Research skills - York St John University

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Transcript Research skills - York St John University

Library and Information Services
Searching techniques
Searching for ebooks on the catalogue
(if accessing offsite the URL is
Use the library catalogue to find the following
ebook and go to the full text:
Gower handbook of leadership and management
You may wish to watch the online demonstration
The searching process
Step one - Spend some time thinking about your topic
Step two – Considering your search terms
Step three - Linking your search terms together
Step four - Choosing your databases
Step five - Searching and modifying your search online
Step six - Relevant results retrieved! Next steps
Step one
Spend some time thinking about your topic to
define and clarify your research question
Break down search topic into sections
Think of keywords to describe the topic
Step two
Think about the search words
Generic words can be omitted eg: discuss,
assess, importance
Consider alternative terms- look at Oxford
Reference online business dictionaries
Alternative spellings such as organis/zation or
behavio(u)r: use asterisk eg: behavio*r
Search for different word endings such as
leader, leaders and leadership: truncate using
asterisks eg: leader*
Step three
Linking search words together
AND search – combining two different subjects
OR search – alternative words, often crucial to
success of the search eg: workplace OR organization
Words as a phrase eg: “transformational leadership”.
May be a phrase search option, or use quotation
Step four
Choosing your database
For articles
Emerald full text
Academic OneFile
PsycINFO and possibly Greenfile (EBSCO)
Business and market data
Mintel (only accessible once registered with a YSJ email
Step five
Searching and modifying online
Different databases will use different search terms to describe
same subject
Check what subject terms (called keywords in Emerald) are
used for your topic and modify the search if necessary
Limit to searching within different indexes eg: subject, article
title, author
Limit to years of publication
Limit to type of document eg: books, book chapters, journal
articles, conference papers, reports.
Step six
Relevant results retrieved!
Item is full text – go direct to article, linking via a
database or via library catalogue
Item has abstract only – can you access or
request the full article via your local library?
Leadership styles and employee
Leader* (all except full text)
AND “employee involvement” (phrase all except full
Leadership style (subjects)
AND employee involvement or employee motivation
Emotional intelligence and leadership
Academic OneFile
Emotional intelligence (keyword phrase) and
leader* (keywords)
Try browse subjects option: emotional
intelligence, then search in results for leadership
Emotional intelligence and leadership (subjects)
and link to article in Journal of management studies
Summary of useful links
Ebooks - online demonstration
Emerald - online demonstration
Business subject page
How to plan a search strategy
Search techniques