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Design for Environment (DfE)
MPD575 Design for X
Jonathan Weaver
Development History
• Originally developed by Cohort 1 team:
Tom Boettcher, Al Figlioli, John Rinke
• Revised by Nada Shaya, Craig
Pattinson, Jesse Ruan, Vince Cassar,
Beatriz Dhruna, Craig Jozsa, Mac Lunn,
Daniel Slater
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction to DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
DfE Design Guidelines
Case Studies
Introduction to Design for
Environment (DfE)
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (1971)
“an amusing exposition of the ecology
crisis."--School Library Journal.
Introduction to DfEUnderlying
• Environmental Quality is compatible with
industrial development
• Industrial systems can be designed to
achieve both Environmental Quality and
Economic Efficiency
Introduction to DfEUnderlying
• Sustainable Development through EcoEfficiency can be a competitive
advantage in Resource Management and
Environmental Stewardship
• Eco-Efficiency – Ability to simultaneously
meet cost, quality, and performance goals,
reduce environmental impacts, and
conserve resources
Introduction to DfEWhat is DfE?
Definition #1:
A specific collection of design practices
aimed at creating eco-efficient products
and processes
Introduction to DfEDefinitions:
What is DfE?
Definition #2:
A systematic consideration of design
performance with respect to
environmental, health, and safety
objectives, over the full product and
process life cycle
Introduction to DfEDefinitions:
What is DfE?
Definition #3:
The integration of health and environmental
considerations into design decisions. Risk
management that promotes reducing risk to
human health and the environment through
pollution prevention or source reduction
instead of relying on end-of-the-pipe pollution
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
• Natural resources are transformed into
useful goods and harmful by-products
• Our economic system measures the
efficiency of production or “productivity”
in a way that keeps better track of the
good things we produce than the bad
(Source: Senator Al Gore – Earth in the Balance,
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
• Acknowledges the importance of
environmental preservation while
supporting industrial growth
• Integrates environmental knowledge and
risk analysis with concurrent engineering
concepts (i.e. "system engineering")
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
• It is both a management approach and
an engineering discipline
• Ideal point of application is early in the
product realization process
• Combines concepts of Enterprise
Integration and Sustainable Development
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
The “Crossroad”
Design for
Integrated Product
Total Quality
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
• Stakeholders
– Engineers (determine by-products of product and
– Employees (interact with waste products)
– Management (manage waste disposal and costs)
– Shareholders (concerned with liabilities – and
– Consumers (determine end of life disposal of product)
– Government (enact regulations regarding by-products of
product and processes)
– Suppliers (packaging of components)
– Wildlife (exposed to by-products of products and
Introduction to
DfECharacteristics of DfE
• Encompasses a variety of disciplines
Occupational health and safety
Consumer health and safety
Ecological integrity and resource protection
Pollution prevention and toxic use reduction
Waste reduction or elimination
Disassembly and disposability
Recyclability and re-manufacturability
Materials Engineering
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction to DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
DfE Design Guidelines
Case Studies
Motivations for DfE
Manufacturing and supporting products can
have adverse impacts on the environment:
– Waste generation
– Disruption of ecosystems
– Depletion of Natural resources
Recent patterns of global industrial
development exceed sustainable limits for:
– Resource utilization (raw materials, fuel, water)
– Waste management (landfills, incinerators)
Motivations for DfE
Exceeding sustainable limits can threaten
Vegetation and wildlife
Quality of Life
Environmental Stewardship is in the best
interest of companies producing goods
Motivations for DfE
Reduced Future Liability
Reduced Regulatory Impact
Reduced Time to Market
Reduced Cost
Corporate Image and Market Position
Enhanced Profitability
Motivations for DfEReduced
Future Liability
• Informed decisions during the design
stage can avoid costly future liabilities
• Eliminating toxic materials and designing
more recyclable products can reduce
product disposal responsibility
• Reducing toxic releases during
processing helps eliminate later
treatment of contaminated water or soil
Motivations for DfEReduced
Regulatory Impact
• DfE enables anticipation of future trends in
environmental regulations and standards
• Proactive approach incorporates future
environmental demands and regulations into
current product and process designs
• Early cooperation with regulatory agencies can
be beneficial by allowing influence on
implementation timing and/or metrics
Motivations for DfERegulations
and Standards
Some Government and International
Regulations and Standards:
– US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
– California Air Resource Board (CARB)
– Product “Take-Back" Policies in Europe (see
link in notes area)
– Electronic Product Stewardship Canada
– ISO 14000 standards
Motivations for DfERegulations
and Standards
United States EPA
• Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting of
amounts of regulated substances released into
• Fuel Economy and Energy Efficiency legislation
• Emissions Regulations (air particulates,
greenhouse & ozone depleting gases)
Motivations for DfERegulations
and Standards
Product “Take-Back” Policies (Europe)
• Principle of Extended Producer Responsibility
(EPR) requires producers to be responsible for
the life-cycle environmental impacts of products
• Take-back policies create incentive for producers
to increase recyclability of products by setting
targets for reduction of end-of-life waste
• Product take-back has been applied to packaging,
electronics, and now automobiles
Motivations for DfERegulations
and Standards
Electronic Product Stewardship Canada
• Develops, promotes, and implements sustainable
solutions for end of life electronic products.
• Publishes ‘Design for Environment’ reports to
promote adoption of industry initiatives for local,
international, voluntary, and regulatory standards.
• Membership comprised of 24 of the leading
Canadian electronics manufacturers.
