Al-Hijama (Cupping Therapy)

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ِمي ِحهرلا ِنَمْحهرلا ِ هاللَّ ِمْسِب



Hijamah is a Sunnah as well as a medical treatment. The word ‘Hijamah’ is derived from the word Al-Hajm which carries the meaning: to suck, to absorb, or to extract. It describes a medical treatment whereby ‘dirty’ blood is extracted from the body by a suction cup attached to a lightly incised skin surface. It was a common practice in traditional Arab Medicine and is a Sunnah that was practiced and promoted by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Cupping is also an ancient Chinese method of releasing local congestion. It has been practiced for thousands of years in almost every part of the world for the treatment of disease and pain.


Hijamah is the Best of Remedies

 رجأ نع لئس هنأ هنع الله يضر ماعط نم نيعاص هاطعأو سنأ ةبيط وبأ نع ليوطلا ديمح انربخأ الله دبع انربخأ لتاقم نب دمحم همجح ملسو هيلع الله ىلص الله لوسر مجتحا لاقف ماجحلا

ةماجحلا هب متيوادت ام لثمأ نإ لاقو

انثدح ملكو هنع اوففخف هيلاوم Anas ibn Maalik reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (hijama)…" [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)].

 الله لوسر نأ ةريره يبأ نع ةملس يبأ نع ورمع نب دمحم نع دامح انثدح ليعمسإ نب ىسوم انثدح

ةماجحلاف ريخ هب متيوادت امم ءيش يف ناك نإ لاق

ملسو هيلع الله ىلص Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama)." [ Sunan abi Dawud (3857), Sunan ibn Maajah (3476)].

The Angels Recommend It

لأم ب يب يرسأ ةليل تررم ام " : ملسو هيلع الله ىلص الله لوسر لاق " ةماجحلاب دمحم اي كيلع : يل لوقي مهلك لاإ ، ةكئلاملا نم

 The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) said: “I did not pass by any group of angels on the night of the Isra’ [the Prophet’s night journey when he was taken from Makkah to Jerusalem and back in the course of a single night], but all of them said to me, “You should use cupping, O Muhammad.” [Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2263.]

In Hijamah is a Cure

دبع نب رباج تعمس لاق ةداتق نب رمع نب مصاع نع ليسغلا نب نمحرلا دبع انثدح ميعن وبأ انثدح نو كي وأ مكتيودأ نم ءيش يف ناك نإ لوقي ملسو هيلع الله ىلص يبنلا تعمس لاق امهنع الله يضر الله نأ بحأ امو ءادلا قفاوت رانب ةعذل وأ لسع ةبرش وأ مجحم ةطرش يفف ريخ مكتيودأ نم ءيش يف يوتكأ  According to a hadeeth narrated by Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Prophet (SAW) said: “If there is any good in your medical treatments, it is in the knife of the cupper, drinking honey, or cauterization with fire, as appropriate to the cause of the illness, but I would not like to be cauterized.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, (5359)]

Benefits of Cupping

فخيو مدلا بهذي ماجحلا دبعلا معن ملسو هيلع الله ىلص الله يبن لاق سابع نبا لاق ةشئاع نع رصبلا نع ولجيو بلصلا  Abdullah Ibn Abbas reported that the messenger of Allah (SAW) said “How good is the cupper, removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.” [al-Tirmidhee, (2053)]

Treatment of Hypertension

مجتحيلف مدلا مكدحاب جاه ذإ ملس و هيلع الله ىلص الله لوسر لاق لاق سنأ نع هلتقي هبحاصب غيبت اذإ مدلا ناف  Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “When the blood of one of you begins to rage, he should get cupped because the raging of blood can kill.” [al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2747]

When to do Hijamah

 There is some evidence from ahadith to indicate that cupping is best performed in the second half of the month.

يبأ نع هيبأ نع ليهس نع يحمجلا نمحرلا دبع نب ديعس نيرشعو ىدحإو ةرشع عستو ةرشع عبسل مجتحا نم ملسو هيلع انثدح عفان نب عيبرلا ةبوت وبأ الله ىلص الله لوسر لاق لاق انثدح ةريره ءاد لك نم ءافش ناك  Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever is treated with cupping on the seventeenth, nineteenth or twenty first, will be healed from all diseases.” (Reported by Abu Dawood, 3861, and al-Bayhaqi, 9/340. The isnad is hasan).


