and “Obama” and you’ll get
nearly 10 times that.)
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• But there’s more concrete evidence. Since Obama
declared his candidacy, there have been remarkably
few biblical plagues. And lions and lambs seem open
to bilateral negotiations.
• Obama’s apostles are hard to dismiss. Oprah simply
calls him “The One,” because “we need politicians
who know how to be the truth.” (Jesus says in John
14:6 “I am the way, the truth …”)
• Oprah goes on to say Obama will help us “evolve to
a higher plane,” which would put Obama in the role
of our Intelligent Designer.
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• According to the New York Times, Obama’s
volunteers are taught to eschew discussions of the
issues and instead “testify” about how they “came
to Obama.”
• For many, he’s no retro-redeemer, but a 21stcentury savior, a Matrix-messiah and Neo for our
modern-day Nineveh. Self-help guru Deepak Chopra
dubs Obama “a quantum leap in American
consciousness,” while prominent “leadership coach”
Eve Konstantine assures us that, “He’s our product
out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence.”
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• Obama willing, I will never be stuck next to these people
on a plane.
• Michelle Obama is arguably Obamanity’s greatest
evangelist, even though she has a streak of Old Testament
smiting and wrath to her.
• She insists her husband has redeemed the entire nation
(hence her newfound pride in America).
• She proclaims her husband is the sort of leader who will
fix our broken souls.
• But don’t hope for grace on the cheap. “The change
Barack is talking about is hard,” she insists, “so don’t get
too excited, because Barack is going to demand that you,
too, be different.”
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• Those of you who thought we had a Second
Amendment to keep government from fixing your
soul are so 20th century.
• Evolve already.
• And then there’s the Gospel according to Obama
• In January, he told Dartmouth students that they will
know to vote for him because “… a light will shine
through that window, a beam of light will come
down upon you, you will experience an epiphany,
and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the
polls and vote for Barack.”
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• When asked in an interview what sin is, Obama
defined it as “Being out of alignment with my
• Apparently, the editor failed to capitalize the “M”
in “My.”
• But such mistakes can be forgiven, for Hillary has
been cast out and the nomination is nigh. So we
can get cracking on fixing America — and
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• “I am absolutely certain,” Obama proclaimed in
his victory speech, “that generations from now,
we will be able to look back and tell our children
that this was the moment when we began to
provide care for the sick and good jobs for the
jobless; this was the moment when the rise of
the oceans began to slow and our planet began
to heal. This was the moment — this was the
time — when we came together to remake this
great nation …”
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• Now, if you’re under the mistaken impression
that sick people had some care, or that a few
jobs were to be found prior to June 2008, or that
maybe — just maybe — the oceans don’t rise
and fall with the election returns, or that
America itself doesn’t need “remaking,” you’re
not one of the “ones we’ve been waiting for.”
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• But you might be one of the ones Al Gore has
been waiting for. You’d understand if you realized
“Earth in the Balance” is a cookbook.—
• Jonah Goldberg is the author of Liberal Fascism:
The Secret History of the American Left from
Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning.© 2008
Tribune Media Services, Inc.
• — Jonah Goldberg is editor-at-large of National
Review Online.
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• Messiah Obama His Traveling Salvation Show By
John D. Turner
• Women moan and pass out when he speaks. Chris
Matthews feels “this thrill going up [his] leg”.
• There is even a website called “Is Barack Obama the
Messiah?” which has been around for over a year
• Having talked to folks, and read numerous articles, I
have to conclude that it isn’t just me; the Obama
campaign really is taking on all the aspects of a
religious revival.
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• I find this, quite frankly, both amazing and quite
• A quick Google search on “Obama Messiah”
turns up 246,000 hits. While I obviously have not
researched each and every one, a quick look at
the initial few pages is instructive, as many of the
hits are dealing with the actual concept that
Obama is, or may be, the actual Messiah. True,
they are pretty much tongue in cheek. Some deal
with the obamamessiah blog site, or the article
published in Slate.
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• Similarities are noted between aspects of his
campaign, (and how his campaign is reported),
and religious revivals. And of course, there are
the references to Chris Matthews Leg (which if
you Google that, returns a whopping 494,000
hits), which was probably the biggest influence in
the “is Obama the Messiah” articles to date.
