Transcript Theme

 If you were in Roy's place, would you have
sneaked down to the rockpile? Explain. What
would you have done if you were in John's place?
 Do you think that Gabriel overreacts to Roy's
injury? Why or Why not?
 What draws Roy to the Rockpile?
 Whom does Gabriel blame for Roy's injury?
Whom does Elizabeth blame?
simple definition
 A theme is the abstract subject or topic of
artistic representation.
 For example a simple theme is: Guilt is
the theme of the story.
What are the themes of this painting?
more complex definition
 In literature, a theme is a broad idea in a story, or a
message or lesson conveyed by a work. This message is
usually about life, society or human nature.
 Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas
explored in a literary work.
 Themes are usually implied by the author rather than
explicitly stated.
 Complex themes should be written in complete
Example) The individuals struggle with racism
Common Themes
 The individual in Nature
 The individual in society
 An individual's relation to the
gods (religion)
 Loss of innocence
 Human Relations
 Love and Friendship
 Family
 Growth and Initiation
 Alienation
 Finding identity
 Overcoming great odds
 Learning something new
 Change
 Having an insight (epiphany)
 Work/Labor
 Good vs. Evil
 Justice
 Death
 Simple themes:
 Growth and Initiation
 New experiences
 Accepting Change
 Fear (of new things)
 More complex themes:
 Keep an open mind.
 Accept new ways and do not
be afraid of new experiences.
 Accept different cultures and
Mi Madre by Pat Mora
Read “Mi Madre,” a poem by Pat Mora
found at
From Chants by Pat Mora, Arte
Publico Press
© 1985 Pat Mora
Analysis of “Mi Madre”
 Simple Themes:
 Complex Themes
 The relationship a woman
and nature
 Strength is enduring life’s
 Nature
 The quiet, steady things
endure, much like a desert
continues . . .
 Nature always provides.
Themes in “The Rockpile”
 Violence in Harlem
 The role of the
dominant male
 Traditional Family
 List a complex theme in
the short story and an
Mora, Pat. Chants. Houston: Arte Publico, 1985.
---. “Mi Madre.” Hanksville. 1994-2003. Web.12 Oct. 2009.
Reed, Zero. “Themes of Race in Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham.” BookStove. 11
Jul. 2007. Web. 24 Sept. 2007
“Theme.” Merriam Webster Dictionary Online. 2007. Web. Web.12 Oct. 2009.
“Theme (Literature)” Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation Corp. Web. 2007. Web.
Web.12 Oct. 2009.