Transcript Slide 1

Wars and Independence Test Review

Describe how nationalism led to independence in India. (CRCT p. 187)

August 15 th , 1947 India gained freedom from Britain and became an Independent Nation.

Colonialism- when one countries government takes control or forces change over another. Non-violent resistance, civil disobedience, boycotting British schools, universities, and courts leads to independence. Great Britain controlled political, social, economic, and cultural systems in India Citizen grew tired of this foreign control. Our culture was ignored.

Indian leaders such as Gandhi encouraged citizens to buy Indian made product and to boycott British made goods.

Indian National Congress (1885) worked to achieve independence from the British Why should Indian citizens become westernized or more like the British?

Nationalism People of India were strongly devoted to their country.

Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi's belief in non-violent protests. (CRCT pp. 193-194)

The British offered to make changes to the government to give more rights to some citizens. The Untouchables were not included. I refused to eat until ALL people received better treatment Passive resistance wore down the British. It’s hard to fight against an enemy that won’t fight back.

I am Hindu, yet I have great respect for all religions.

I was often imprisoned. While in jail, I would fast. Organized march to the Arabian Sea where we evaporated seawater to make salt. The British taxed us a lot for salt, now we made our own.

We organized boycotts and rallies where we were often beaten and arrested. I became the symbol of a free India. Nicknamed “Great Soul” The British Empire was getting rich from our needs, we made our own product and did without British products.

Describe how nationalism led to independence in Vietnam. (CRCT p. 188)

This was the longest war the United States ever fought, and the first one we ever lost.

Before World War II, Vietnam was under French Control. During World War II Japan took control of the region.

Viet Cong guerillas were able to reunite Vietnam under a single Communist Government. Nationalist movement.

The government of South Vietnam fell after the U.S. left. The Communist government of the north took over.

Vietnamization- plan by the U.S. to turn the war over to the South Vietnamese.

The U.S. sent money and weapons first, and eventually sent troops to support the South.

Three-way civil war took place among the Communists, the French, and the anit communist and anti French Vietnamese. After 8 years of fighting, the French pulled out. Vietnam was divided at the 17 th parallel. North Vietnam and South Vietnam

Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII. (CRCT p.195)

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Japan surrendered in 1945 Industries & farms destroyed Government in shambles General Douglas MacArthur was to put Japan back together.

Japan should no longer pose a military threat to other countries MacArthur decided on a Constitutional Monarchy for Japan MacArthur wrote the constitution with a Bill of Rights Every Japanese citizen over the age of 20 was allowed to vote Japanese had to pay war reparations to countries they harmed.

Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea in terms of containment of Communism. (CRCT pp. 199-200)

54,000 American deaths resulted Communist forces from U.S.S.R. took over the northern portion during World War II Armistice signed in 1953 to allow the 38 th Parallel remain the boundary The United States freed the southern portion No side could gain an advantage “Seesaw War” U.S. & U.N. presence angered China. China entered the war assisting the north.

Two countries were formed since the 2 superpowers could not agree on one form of government In 1950, the Communist north attacked the south.

The 38 th Parallel marked the border between the two Koreas.

The United Nations and the U.S. sent troops to help the South to keep communism from spreading