Keith Warner
Motivations for DfERegulations
and Standards
ISO 14000 Standards
• First published in 1996, based on 1992 UN Earth
Conference in Rio de Janeiro
• Similar to ISO 9000 Quality Standards, with focus
on “sustainable development”
• Covers a wide range of environmental
management topics, including:
– environmental performance evaluation
– life cycle assessment
– environmental auditing
Motivations for DfEReduced
Time to Market
• Hazardous or regulated substances in
products and production processes
often require permits and elaborate
control systems to meet regulations
• Permits and controls take time and
resources to obtain and establish
• By designing out such substances
wherever possible, time to market can
be reduced
Motivations for DfEReduced
• Reduced production cost(by reusing or
recycling content)
• Reduced waste management cost(less waste
= less cost)
• Reduced product cost(through simplification
and component integration)
• Reduced usage cost and end-of-life costs
Motivations for DfEHigh Hidden
• Potential spills
• Cleanup of contaminated sites
• Potential end-of-life (EOL) vehicle take-back
• Special handling and materials management
• Non-value added equipment for:
– Regulated substances
– Environmental controls
– Waste handling (removal, transportation, disposal)
• Potential loss of sales
• Potential labeling of product due to material content
Motivations for DfECorporate
Image and Market Position
• Consumers are increasingly conscious of
environmental issues
• Perceptions about environmental
responsibility of a company may affect
consumer and government purchase
• Environmental responsibility can be an
effective marketing tool
Motivations for DfEEnhanced
Studies have shown that environmentally
responsible companies have:
– 16.7% higher operating income growth
– 9.3% higher sales growth
– 3.9% higher return on investments
– 2.2% higher return on assets
– 1.9% higher asset growth
(Source: Green Manufacturing, February 3,
Motivations for DfECorporate
Evolution of corporate approaches to
environmental issues
– Stage 1 – Problem Solving
– Stage 2 – Managing for Compliance
– Stage 3 – Managing for Assurance
– Stage 4 – Managing for "Eco-efficiency"
– Stage 5 – Fully Integrated
Motivations for DfECorporate
Implementation Challenges of DfE
– Shortage of environmental expertise among
product design and development teams
– Difficulty in analyzing and predicting
environmental impacts (i.e. what is
– Complex economics of product life cycle
– The market for recycled materials has grown
and waned, as has governmental support
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction to DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
DfE Design Guidelines
Case Studies
Key Principles of DfE
• Eco-Efficiency Approaches
• Product Life Cycle Perspective
• Integrated Cross-Functional Product
Key Principles of DfEEcoEfficiency Approaches
• Cleaner Processes(Pollution Prevention)
• Reduced Emissions, Manufacturing and paint methods
Cleaner Products(Environmental
• Use of recycled products and environment friendly
• Sustainable Resource Use(Industrial
Key Principles of DfEEcoEfficiency Approaches
Cleaner Processes (Pollution Prevention)
– Assumes product function and concept are
– Usually involves incremental refinement of
production/manufacturing processes to
reduce waste and its byproducts
Key Principles of DfEEcoEfficiency Approaches
Cleaner Products
(Environmental Responsibility)
– Fundamental product designs are still
– Takes into account all stages of the
product life cycle, from material selection to
end-of-life use and recovery
Key Principles of DfEEcoEfficiency Approaches
Sustainable Resource Use
(Industrial Ecology)
– Evaluate product and production system as
a whole
– Includes supplier and customer impacts on
resource consumption
Key Principles of DfEEPA’s role
in DfE
The EPA responded to these Eco-Efficient
approaches in the early 1990s, manufacturers
started thinking in terms of "design for" qualities
in their products and processes. The EPA
recognized the need for competitive but
environmentally preferable technologies. As a
result the EPA's Design for the Environment
(DfE) Program was developed.
Key Principles of DfEEPA’s role
in DfE
The EPA:
• Assists companies to integrate health and
environmental considerations into business decisions.
This is aimed at prevention before pollution is created
• Examines the hazards of chemicals used in an industry
and pollution prevention
• Assesses alternative processes, formulations, and
emerging technologies
• Promotes risk reduction through cleaner technologies
and safer chemical choices
Key Principles of DfEEco-Efficiency
Example: Evolution of Automotive
Heat Exchangers
with silver and
lead solder
cleaned with
with TCE and
coated with
iron cyanide
with TCE and
coated with
TCE = Trichloroethylene
not coated;
cleaned with
not requiring
coating; cleaned
with water
and detergent
Key Principles of DfEEco-Efficiency
Example: Evolution of Automobile
and new
Steel Frame introduced
DfE used to
Thermoset and technologies to
aide the impact on
Enhanced Al
plastics used as the environment
and Molded
replacing metal materials
Ref, Dr. Norm Gjostein 1998 (UMTRI)
Key Principles of DfELife Cycle
Life Cycle Stages of a Product
– Component / Raw Material Acquisition
• Material Development
– Product Manufacturing / Assembly
– Product Delivery to Consumer
– Product Use by Consumer
– Product Disposal and/or Recovery
Key Principles of DfELife Cycle
Life Cycle decision making capabilities can be a
management tool based on characterizing:
– Technology
– Economy/Economics
– Environment
By identifying these characteristics a holistic
optimization potential can be identified to
optimize the long term effects of new designs.
