Transcript INF2050

Word Processing II
Assignment 1- Advertisement
• You are to create an advertisement for something
that is for sale or rent (car, apartment, etc.) in
• You will need to have two pictures of this item
• Your advertisement will be on a legal-sized piece
of paper, which is 8 by 14 inches.
• Adjust your paper size for this size of paper
• Include use of text boxes
• Have a description of the product and pricing
• Include contact information in your ad
Assignment 1- Advertisement
• Insert and use a table to show the specifications
and highlights of your item. Adjust to fit
• Use graphics, fonts, colours and borders to make
your ad eye-catching
• Create a section at the bottom of your ad that
has information that can be torn off in strips that
contains your contact information
• Make sure that it looks appealing and organized
• NEVER use Comic Sans
Text Boxes
Rotating Text
• Click and move the green dot to rotate the
text. This works for other objects too.
Editing Borders
• Double click on a shape or text box
• Look up at your tools and notice how what you see has changed
From here, you can choose the style,
colour, outline and shading of your
graphic or text box. If you right-click
on the text box you will have even
more options.
Inserting a Table
Show how many rows/columns you want. You can click and drag
on the rows and columns to change their size once the table is
made. Grab the arrow icon to move the table around.
Assignment 2
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
• You will write a professional response to an editorial in a
newspaper. Find an opinion that you disagree with
• Include at the top of the letter: Your name and address, the
name of the paper, editor and their address just below
• Put the date below the addresses
• Provide a greeting
• Thank-you at the end with your name
• In 3-4 paragraphs, write your opinion
• Write with professional language
• It should be a page long, size 11 font, single-spaced
• Save and hand in
Assignment 3- Brochure
• Create a brochure using Microsoft word
• Select a topic of your choice! (travel brochure,
mall brochure, pamphlet for a new product,
fundraising cause)
• Make the brochure both visually appealing
and informative.
• Keep a bibliography of your work
• Your brochure will be 3-sided like the one below. You will also make it be
on both sides of the paper. You will have to use two documents to do this.
Your pamphlet will need:
• Informative text as well as images
• A watermark or gradient (background)
• Fonts, styles, colours
• Modified margins and page layout
• Custom WordArt
• Bullet points
• An index/reference list
• Professional language
• Two-sided with 3 panels on each side
Getting Started
Divide your two pages into thirds (three panels) using the line tool. Go to Insert
-> Shapes to find it. Take a look at what parts will be the front, back, inside etc.
You don’t have to label them. You can measure the spacing by using the ruler
guides that are above. You will have to have two pages like this
Using a background
Go to Fill Effects. Once there, you can choose various
types of backgrounds and gradients. Make sure what
you pick does not overpower your text.
Simple, and not too harsh. You can also choose patterns and
textures. Look ay my example on the next page. Make sure your
text is legible and avoid ugly colours and patterns.
Handy Information
The shape Fill, Outline and Effects tools change the
appearance of an object, like a square or text box.
When you have your WordArt selected, you can go up to
your tools and change the colour, shape and other effects.
I found some pictures online. I used some WordArt. The background is
a texture that came with Word. I made a n orange border by using the
Square tool under Shapes. Go to Insert-> WordArt to get your funky
You will have to make a list or use bullets in your pamphlet. Here is a list with bullets I
made for the back of the brochure, detailing some additional attractions. Make sure
to include descriptions other than just lists, and have some pictures to match!
Save all the sites that you have used for information as a Bibliography. Include
the name of the website and the link. Example:
• Sprach
When you have your brochure the way you want it, we will print it out and
make it double-sided. Hand in both your brochure and bibliography into the
hand-in folder.