When to do Hijamah

 Some less reliable narrations also recommend certain days of the week for cupping while warning against others.

 However, as the need may arise, cupping as a form of medical treatment may be performed at any time according to the condition or urgency.

Locations for Hijamah

1 – The head al-Bukhaari (2156) narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (SAW) was treated with cupping on his head when he was in ihraam, and for some kinds of pain.” It was also narrated by Muslim (1203) from the hadeeth of Ibn Buhaynah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (SAW) was treated with cupping on the road to Makkah when he was in ihraam, in the middle of his head.

2 – The two veins at the sides of the neck, and the base of the neck Abu Dawood (3860), al-Tirmidhi (390) and Ibn Maajah (3483) narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (SAW) was treated with cupping three times in the two veins at the side of the neck and the base of the neck. [Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.] 3 – The hip Abu Dawood (3863) narrated from Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) was treated with cupping on his hip for a pain in that site. [Classed as saheeh by al Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.] 4 – Back of the foot al-Nasaa’i (2849) narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) was treated with cupping when he was in ihraam, on the back of his foot, for a pain in that site. [Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i.]

Other Locations for Hijamah

 Besides these five locations mentioned specifically in the ahadith, those skilled in cupping can recommend other suitable locations depending on the condition.

 Ibn al-Qayyim (May Allah have mercy on him) said: "Cupping beneath the chin is beneficial for pains in the teeth, face and throat, if it is used at the right time...”  Cupping at the bottom of the chest is beneficial for the treatment of sores, scabies and pustules on the thighs, and of gout and scabies.” [Zaad al-Ma'aad, 4/53] 12

How does Cupping Work?

In the traditional understanding of cupping (a treatment practiced by the Chinese, Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabs), the benefits are numerous.

Cupping is believed to

 Release local toxins      Stimulate the lymphatic system Clear blockages or stagnated circulation Activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries Realign and balance vital energy Promote and improve circulation 13

Importance of the Circulatory System

Importance of the Lymphatic System













Some Conditions Treated through Cupping

Migraine headaches Rheumatoid Arthritis Stiff or swollen joints, especially in the neck and back Stomach ulcers and problems associated with diabetes High blood pressure Psychological disorders and some cases of paralysis Magic Back pain, joint pain, gout, constipation, digestive problems, loss of appetite Insomnia, problems associated with menstruation Headaches Strengthening One's Intelligence And Memory Poison 16

Types of Cupping

“Dry cupping” uses special cups and a suction pump on certain pressure points and meridians on the body. The flesh is sucked in to the cup and left to promote blood circulation.

 The “moving” or “massage cupping” follows the same principle but only one large cup is used to massage the area. Oil is liberally applied to the back, arms or legs and deep tissue massage is undertaken. Large singular strokes are given, moving directly up and down the meridians.

“Hijama” or “Wet cupping” is the same as dry cupping but involves drawing a small amount of toxic blood from small incisions made on the surface of the skin. This is the Sunnah Method

Method of Wet Cupping

 Dry cupping is first performed  Small cuts are made in the cupped area and then the cup is replaced on the skin. The skin will be drawn into the cup and blood is sucked out of the area.

 When done properly, on an area that has septic blood, the blood drawn will be dark. The process is repeated until the blood turns red. Then the cupping should be stopped.

 The area should be cleaned and bandaged as necessary 18


 These are the plastic cups that are used. They have a valve at the top which controls suction pressure. They also have removable magnets (used for “Bio magnetic Cupping Therapy”) which are very effective for this treatment. .

Dry Cupping Hijamah Jaafa Wet Cupping Hijamah


Different Types of Cupping Sets



Awareness of the Risks

 Suspected hemorrhage  Sunburns or burns in general  Open wounds or recent trauma  Should be avoided lower and upper abdomen whilst pregnant  Should be aware of patients medical history an what medicine they are on e.g Anti coagulants or if they are diabetic or anemic  Any blood coagulation disorders

JazakumAllah Khair