Key Principles of DfELife Cycle
Part / Process
• Raw
• Packaging
• Energy
• Water
Hazardous &
External &
Internal Material
Waste Disposal
End of
Key Principles of DfEIntegrated
Product Development System
DfE Enablers in Product Development
– Integrated product realization process
– Concurrent development of product and
production processes
– Environmental performance metrics
– Analysis methods for comparing and
selecting alternatives
– Readily available materials databases
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction and Definition of DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
DfE Design Guidelines
Case Studies
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Environmental Design Practices
Environmental Analysis Methods
Environmental Information Infrastructure
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Energy Usage
• Energy consumed in product manufacturing
• Total energy consumed during product life cycle
• Renewable energy consumed during life cycle
• Power / fuel used during consumer operation
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Natural Resource Usage
• Amount of water consumed during manufacture
• Water consumption during product end use
• Mass or volume of nonrenewable material (i.e.
metal ore, petroleum) used in product life cycle
• Mass or volume of renewable raw material
(wood, oxygen) used in product life cycle
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Material Burden
• Mass of toxic or hazardous materials used in
production processes
• Total mass of waste generated in production
• Hazardous waste generated in life cycle
• Air emissions and water effluents generated
• Greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting
substances released over life cycle
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Recovery and Reuse
• Product disassembly and recovery time
• Percent of recyclable materials at end of life
• Percent of product actually recovered and reused
• Purity of recovered recyclable materials
• Percent of recycled materials input to product
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Source Volume
• Total product mass
• Useful operating life of product
• Percent of product disposed or incinerated
• Percent of packaging recycled during life cycle
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
Exposure and Risk
• Ambient concentrations of hazardous
byproducts in various media
• Estimated annual population incidence of
adverse effects to humans, animals or
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Performance Metrics
• Average life-cycle cost incurred by manufacturer
• Purchase and operating cost incurred by the
• Cost savings associated with improvements in
product and process designs
DfE Tools and Processes
Environmental Design Practices
Design for Recovery and Reuse
Design for Disassembly
Design for Waste Minimization
Design for Energy Conservation
Design for Material Conservation
Design for Chronic Risk Reduction
Design for Accident Prevention
DfE Tools and ProcessesDesign
for Recovery and Reuse
• Design for Material Recovery
– Avoid Composite Materials
– Specify Recyclable Materials
– Use Recyclable Packaging Materials
• Design for Component Recovery
– Design Reusable Containers
– Design for Refurbishment
– Design for Remanufacture
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Disassembly
• Facilitate Access to Components
– Optimize disassembly sequence
– Design for easy removal
– Avoid embedded parts
• Simplify Component Interfaces
– Avoid springs, pulleys, and harnesses
– Avoid adhesives and welds
– Avoid threaded fasteners
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Disassembly
• Design for Simplicity
– Reduce product complexity
– Reduce number of parts
– Design multifunctional parts
– Utilize common parts
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Disassembly
• Design for disassembly can drive contradicting
objectives with other disciplines
• Further emphasizes the need to understand the
total life cycle cost impact
• However, until manufacturers are responsible for
disassembly, it is difficult to justify cost offsets
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Waste Minimization
• Design for Source Reduction
– Reduce product dimensions
– Specify lighter-weight materials
– Design thinner enclosures
– Increase liquid concentration
– Reduce mass of components
– Reduce packaging weight
– Use electronic documentation
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Waste Minimization
• Design for Separability
– Facilitate identification of materials
– Use fewer types of materials
– Use similar or compatible materials
• Avoid Material Contaminants
– Painting or labeling of recyclable materials
• Design for Waste Recovery and Reuse
• Design for Waste Incineration
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Energy Conservation
• Reduce Energy Use in Production
• Reduce Product Power Consumption
– Use “standby” or “sleep” modes when possible
• Reduce Energy Use in Distribution
– Reduce transportation distance
– Reduce transportation urgency
– Reduce shipping volume and mass required
• Use Renewable Forms of Energy
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Material Conservation
Design Multifunctional Components
Specify Recycled Materials
Specify Renewable Materials
Use Remanufactured Components
Design for Closed-Loop Recycling
Design for Packaging Recovery
Design Reusable Containers
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Material Conservation
• Design for Product Longevity
– Extend performance life
– Use modular architecture
– Design upgradeable components
– Design reusable platforms
– Design for serviceability
– Design for durability
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Chronic Risk Reduction
Reduce Toxic Production Releases
Avoid Hazardous Substances
Avoid Ozone-Depleting Chemicals
Use Water-Based Technologies
Assure Product Biodegradability
Assure Waste Disposability
DfE Tools and Processes Design
for Accident Prevention
Good Housekeeping Standards in Plant
Avoid Caustic and/or Flammable Materials
Minimize Leakage Potential
Use Fool-proof Closures
Discourage Consumer Misuse
DfE Tools and ProcessesDesign
Practices for Eco-Efficiency
Cleaner Processes
• Good Housekeeping Practices to reduce
accidental waste
• Material Substitution to reduce the presence of
undesirable substances in production
• Manufacturing Process Changes to reduce
resource use and simplify production
• Resource Recovery to capture and reuse waste
materials in production
DfE Tools and ProcessesExample:
Ford Transmission Plants
• In Transmission Assembly Plants, every
transmission is tested before shipment
