Transcript Slide 1

Mrs. Fernandez’s
It is my mission in live to help
students love learning, to
value their education and take
responsibility for it. I hope
to encourage parents to be
my partners in this venture.
School Website:
School Phone number 954-435-1570
Fax 954-435-1571
Teacher email [email protected]
Teacher cell 786-290-6611
Classroom door opens at
8:00 A.M.
Instruction begins at
8:15 A.M.
Class ends at 2:30
Dismissal is until 2:45
student not picked up will
be taken to aftercare.
Early Dismissal days end at
12:30 for Kindergarten.
Please pull all the way up to the front of the drop off area, this
will help expedite drop-off and ensure safety as well.
Never drop off students in the parking lot. If drop off is over
park on the grass and walk your child to the office for a late
pass. If they are late but the teachers and security are still
there they will be issued a tardy pass in the front hallway.
Car riders are to be picked up on the far left lane closest
to the building also pull all the way up to the front of the
covered area to ensure that we can get as many students
safely into their cars as possible.
After School Care is provided at a
cost and the after care staff are
available tonight for any questions
you may have.
15 minutes prior to the
start of school your child
may have breakfast daily.
The tardy bell rings one (1) minute after
the school commencement time for your
child’s particular grade level. All children
who are not in their rooms at this time
are marked “TARDY”. After the first
week of school, all students who are late
will not be admitted to class without a
tardy pass from the campus secretary. A
student is allowed THREE (3) tardies per
A written note from a parent or guardian
must be sent to the teacher when a child
returns from an absence. The note
should include the date and the reason
for the absence. This information is
necessary for the school records. A
telephone call may be made to the school
in lieu of a note at 954-435-1570.
Parents must call the school in the
morning to report an absence.
Somerset Academy Central Miramar
offers healthy meals every school day.
Breakfast costs $2.50; lunch costs
$3.50. Your children may qualify for
free meals or for reduced price meals.
Reduced price is $ .30 for breakfast
and $ .40 for lunch. Your child has a
lunch number and card that gets scanned
as the go through the lunch line daily.
Payments may be made in
the cafeteria in advance
for your child’s account.
Folders are the
Red and White
folders that match
the planner.
BEE Binders
Bring Everything Everyday
The binder will contain the
Schedule, contact page,
parent resource pages,
planner, homework folder,
communication folder, and
money pouch.
Homework packets are given each week details
of what is to be done daily. They are due
Monday of the following week. The purpose of
homework is two fold to review what is taught
in class and to establish a routine for you and
your child. It is imperative to establish this
daily routine now.
90-100 = 1
70-89 = 2
Please send written
documentation as soon as
possible after your child
returns to school. Emails may
also be sent.
POLO Red or White w/ LOGO on LEFT CHEST
BOTTOMS Black or Khaki Skirt, Short or Skort
PANT Black or Khaki Pant or Capri
DRESS UP White LS Oxford w/Logo and Black Skirt
POLO Red or White w/ LOGO on LEFT CHEST
SHORT Black or Khaki Short
PANT Black or Khaki Pant
DRESS UP White LS Oxford w/ Logo and Black Pants and Black Tie
Black or Red Fleece Jackets w/ LOGO
Black or Red Hooded Sweatshirt w/ LOGO
Red/White Long Sleeve Polo w/ LOGO
Black Sweatpant with Somerset on Leg
Needs to be big enough
for the binder, raingear
and change of clothes. No
rolling book-bags allowed.
Please keep a change of clothes
for your child in a labeled zip lock
bag in the book-bag. For bathroom
accidents or lunch accidents.
SAFETY is our number one priority
please plan on weather and traffic in
order to not be in a rush during drop
off and pick up this will result in a
positive experience for all concerned.
Please be sure that you send in all supplies as soon as
possible. We need 4 packs of crayons per student
because they get a new pack each grading period there is
a reason for each and every item requested. At this
time we have only 8 - 1 inch binders. Setting up the
BEE Binders takes time and is the best way to keep
students organized. Please bring them in as soon as
Birthdays may be celebrated by bringing in
cupcakes for the class during recess time.
We have recess at 12:00. Please let me know
if you are planning to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Respect yourself, others,
and property.
First time: Student will move bee to the “warning” outside of the hive, and lose 3
minutes of “free time.”
Second time: Student will move bee to “yellow” and lose 6 minutes of “free time,”
and comment in agenda stating they were on “yellow.” Please be sure to review
with your child what they did to hopefully refrain from doing it again.
Third time: Student will move bee to “red”, lose 10 minutes of “free time,” and a
note will be sent home in agenda, please sign and returned the following day.
Each time on RED will count as a
strike after three strikes a
detention will be issued.
1. Classroom tardiness
2. Lying
3. Acting in a manner as to interfere with the educational process
4. Abusive language between or among students
5. Failure to complete assignments or carry out directions
6. Disrespect to teacher or any other adult
7. Acts of violence or the threat of violence
8. Failure to submit daily homework assignments
1. Verbal and written reprimand
2. Contact with parent
3. Withdrawal of privileges
4. Detention (in school – lunch/recess/office detention;
after school detention)
5. In-school/out-of-school suspension
6. Expulsion
There are many opportunities to help our class.
Take home projects.
Snack donations.
Chaperones for fieldtrips.
As well as classroom donations from our Wish List/Giving Tree.
Parents can help by:
• Showing a sincere interest and by providing your child with a
quiet place which is conducive to study and learn.
• Showing an interest in all work that your child does. Inspiring
him/her through encouragement while reviewing the work done.
• Resisting all temptation to do the work for him/her or giving
“too much” direction.
• Reading books as a family is an important part of home
Money Matters
It is mandatory that all student accounts (i.e., Before/After Care
tuition, extra curricular activity fees, uniform fees, field trip fees,
lost/damage book fees, property damage fees, or late pick up fees) be
current and up-to-date at all times.
When submitting payment, please adhere to the following procedures:
1. Place payment and invoice, if any, in a sealed envelope. Write your
child’s name, teacher’s name, grade level, and purpose on the
outside envelope.
2. Enclose payment coupon/invoice in envelope, if any.
3. Write the purpose of payment in the memo portion of any payment.
4. Do not enclose field trip permission slips in the payment envelope,
as these should be given to the classroom teacher.
Checks are only accepted for payments over $20.00
We must have two face to face conference per
year. One now at the beginning and one towards
the end. However, I am available for phone
conferences as well as email communication as
needed. Notes in planners should be short and
sweet otherwise please email. Also allow 24 hours
for me to respond, please.
I have provided sign up sheets for conferences.