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Area 6 of Rotary International District 3450 —
“China & WTO - The Economic Synergy with
Hong Kong”
WTO and Capital Formation —
Opportunities and Challenges
Mr Lawrence Fok
Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd
31 August 2001
Implications for Mainland
Stimulate market reforms
Open up in more rapid pace and broader scope
Greater foreign competition
Fairer trading environment
Wider access to international markets
Reaffirms government’s commitment to reform
WTO Commitments
• Full market access by foreign companies
• Allow local currency business with local
enterprises and individuals
• No limit on license number
• Eliminate Geographical limitations
• Relax foreign ownership restriction
WTO Commitments
• Allow minority foreign-owned JV to engage in
fund management
• Allow foreign ownership to increase 49% in 3
• Allow minority foreign-owned JV to underwrite
domestic equity issues
• Allow minority foreign-owned JV to underwrite
and trade international equity, corporate and
government debts
Reforms in Mainland
Banking Sector
• Reformed financial administration system
• Regional branches replaced provincial branches
• Increased capital adequacy ratio
• Reduced policy intervention
• Introduced modern management systems
• Merged state-owned banks
Reforms in Mainland
Securities Sector
• Established institutional investor base
• Allowed insurance companies to enter securities
market and promoted securities investment funds
• Allowed financial institutions to list
• Introduced professional standards for intermediaries
• Introduced more financing channels for securities firms
• Promoted formation of large securities firms
• Reduced proportion of state-owned shares
Implications for Hong Kong
• Opportunities to serve as leading capital formation
and listing centre for Mainland enterprises
• Important role to raise funds for Taiwan companies
to penetrate into the Mainland market
• Hong Kong’s securities market offers efficient and
cost effective means of raising funds for Mainland
and Taiwan enterprises
Hong Kong’s Advantages
• One of largest concentration of international financial
expertise in Asia
• A large number of commercial banks, securities houses,
fund management firms, professional service
personnel and IT providers
• Advanced financial market technology
Hong Kong’s Advantages
• Growing commercial and social integration with
• Geographic proximity with Mainland
• Understands both Western and Chinese systems and
acts as effective link for global investors
• Minimal language and cultural barriers
Hong Kong — Capital Formation
Centre for Mainland Enterprises
• Over 70% funds raised in 2000 - 2001 were on China
• As at 31/7/2001, 54 H Shares and 68 red chips, accounting
for 30% of total MC
• For Jan-July 2001, turnover of H Shares and red chips
accounted for over 40% of market turnover
• Over 80% of total turnover of H Shares dually listed in
New York and Hong Kong was recorded in Hong Kong
• 3 out of 10 listed companies with largest MC were China
enterprises as at end of July 2001
• High levels of entry requirements and operational
• Re-adjust to new style of doing business
• Increased competition from multinationals and
Mainland’s business sector
• Diminishing gateway function
The Strength of Hong Kong
• Freedom of capital flow, rule of law, level playing
field, corporate governance, flexibility to changes
• Hong Kong’s software infrastructure provides a firm
ground for future opportunities
• Hong Kong’s regulatory standards have gained
confidence of international institutions
• Integral in maintaining Kong Kong’s key financial
The Way Forward for HKEx
• Strengthen the role of primary international capital
formation centre for Mainland
• Step up marketing efforts among Mainland enterprises
• Set up a liaison office in Mainland
• Work closely with financial regulators and operators in
• Focus future developments of Hong Kong stock
market on China dimension