• Transmission test fluid was disposed
• Now it is re-processed and reused in vehicles
• Re-processed fluid meets or exceeds standards
for fluid received from manufacturer
• Nearly 370,000 gallons have been reclaimed
• Savings are estimated at $2.00 per transmission
DfE Tools and ProcessesDesign
Practices for Eco-Efficiency
Cleaner Products
• Material Substitution: Replace materials to
improve recyclability or reduce resource usage
• Waste Source Reduction: Minimize product and
packaging mass, thus reducing end of life waste
• Life Extension: Increase useful life of product,
thus reducing end-of-life waste stream
DfE Tools and ProcessesDesign
Practices for Eco-Efficiency
Cleaner Products
• Design for separability and disassembly
• Design for disposability
• Design for energy recovery
DfE Tools and ProcessesDesign
Practices for Eco-Efficiency
Sustainable Resource Use
• Substance use reduction
• Energy use reduction
• Design for recyclability
• Design for reusability
• Design for remanufacture
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Analysis
• Life Cycle Assessment
– Goal Definition
– Inventory
– Interpretation
– Impact Analysis
• Qualitative Assessment
• Environmental Accounting
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife
Cycle Assessment
The SETAC (Society of Toxicology and
Chemistry) Approach consists of four steps:
• Define goals, scope, and system boundaries
• Develop an inventory of environmental burdens
by identifying and quantifying energy and
materials used and wastes released
• Assess the impact of this inventory on the
• Interpret and evaluate opportunities to improve
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife
Cycle Assessment
• A methodology best applied to in-depth
environmental evaluation of existing products
• LCA is done “in the background” to develop new
standards and/or specifications
• Design and manufacturing engineers will not do
LCA; other company operations perform LCAs
and identify appropriate data
• Design recommendations are made to improve
the environmental aspects of the product or
DfE HP Packaging
HP has identified 6 dimensions as part of a new environmental strategy
for packaging. These include:
➢ Remove - Eliminate the use of substances , such as PVC, that are
of concern when alternatives with lower impact are readily
➢ Reduce – Amount of packaging can be reduced either by product
design or packaging material/density used.
➢ Reuse – Dunnage/Consumer packaging
➢ Recycle – Ex: Molded pulp packaging that uses recycled content
instead of expanded polystyrene
➢ Replace - Substitute packaging that is difficult to recycle with more
easily recyclable materials.
➢ Influence - Encourage packaging vendors to develop materials that
have a reduced environmental impact
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment: Electric Vehicle
QUESTION: Is this a “Zero Emissions” Vehicle?
Ford Ecostar (electric
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife Cycle
Assessment: Electric Vehicle
DfE Tools and Processes Life
Cycle Assessment
• Holistic life cycle thinking (no shifting of
environmental problems: media, region, or time related)
• Identification of cost cutting potentials and hot
• Early warning system concerning future legal
requirements and concerns of environmentalists
• Identification of possibilities for process
DfE Tools and Processes Life
Cycle Assessment
• Data-intensive and costly
• Requires dedicated expertise to conduct
• Does not account for non-environmental
aspects of quality and cost
• Cannot capture dynamics of changing markets
and technologies
• Difficult to translate into specific requirements
for designers to implement
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife
Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
The first step in considering environmental
assessment in product design is to establish
clear objectives. What is the purpose of the
environmental analysis?
– Example 1: Reduce CO2 emissions and meet
– Example 2: Reduce energy use, reduce component
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
• Within goal definition, clearly defined
engineering specification (metrics) are
established to evaluate a product
• The goal should be refined and revisited
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
Overall Product Function – The next step
for a design team is to establish the
boundary of the system to analyze
The Functional Unit – The design team
must then establish a functional unit
– Example: A functional unit for a coffee grinder might be one
day’s worth of ground coffee, or one cup of grounds.
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Inventory
• After establishing the system boundary and
functional unit, the system needs to be
described as a sequence of activities, each
called a life cycle stage.
• Each life cycle stage takes in materials and
energy and produces the desired activity
outcome along with waste material and
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife Cycle
Product Material
(including reuse and
recycle from another
This stage
Process Materials, Reagents,
Solvents and Catalysts
Reuse/Recycle this
Reuse/Recycle For
a different stage
Single Product
Stage or
Useful Co-product
Primary Product
Fugitive and
DfE Tools and Processes
Impact Analysis
• Having mapped the system and
identified the flows in and out of each
lifecycle stage, the next step is to
quantify these flows in terms
environmental impact.
DfE Tools and Processes Impact
• The most challenging and controversial
stage of LCA
• Impact of released materials can be
local, regional, or global in nature
• Knowledge of environmental impacts is
fragmentary and largely theoretical
DfE Tools and Processes
Impact Analysis
There are 2 basic methods for analyzing
potential Impacts:
• Risk Analysis
– AT&T’s Environmentally Responsible Product
Assessment Methods
– Motorola’s Product Lifecycle Matrix
– Environmental Impact Factors Analysis method
Indexing and Scoring
DfE Tools and Processes Impact
Risk Analysis takes into account:
• Types and magnitudes of risk agents in a given
process or product
• Possible initiating events, such as leaks, spills,
or explosions
• Transport mechanisms for released agents
• Categories of receptors that might be exposed
• Possible exposure pathways for these receptors
DfE Tools and Processes Impact
Indexing and Scoring:
• Uses available data combined with subjective
judgments to derive numerical ratings
• Used to distinguish relative environmental
impact of alternative approaches
• Used in cases where quantitative risk
assessment is not possible, or when evaluating
resource depletion effects are unknown.
