PowerPoint 演示文稿

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generalize (Intro.) v.
make general statements without reference to details
generalize a conclusion from a set of facts
intrigue (L1)
v. arouse interest or curiosity
e.g. She was ~d by [with] the stated contradiction.
n. the making of secret plans to harm or deceive
This movie has everything: passion, intrigue, and
The king's younger brother took part in the intrigue.
• Syn.: plot scheme conspiracy
arrogant (L12) a. arrogance n.
(of a person, attitude, etc.) aggressively assertive or
e.g. It’s arrogant of you to _______________.
It' s arrogant of you to assume you' ll win every time.
你自以为每次都能赢, 未免太自大了.
assail (L14) v.
cause sb. to experience unpleasant thoughts or
e.g. All sorts of problems assailed us suddenly.
assailed by worries, doubts, fears, etc
饱受烦恼, 疑惑, 恐惧等折磨.
hideous (L19) a.
very ugly; frightful
Syn.: dreadful ghastly horrible terrible
e.g. A hideous monster attacked the helpless
The criminal had committed hideous crimes.
homely (L19) a.
(of a person's appearance) not good-looking; plain
e.g. Mary was a homely girl.
homely (plain) dishes
The psychologist explained my problem in homely
Syn.: unsightly simple plain
evasion (L23) n. evade v.
e.g. Illegal non-payment of tax is "tax evasion".
His answers to my questions were all evasions.
proclaim (L25) v.
make (sth.) known officially or publicly;
e.g. The president proclaimed that a new
currency would be issued.
It is always easier to discover and proclaim
general principles than to apply them.
indulge (L34) v.
allow (oneself or sb. else) to enjoy the pleasure of sth.
e.g. He spent the holidays indulging his passion for
climbing and fishing.
He loves PC games but he doesn’t often indulge
indulge in
keep …at bay (L40)
牵制, 不使逼近
We are trying to keep danger at bay
• dodge (L45) v.
She was sharp-witted enough to dodge her attacker.
Face your problems boldly instead of
Face your problems boldly instead of trying to
dodge them.
• be in the mood to do sth. (L54)
I am not in the ~ to read now.
• assert (L60) v.
defend or maintain (one’s rights, etc)
• e.g.
The boss asserted his authority by
The boss asserted his authority by punishing his
• 老板靠惩罚雇员来维护自己的权威。
Juggle(line 86)
1. to throw several objects up into the air, and then
catch and throw them up repeatedly so that one
or more stays in the air, usually in order to
entertain people
We all watched in amazement as he juggled with
three flaming torches.
2. to succeed in arranging your life so that you
have time to involve yourself in two or more
different activities or groups of people
Many parents find it hard to juggle children and a
3. to change results or information recorded as
numbers so that a situation seems to be
better that it really is
It won't matter if we juggle the figures - no
one will know.
• back up (L87) support
• E.g.
Do you have any facts to back up all this?
He would have lost his position if you hadn't
backed him up.
• concede (L95) v.
acknowledge reluctantly as being true, just or right
e.g. The candidate conceded that he had lost the
The chess-player conceded (the game) when he
saw that his position was hopeless.
棋手一看出自己陷入绝境, 就承认(那局)输了。
• adamant (L103)a.
(esp. of a person or his manner) firmly or
stubbornly determined
• e.g.我竭力劝他改变主意,但他毫不动摇。
I've tried to persuade him to change his mind
but he's adamant.
She was quite adamant that she would not
nevertheless vs. nonetheless
They can be used interchangeably, although
“nonetheless” might be less common.
• The book is too long but, nonetheless,
informative and entertaining.
• The problems are not serious. Nonetheless,
we shall need to tackle them soon.
• Their team hadn't lost a game the entire
season. Nevertheless, we beat them by a
huge margin last night.
• I knew a lot about the subject already, but
her talk was interesting nevertheless.