Transcript 1. dia

7th Confucius Institute
Beijing, 15-19 December, 2012
Facilitating the Integration of Confucius Institute
into the
Host University and the Local Communities
Prof Dr. Ferenc Hudecz
Rector emeritus
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Confucius Institutes are
- to function as a bridge of two-way traffic between
Chinese and local culture, and
- to facilitate and develop interaction for the benefit
of the partners.
Confucius Institute is
- to function as a bridge of two-way traffic between
Chinese and local culture
- to facilitate and develop interaction for the benefit
of the partners.
Development of strategy based on the analysis of local community.
1. Confucius Institutes have multiple missions:
- language teaching,
- dissemination of traditional/contemporary cultural values of China,
- assisting relevant research activities.
2. Institutes could be considered as centers of
- learning/teaching Chinese language,
- classical/contemporary Chinese art (literature, music, dance etc.),
- modern China studies e.g. business, sociology,
- understanding Chinese society and culture.
3. Confucius Institutes serve as educators for
- the hosting Institue (University, Society, Community etc),
- local Chinese communities,
- the general public,
to understand/appreciate different cultures for harmonious cooperation.
Considerations for the Analysis
1. understand the structure of local community
(e.g. age distribution, social status, occupations, minorities
the size and composition of Chinese community)
2. understand the way of its operation
(values, traditions, communication, rules, regulations etc.)
3. study and understand the structure and content of education system
(e.g. primary/secondary schools, University, curriculum, language)
4. understand the way of its operation
5. consider the status of your Confucius Institute
in the context of local community:
- the stage of development: newly formed vs more experience,
- legal status: foundation, society, University unit etc.
- relationship with University: integral part, associated unit,
- geographical position: close vs in a distance to China,
Results of the Analysis
1. Identification of the typical characteristics of the community.
2. Identification of the specific (special) features of the community.
3. Identification of the profile of the target groups.
Target groups
By age
Kinder garden
Primary school
Secondary school
University students
Workers (industry, agro sector, services etc.)
Senior citizens
By educational background
By profession
Primary school
Secondary school
Vocational certificate
University diploma
1. Policy makers
2. Public administration (including army, police etc.)
3. Business people (SME vs. multi)
4*. Teachers, artists, media people, physicians, layers
The methodology
Problem solving
- Literature
Theatre, circus
Sport events
- Film making
- Performing art activities
(dancing, singing, playing)
- Drawing, sewing, art
- Sport events
- Cooking
The take home message
Development of strategy based on the analysis of
local community.
“Think globally, analyze regionally and act locally.”
Thank you for your attention!
Budapest, Hungary