DfE Tools and Processes Impact
Indexing and Scoring Example:
Volvo Environmental Priority Strategies (EPS)
• Designed to provide feedback to design teams on
overall environmental impact of their product
• Calculates Environmental Load Value (ELV) for each
component, based on material inputs and manufacturing
• ELV can be compared to similar products for relative
environmental performance objectives
DfE Tools and
ProcessesQualitative Assessment
• Used to evaluate design choices among a set of
alternatives (screening and trade-offs)
• Includes Criteria Checklists and Matrices
• Advantages:
– Requires minimal data to apply
– Can be useful in spite of large uncertainties
• Disadvantages:
– Crude results due to lack of quantitative data
– No guidance regarding relative importance of criteria
– May stifle innovation with “plug and chug” approach
DfE Tools and
ProcessesQualitative Assessment
• Examples
– Material Selection Criteria Checklists
– Design Criteria Checklists
– Trade-off or Decision Matrices
– Multi-Criteria Requirement Matrix (MCRM)
DfE Tools and
ProcessesQualitative Assessment
MCRM adapted from Life Cycle Design Manual, US EPA, 1993.
and Assembly
End of
DfE Tools and ProcessesQualitative Assessment
Development of weightings for the Eco-Indicator
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Accounting
• Economic impact of a product on nonrenewable
resources can be difficult to evaluate
• Consequently, environmental improvement
project costs can be difficult to justify
• Using principles of Activity Based Costing, it is
possible to capture the contributions of
environmental improvements toward profitability
• Total Cost Assessment methods can show the
financial benefits of environmental improvement
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Accounting
Total Costing is:
A systematic approach for analyzing all
of the internal and external costs
associated with business processes,
including life cycle costs due to
environmental and other factors.
Source: Ford Motor Company DFE Development Team
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Accounting
Environmental Aspects of Total Costing
Resource consumption
Marketability (purchasing preference)
Future liabilities from waste management
Materials Management
Facilities Management
- Waste collection and disposal
- Energy supply
• Penalties and fines
• Take-back / recycling procedures (Europe)
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Necessary Capabilities of an
Environmental Information Infrastructure
– Online Design Guidance
– Predictive Assessment Tools
– Integration with CAE/CAD Framework
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Online Design Guidance assists in:
– Selecting appropriate DfE design practices
– Identifying interactions and trade-offs
among eco-efficiency, cost, quality, etc.
– Assigning relative importance to categories
of environmental impacts for trade-offs and
decision making
– Recording objectives and decision
rationales in ‘corporate memory’
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Online Design Guidance forms:
– Web-based hypertext systems with crossreferenced ‘rules of thumb’ and ‘lessons
– Interactive ‘expert’ systems that help to
explore trade-offs among alternative designs
or technologies
Ford Example: Environmental Quality
Office Web Site (www-ese.ta.ford.com/eqo)
1.0 Does Product or Process contain
or use target substances?
1.1 Evaluate Leading Edge
“Clean Technology”
SECTION 2. Recycling /
Accommodate Recyclability
2A. Accommodate Vehicle Recyclability
a) Evaluate products for materials that
provide for their optimum recyclability
b) Use recycled materials in product
1.2 Involve Suppliers
& Researchers
a) Supply reusable / returnable packaging
b) Utilize readily recyclable packaging
SECTION 3. Evaluate Potential
to Improve Energy Efficiency
a) Product
b) Manufacturing
a) Request alternative material
b) Solicit alternatives from other suppliers
c) Requests internal studies/research
1.3 Benchmark comparable a) Compare competitive alternatives
b) Evaluate other industry &
industry alternatives
non-competitor alternatives
2B. Manufacturing Packaging / Process
a) Review technical research for
potential opportunities
1.4 Select alternative that
DOES NOT contain or
use target substances
1.5 Evaluate & Engineer a Process to Reuse/Recycle the target
substance at its source and/or to minimize its release/waste
a) Provide material recovery capability for target substance at or
near the source of release
b) Evaluate and engineer environmentally robust material
collection, handling, recovery, treatment and disposal
processes / procedures
c) Assure systems and procedures are in place to comply with
regulations and with Company Policy and Directives.
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Predictive Assessment Tools use LCA and
other data to provide:
– Early assessment of anticipated waste
streams and emission rates
– Modeling of end-of-life costs
– Profiling of life-cycle environmental and
financial implications of design alternatives
– Rating of overall environmental performance
of designs
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Predictive Assessment Tool Example:
Environmental Information and Management Explorer ™
from Ecobilan, S.A.