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• Much of his appeal seems to hinge on image and
symbolism, not substance. If you ask the typical
Obama supporter what accomplishments he has had
while in public office, few can give a coherent
response. Usually about all you can summon up is “I
like him” or “he’s for hope”, or “I believe in him”; a
response more often heard when referring to God or
Jesus Christ. There is a reason why it is hard to put a
finger on what he has accomplished; he has only
held office as a U.S. Senator for two years, and for a
large chunk of that he has been running for
president. He really doesn’t have much in the way of
accomplishments, or experience for that matter.
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• When you listen to the comments made about
Barak Obama you begin to wonder if what you
are hearing is really about a political campaign or
the establishment of a new religion. Is Barak
running for Commander-in-Chief, or, at least in
the eyes of some of his followers, is it really some
kind of mystical Theologian-in-Chief? Or a
combination of the two? Here are some
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• “[Obama is] creative imagination which coupled
with brilliance equals wisdom…[He is] the man
for this time.” –Toni Morrison
• “Obama has the capacity to summon heroic
forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary
citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic
chorus of unique creative acts whose common
purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the
great challenges facing mankind.” –Gerald
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• You kind of get the idea that were Barak to
abandon his candidacy and decide to found a
religion instead, millions would follow his banner.
Can you imagine conservatives speaking this way
about a Republican candidate for President? Can
you imagine what the media would say if they
did? And yet, some of the ones quoted above are
in the media! Conservatives don’t even wax this
poetic about Ronald Reagan!
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• And that is one of the reasons why to me, this is so
frightening. Charismatic leaders are always
problematical. They can be a force for good or ill.
Examples abound throughout history. Perhaps the
two most recent that come to mind are Adolph
Hitler and Benito Mussolini; both charismatic
leaders, both of whom were elected to power by
cheering crowds of their fellow countrymen. Neither
however had the religious element attached to
them. For the religious side, we can point to such as
David Koresh and Jim Jones as some of the more
recent charismatic religious figures that turned out
horribly wrong.
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• I am not saying that Barak Obama is akin to any of
these. I am just trying to illustrate how things can
come off the tracks when one waxes euphoric on a
charismatic high and fails to look at the substance
that lies beneath the pretty words and highsounding phrases. And I really don’t want to be in
the position of someday being able to look back at
current events with historical hindsight and wonder
“what were all those people thinking anyway?”, as I
see the big smoking crater where my country once
stood, and the graveyard where my children and
those I held dear are buried.”
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• The Antichrist!--also described in the Bible as the
"son of perdition" & the "beast"!
• Like Hitler, who was one of history's antichrist
archetypes, he will have great charisma &
speaking ability, "a mouth speaking great things”.
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• The Antichrist will rise to power on a wave of
world euphoria, as he temporarily saves the
world from its desperate economic, military &
political problems with a brilliant 7-year plan for
world peace, economic stability & religious
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• His power base will include the leading nations
of Europe, whose leaders, the Bible says, will
"give their power & strength unto the beast.”
• The Bible even gives some clues about his
personal characteristics.
• The prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist
"does not regard the desire of women." This
could imply that he is either celibate or a
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• Daniel also tells us that he will have a "fierce
countenance”, and will be "more stout than his
fellows"--more proud and boastful.
• The 7-year peace-pact (or covenant) that is
engineered by the Antichrist is spoken of a
number of times in the Bible.
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• Under the final terms of the Covenant, Jerusalem
will likely be declared an international city to
which Judaism, Islam & Christianity will have
equal rights.
• Scripture indicates that the Jews will be
permitted to rebuild their Temple on Mt. Moriah,
where they revive their ancient rituals of animal
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• According to prophecy the Antichrist will not
only be a master of political intrigue, but also a
military genius.
• Daniel describes several major wars that he
fights during his 7-year reign, apparently against
the U.S. & Israel, who will oppose him during the
second half of his reign.
• For awhile, most of the world is going to think
the Antichrist is wonderful, as he will seem to
have solved so many of the world's problems.
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• But , three-and-a-half years into his seven year reign he
will break the covenant & invade Israel from the North.
• At this time he will make Jerusalem his world capitol &
outlaw all religions, except the worship of himself & his
• The Bible says that the Antichrist will sit in the Jewish
Temple exalting himself as God & demanding to be
• It is at this time that the Antichrist imposes his infamous
"666" one-world credit system...