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
• Originally developed for the Electronics Industry
in 1997 – testing automotive applications now
• Integrates quantitative LCA information with
internal and regulatory standards, and
disassembly aspects, of product design
• Does not require LCA expertise of users
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
• Provides real time access to distributed data
• Allows for the sharing of design data
• Allows the comparison of the environmental
profiles of different design alternatives
• Gives contextual warnings and "to do" reminders
during the product description process
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
• Allows for the determination of environmental
target values to benchmark design alternatives
• Database of 170 modules on commonly used
materials and sub-components, including
quantitative life-cycle flows, toxicology and
regulatory information, product descriptions and
end-of-life aspects
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Design Inputs
Product designs are represented by:
• Materials
• Components
• Links
• Processes
From the extensive EIME™ database
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Output Metrics
• Life Cycle indicators from LCI analysis
• Design indicators from product dismantling and
hazardous material handling assessment
• Evaluation of compliance with internal and/or
regulatory standards
• Comparative analysis of design alternatives
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Output Metrics
Life Cycle Indicators
• Material depletion (raw materials, energy, water)
• Potential impacts in the air (global warming, ozone
depletion, toxicity, acidity, smog)
• Potential impacts in water (eutrophication, toxicity)
• Production of Waste (hazardous waste)
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Output Metrics
Design Indicators
• Physical characteristics (weight , recycled content,
hazardous matter, parts count)
• Use characteristics (power consumption, radiation, noise)
• End of life characteristics (weight ratios of hazardous,
reusable, recyclable components; ratio of waste; number
of problematic links; number of distinct materials)
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
• Empowers product designers to evaluate the
environmental impact of their design alternatives
• Provides improvement suggestions
• Ensures compliance with specifications, internal
environmental requirements, and regulations
• No environmental expertise, LCA experience, or
data collection required
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Information
Integration with CAE/CAD Framework
• Avoid the ‘islands of automation’ syndrome
• Share common data models and interface
specifications with other attribute tools
• Key enabler of true integrated product
development system
• Not yet available in automotive application
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction to DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
DfE Design Guidelines
Case Studies
Design Guidelines For DfE
For Product Structure
Strive to be multifunctional
Minimize the number of parts
Create multifunctional parts
Embed springs, pulleys, or harness into
parts, avoid separating them
• Modularize with separate functions
• Design reusable platforms and modules
Design Guidelines For DfE
For Product Structure
• Locate non recyclable parts in one system
that can be quickly removed.
• Locate parts with the highest value in easily
accessible places.
• Access and break points should be made
• Specify remanufactured parts.
Design Guidelines For DfE
For Product Structure
• In plastic parts, avoid embedded metal
inserts or reinforcements
• Design power-down features for different
subsystems in products when they are not
in use
• Commonize the material of individual parts
Design Guidelines For DfE
For Material Selection
• Avoid regulated and restricted materials
• Minimize the number of different types of
• Mark the material on all parts (per spec)
• Use recycled materials
• Avoid composite materials
• Hazardous parts should be clearly marked
and easily removable
Design Guidelines For DfE
For Labeling and Finish
• Ensure compatibility of ink where printing is
required on parts
• Eliminate environmentally incompatible
paints on parts
• Use unplated metals that are more
recyclable than plated
• Use electronic part documentation
Design for Environment (DfE)
Introduction to DfE
Motivations for DfE
Key Principles of DfE
DfE Tools and Processes
Design Guidelines for DfE
Case Studies
Case Studies
Industry Trends
S.C. Johnson Wax
The Auto Industry Pollution Prevention
Case Studies
Industry Trends
S.C. Johnson Wax
The Auto Industry Pollution Prevention
• Lead Free Initiative
Case Study - XEROX
Business Summary
Xerox Corporation is engaged in the global document
market selling equipment and providing document
solutions including hardware, services and software
world-wide. The Company's activities encompass
developing, manufacturing, marketing, servicing and
financing of a complete range of document
processing products, solutions and services designed
to make organizations around the world more
XEROX Is A Document Company
Case Study - XEROX
Missions on Environment, Health, and
• To become a waste-free company
• To protect the environment and the health
and safety of its employees, customers,
and neighbors
• Reduce, reuse, recycle
Case Study - XEROX
Corporate Policy on Environment, Health, and Safety
• Protection of the environment and the health and
safety of employees, customers, and neighbors
from unacceptable risks takes priority over
economic consideration and will not be
• Operations must be conducted in a manner that
safeguards health, protects the environment,
conserves valuable materials and resources, and
minimizes the risk of asset losses.
Case Study - XEROX
Corporate Policy on Environment, Health, and Safety
• To design, manufacture, distribute and market
products and processes to optimize resource
utilization and minimize environmental impact.
• All operations and products are, at a minimum, in
full compliance with applicable governmental
regulations and XEROX standards.
• Continue to improve performance in environment
health and safety.
Xerox Site Operations
XEROX Reuse/Recycle Management Process
XEROX Environmental Performance
➢Customer Environmental
➢Clean Air and Air Emissions
➢Waste Recycle
➢Energy conservation
➢Water conservation
➢Waste to landfills
➢Saving in recycle
Customer Environmental
Prevented nearly 160 million pounds
of material from entering landfills
through the reuse and recycling of
Xerox equipment and supplies.
Increased the number of Xerox
products meeting the stringent
requirements of the international
ENERGY STAR®, Canada's
Environmental Choice EcoLogo and
Germany's Blue Angel eco labels.
Enabled energy savings of more than
800,000 megawatt hours through the
sale of ENERGY STAR-qualified
Beneficially managed 96% of
hazardous waste through
treatment, recycling or fuels
Recycled 80% of nonhazardous solid waste.
Xerox's four equipment
recovery and recycle
operations achieved a 95%
recycle rate.
Increased the number of
Xerox manufacturing sites
registered to the ISO 14001
standard to 25 (out of 27).
Clean Air
The majority
of energy
in research and
operations is
supplied by
Air Emissions
Xerox has
emissions of dust
by 55 percent and
ozone by 70
percent from its
office and
compared with
1990 baseline
Ninety-six percent
of hazardous
waste generated
by Xerox
worldwide was
treated, recycled
or used as fuel;
only 4 percent
was sent to
Energy Conservation
Reduce energy used
by 6% between
1998 and 1999 and
by 19% since 1996
Water Conservation
Reduce water usage
by 5% between
1998 and
1999 and by 32%
since 1993
Waste to Landfills
returned more
than 7 million
cartridges and
containers to
Xerox in 2000
to be
d or recycled
Saving in Recycle
$47 million in 1999
$45 million in 1998
Additional $5 million
was realized.
Case Studies
Industry Trends
S.C. Johnson Wax
The Auto Industry Pollution Prevention
DfE Success - Industry Trends
• An increasing number of contemporary
corporations are showing DfE product stewardship
and extended product responsibility trends.
• Through public requests, pressure and pending
take-back legislation, corporations such as XEROX,
Hewlett Packard, IBM, Sun Microsystems, GM,
Volkswagen, Ford and Goodyear, are finding the
need to adopt a DfE philosophy to meet evolving
civil and asset management responsibilities.
DfE Successes
• Goal – zero materials to landfill
• Set trends to reuse, recycle and remanufacture
their products
• Take accountability for products to end-of-life
• New copiers have easily removed components
• Disposable fuser rolls now made re-usable
• Result - saved $100’s of Millions to-date
DfE Successes
• Goals – reuse, recycle, less energy
Recycle plastics
Plastic parts marked & identified for recycling
Thin-walled molding process uses less plastic
Modular architecture
Few permanent screws
80% less power than dot matrix models
50% less power than other ink jet models
DfE Successes
• Goals – reuse, recycle, less energy
On/off power programming
Coding of plastic parts for recycle
Improved acoustic foam removal
Recycled plastic in many product lines
Plastic kept free of paint & label contamination
Upgradeable printing systems
Powder coating of components
DfE Successes
• Goals – implement DfE practices
• Numerous product disassembly procedures
• Used post-consumer plastics in new products
• Heavy metal elimination from plastic, packaging,
inks, manuals
• Reduce computer product end-of-life to landfills
DfE Successes
• Goals – up-front DfE design, reuse and recycle
• Developing energy & environmental impact
software with University of Tennessee
• Track energy & environmental impact of every
part during cars life-cycle
• Redesign parts to better reuse or recycle
• Analyze environment component of every
design decision
DfE Successes
• Goal – 100% reusable/recyclable auto parts
• Ensure environmental compatibility and
conservative use of natural resources to
minimize environmental impact
• Contribute to resolution of environmental
problems at regional and global levels
• Balance customer expectations with
environmental compatibility
• Apply DfE to disassembly and recycling of
recovered materials in automobiles
DfE Successes
• Goals – 100% recyclable vehicle
• Cross-functional recycling team since 1991
• Plastic car bumpers recycled into tail lights –
• 2nd hand tires used to make parking brake pedal
• Makes use of non-auto end-of-life materials
– Household carpet recycled into air cleaner housings &
fan modules – Ford/Mercury/Lincoln
– Soda bottles into grille reinforcements & padding
• Recycling saves Ford $8M annually
DfE Successes
• Goals – develop used tires into a valuable
resource and lengthen expected tire life
Tire carcasses into fish habitats, shore & highway
barriers and playground equipment
Shred tires into landscape materials
Convert tires into a fuel cleaner than coal for paper
& steel mills and cement kilns
Lengthened typical tire life by 100%
Case Studies
Industry Trends
S.C. Johnson Wax
The Auto Industry Pollution Prevention
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax - Introduction
• Pioneer of eco-efficiency
• 1975 – voluntarily eliminated CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) propellants from all
• 1990 – established a centralized
environmental policy and strategy office
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax - Worldwide
• Reduced waste from products and
processes by 420 million pounds since
• More than 30 environmental awards
from agencies and governments since
• $125 million in savings since 1992
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax – Goals set in 1990
• Cut virgin packing material use as a
ratio of total by 20% by 1995
• Cut combined air & water emissions
and solid waste disposal by 50% by
• Cut volatile organic compound (VOC)
use by 25% by 2000
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax – by 1995
• Cut virgin packing material by 26.8% by
using recycled containers and lighter
weight containers
• Cut air, water, and solid emissions by
• Cut VOC ratio by 16.5%
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax – Glade candles
• 7% reduction in weight of the glass
• 6% reduction in weight of the candle
• Increased shipping carton efficiencies
• No impact on functionality
• Material reduction of 3 million pounds
• Annual cost savings of $3.6 million
S.C Johnson Wax
S.C. Johnson Wax – Aerosol products
• Lighter plastic caps (2.4M lbs. Plastic)
• Recycled shippers (1.2M lbs. Virgin
• Recycled scant flaps (110,000 lbs.)