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• Scripture teaches Antichrist to be a
political/religious individual, yet to come in the
future who is opposed to God and God's Christ
and God's church. Although the only places in
Scripture the name Antichrist is used are I and II
John (I John 2:18,22,4:3, II John 7), the Bible is
replete with instruction regarding the reality we
call Antichrist.
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• The key passages are Daniel 7, 8, 11; Matthew
24; II Thessalonians 2; and Revelation 13, 17 and
18 -- where Antichrist is referred to as a beast, a
little horn, a false Christ, that wicked one, and
the man of sin.
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• Antichrist's name gives us indication of what he is. He is
• As every Jew knows, the name Christ is simply the Greek
translation of the Hebrew Messiah, whom the Jews
expected to come in God's name to save them. The
Messiah, or Christ, is the one anointed by God and
qualified to carry out a certain work in God's name.
Christ's work is to redeem God's people from sin and
death by His own death, and to renew God's creation as
a creation of righteousness and peace.
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• The man Jesus of Nazareth (died circa AD 33) is this
Christ. He is God's anointed, the servant of Jehovah. He
is qualified to do the work of redeeming God's people
and renewing creation. The confession of the church
down through the ages is, "Jesus is the Christ.”
• Antichrist is a false Christ, according to Matthew 24:24.
He claims to be anointed by God with the Holy Spirit
and claims to be qualified to do the work in God's name
of redeeming God's people and renewing the creation.
• But he is not. He is a liar. His claims are false. He is a
false Christ.
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• Antichrist goes about his business by speaking
the lie. II Thessalonians 2 says that he comes
"with all deceivableness of unrighteousness."
Revelation 13:12 says, "and he spoke as a
dragon...." Revelation 17 tells us that he was a
false prophet, a prophet being one whose calling
it is to speak and to teach. The armies of the
world may have guns and tanks and bombs to
bring people into submission; but the power of
speech and ideas is a mighty power.
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• Now he uses a "dragon" who speaks crafty, lying
• His speeches will be heard by millions who will
hang on his persuasive rhetoric.
• The content as well as the form of his speech will
• Like most false prophets, he will even be sincere
and passionate.
• But he is a liar.
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• He adds dashes of truth to the mix, so that his lie
tastes like truth.
• He will use all the right catchwords, using the
language of the church, even throwing in a Bible
text or two.
• But he is the ultimate Liar, and will deceive many.
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• He will use every tool available: school teachers,
politicians, news broadcasters, artists, musicians,
scientists and doctors, lawyers and businessmen.
• All will be pressed into the service of Antichrist to
deceive men.
• But especially he will use those whose calling it is
to persuade and to teach -- men who claim to be
preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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• What is this message that has such power to
• What is it that is preached by the now-apostate
churches once rooted in true Christianity, that
stirs up mankind to this ecumenical worship?
• What gospel will attract the hordes of men and
• What good news will knit the souls of such
diverse peoples and nations and tongues?
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• The gospel of Antichrist is humanism -- the
happiness of man, the glory of man, the peace
and prosperity, the health and wealth of man.
• The number of the beast, do not forget, is 6-6-6,
the number of man.
• But we remind you, the Antichrist deceives. He
will not tip his hand by declaring publicly, "I am
the Antichrist."
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• He will not claim that there is no God, no Christ,
no salvation, and that the message of the Bible is
a lie.
• But he will say, "I am your Messiah; you are God;
and an earthly life of peace and prosperity, of
health and happiness -- that is salvation."
• The distant rumblings of Antichrist's thunder are
growing louder.
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• Performing miracles, Antichrist will establish
himself and validate his claim as God's anointed.
• This is the emphasis of II Thessalonians 2.
• Men have always performed miracles to establish
their authority, presenting them as the
credentials of their divine appointment.
• Moses did in Egypt.
• Elijah did on Mount Carmel.
• Jesus Christ and His apostles did.
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• So will Antichrist.
• Revelation 13:13 says that the second beast
"doeth great wonders..." and verse 14 that "he
deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the
means of those miracles which he had power to
do in the sight of the beast."
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• Matthew 24:24 indicates the same thing: "For there
shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall
shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
• This is the teaching of II Thessalonians 2:9, "even
him whose coming is after the working of Satan,
with all power and signs and lying wonders...."
• The works of Antichrist will be the works of Satan,
who has power beyond the natural ability of man.
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