• Annual cost savings of $1.45 million
Case Studies
Industry Trends
S.C. Johnson Wax
The Auto Industry Pollution
Prevention Project
Auto Project
Auto Project – Introduction
• Partnership between the State of Michigan
and the auto industry started in 1991
• Voluntarily focus source reduction efforts on
persistent toxic substances that adversely
affect the Great Lakes
• “Partnership to benefit both economic
development and the environment”
Auto Project
Auto Project – Ford
• Great Lakes Persistent Toxic (GLPT)
• Toluene and Trichloroethylene (TCE)
highest volume of releases according to
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
Auto Project
Auto Project – Ford
• Paint build up on fixtures was cleaned
with a toluene based solvent
• Replaced with a molten salt
• Reduced the release of toluene by
about 23,000 pounds annually
Auto Project
Auto Project – Ford
• Used two TCE degreasers for cleaning
oil from metal tubes
• Pilot testing showed replacing with a
water wash system could maintain
product quality
• Reduced TCE releases by about 50,000
pounds annually
Auto Project
Auto Project – GM
• Used adhesive in manufacturing hoods,
trunk lids, and doors
• The solvent based adhesives contained
3.5 pounds of toluene per gallon all of
which eventually evaporated into the air
Auto Project
Auto Project – GM
• Successfully piloted a non-solvent based
adhesive in 1989 and implemented plant wide
by 1992
• Reduced release of toluene by 300 tons/yr
• Adhesive residue no longer hazardous,
reduced hazardous waste from 3000 gallons
to 400 gallons/yr
• The non-solvent based adhesive costs less
Lead Free Initiative
Lead Free Initiative
• Aimed to eliminate the use of lead in solder
and electronic components in Ford
• Began as a requirement from an EU Directive
known as RoHS (Reduction of Hazardous
• Required lead to be removed from plastics,
solder and other components by July 2006
Lead Free Initiative
• Ford and other North American OEMs and
suppliers worked to become compliant due to
global nature of industry
• May have had unprecedented impact on the
electronics industry
Lead Free Initiative
Engineering Issues
• Removal of lead from solder changed
process parameters (Solder temp, reflow
time, etc)
• Reliability of lead free solder joints
• Redesign of testing procedures and
• Long established rules of thumb are thrown
out for brand new engineering materials
Lead Free Initiative
Moving Forward
• Component suppliers and electronics
suppliers worked closely with Ford and other
component suppliers
• Workshops used to describe best practices
and discuss new issue
• Technical specialist dedicated to reviewing
new design and test plans
Lead Free Initiative
Successful Implementation
• Through cooperation between OEM and
suppliers, a nearly flawless implementation
was completed
The End?
“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.”
- The Once-ler
• K. Hockerts, et al., ‘Beyond Life Cycle Assessment,
an Integrative Design for Environment Approach for
the Automotive Industry,’ SAE 982228, 1998
• H. Schoech, et al., ‘LCA Based Design for
Environment in the Automotive Industry,’
SAE 2000-01-0517, 2000
• Environmental Defense Pollution Prevention Alliance
Internet site, www.edf.org/PPA
• ISO 14000 Internet site, www.iso14000.org
• T. Seuss Geisel, The Lorax, Random House, 1971
• J. Fiksel, editor, Design For Environment, McGraw-Hill,
• Ford Motor Company DfE Development Team, DfE
Course Material, 1998
• S. Adda, et al., ‘ TEIME: A Tool for Environmental
Impacts Evaluation in Product Design,’ SAE 970691,
• M. Finkbeiner, et al., ‘Life Cycle Engineering as a Tool
for Design for Environment,’ SAE 2000-01-1491, 2000
• Ecobilan Group Internet Site, EIME Software
Description, www.ecobalance.com/software/EIME
• World Business Council for Sustainable Development
• S.C. Johnson Wax Environmental Leadership,
• Case Study: Source Reduction In the Auto Industry
• Yarwood, Jeremy M., and Eagan, Patrick D., Design
for Environment Toolkit, Minnesota Office of
Environmental Assistance
• Greenhaven Press, The Environmental Crisis
• Earth in the Balance, Senator Al Gore 1992
DfE Tools and
ProcessesEnvironmental Analysis
• Life Cycle Assessment
– Goal Definition
– Inventory
– Interpretation
– Impact Analysis
• Qualitative Assessment
• Environmental Accounting
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife
Cycle Assessment
The SETAC (Society of Toxicology and
Chemistry) Approach consists of four steps:
• Define goals, scope, and system boundaries
• Develop an inventory of environmental burdens by
identifying and quantifying energy and materials
used and wastes released
• Assess the impact of this inventory on the
• Interpret and evaluate opportunities to improve
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife
Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
The first step in considering environmental
assessment in product design is to establish
clear objectives. What is the purpose of the
environmental analysis?
– Example1: Reduce CO2 emissions and meet
– Example2: Reduce energy use, reduce component
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
Overall Product Function – The next step
for a design team is to establish the
boundary of the system to analyze.
The Functional Unit – The design team
must then establish a functional unit.
Example: A functional unit for a coffee grinder might be
one day’s worth of ground coffee, or one cup of
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Inventory
• After establishing the system boundary and
functional unit, the system needs to be
described as a sequence of activities, each
called a life cycle stage.
• Each life cycle stage takes in materials and
energy and produces the desired activity
outcome along with waste material and
DfE Tools and ProcessesLife Cycle
Product Material Inputs
(including reuse and
recycle from another
Process Materials, Reagents,
Solvents and Catalysts
Reuse/Recycle this stage
Single Product
Stage or
This stage
Reuse/Recycle For
a different stage
Primary Product
Useful Co-product
Treated Waste
Fugitive and
Untreated Waste
DfE Tools and Processes
Life Cycle Assessment - Goal Definition
• Within goal definition, clearly defined
engineering specification (metrics) are
established to evaluate a product.
• The goal should be refined and revisited
DfE Tools and Processes
Impact Analysis
• Having mapped the system and
identified the flows in and out of each
lifecycle stage, the next step is to
quantify these flows in terms
environmental impact.
DfE Tools and Processes Impact
• The most challenging and controversial
stage of LCA
• Impact of released materials can be
local, regional, or global in nature
• Knowledge of environmental impacts is
fragmentary and largely theoretical
DfE Tools and Processes
Impact Analysis
There are 2 basic methods for analyzing
potential Impacts:
• Risk Analysis
– AT&T’s Environmentally Responsible Product
Assessment Methods
– Motorola’s Product Lifecycle Matrix
– Environmental Impact Factors Analysis method
Indexing and Scoring
DfE Tools and ProcessesQualitative Assessment
Development of weightings for the Eco-Indicator