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Transcript TETN10417-2011Nov18

Special Education Assessments
TETN Event #10417
November 18, 2011
TEA Student Assessment Division
Disclaimer Slide
• These slides have been prepared and approved
by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas
Education Agency.
• If any slide is amended or revised for use in local
or regional trainings, please remove the TEA
footer at the bottom of the slide.
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Trickle-down Effect
• It is the intent of TEA’s Student Assessment
Division that all resources created to clarify
testing and accommodation policies be
accessible to educators at the ESC, district, and
campus levels, including classroom teachers.
• After this presentation is posted, please forward
it to district and campus administrators.
• This may answer some of the many questions
educators have about statewide testing.
11/18/2011 TETN #10417 TEA
Student Assessment Division
• Optional Test Administration Procedures & Materials
• Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
• Supplemental Aids Examples and Updates
• STAAR Modified Writing
• Frequently Asked Questions
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TEA Student Assessment Division
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
• This document is Under
• Clarifications will be made to
paragraph #2
▫ Available to all students but
not intended for every student
in a class or disability category.
▫ Some students may not need or
▫ Don’t distribute to every
student on test day; make
available in front of room or
ask students if they need it
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11/18/2011 TETN #10417
Student Assessment
TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
• Paragraph#4 will be edited to address the
widespread concerns about authority for
decision and documentation requirements.
▫ First two sentences will be deleted.
▫ No documentation will be required beyond what is
necessary for planning on test day. However, a
district could require documentation for certain
students or for certain procedures/materials.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
• Individual or small-group administration will
move back to a Type 1 accommodation.
• Some procedures/materials will be added to this
list as details about the 4-hour time limit for
testing are finalized.
• This document will be reposted once all
revisions are made.
▫ Accessed from webpages with test administration
materials as well as other webpages.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
• The next several slides include only highlights of
the most recent accommodation policies.
• These slides should not be used as the sole
source of accommodation training.
• Educators must access the actual
accommodation policy pages from the
Accommodation Triangle once they are posted.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Individual or Small-Group
• Description
▫ allows for a specialized setting during statewide testing for a
student who is not able to test in a standard classroom setting.
• Assessments
• Eligibility Criteria
▫ routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during
classroom instruction and testing
• Special Instructions/Considerations
▫ TEA does not define how many students constitute a small-group
administration. It is recommended that a small group be ten or
fewer students. However, groupings for this accommodation
should be based on student need and, in all cases, should be
smaller than the number of students in a standard classroom
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TEA Student Assessment Division
• Description
▫ Provides brailled test materials to a student with a
Visual Impairment who is unable to access printed test
• Assessments
▫ STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified
• Eligibility Criteria
▫ Special education; Visual Impairment (VI)
▫ Routinely uses braille materials during classroom
instruction and testing
• Examples/Types
▫ TEA provides contracted and uncontracted braille test
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TEA Student Assessment Division
• Special Instructions/Considerations
▫ Student responses must be transcribed onto an
answer document; transcribing policies are being
revised and will be posted later
▫ “General Instructions for Administering Braille
and Large-Print Statewide Assessments” being
revised and will be posted later
▫ Specific Braille Instructions must be reviewed
prior to test day
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Spelling Assistance
• Description
▫ Provides various types of spelling assistance for a
student who is producing written work when he or
she has a disability that affects spelling
• Assessments
▫ STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified
 Written composition on writing tests
 Short-answer questions on English I, II, III reading
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Spelling Assistance
• Eligibility Criteria
▫ Special education or Section 504
▫ Routinely, independently, and effectively uses this
accommodation during classroom instruction and
▫ The student is capable of organizing and developing
ideas and understands the basic function and use of
written language conventions (e.g., sentence
structures, parts of speech, irregular verbs,
transitions) but has a disability that is so severe that
he or she cannot apply basic spelling rules and/or
word patterns (e.g., silent letters, base words with
affixes, homophones) to written responses.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
• …I’m a beat you. His cousin said, “Ok.” Jamal practiced and practiced.
It’s been 2 whole weeks. Jamal lost. But his cousin was proud of
him. He could have won (?). He missed a lay up. The score was 20
to 10. Jamal knows not to treat people different.”
• This student can organize and develop ideas and can construct
a sentence, but is not able to apply spelling rules and word
patterns to written responses. Some words are spelled
phonetically and can be read. Some words can only be read
with context clues. And still other words are almost
unrecognizable and the reader must guess at their meaning.
This student is eligible for spelling assistance.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
• Spelling assistance is not for students who
exhibit reversals, careless mistakes, or random
• This student can apply spelling rules and word
patterns to written responses and actually spells
more words right than wrong. This student is
not eligible for spelling assistance.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
• Spelling assistance is not intended for students who have
bad handwriting.
• This student spells almost every word correctly.
“Making a friend is good for playing outside of the house or
playing sports it may be cool but you can also have a party for
fun I might be cool don’t worry anyone can make a friend
This student is not eligible for spelling assistance.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Spelling Assistance
• Examples/Types
▫ This accommodation may include ONLY
Frequently misspelled word list
Spell-check function on a word processor
Pocket spellchecker
Dictionary (gr. 4 writing only; required for other
writing assessments; only dictionaries that STAAR
 Word-prediction software
 Text-to-speech software
 Speech-to-text software
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Spelling Assistance
• Special Instructions/Considerations
▫ In most cases, students who use Spelling Assistance
accommodations are able to independently record
their written responses onto the answer document.
If student cannot record responses onto the answer
document, refer to the Transcribing by TA
accommodation when it is finalized and posted.
• Student Scenarios
▫ Spelling assistance does not include the test
administrator writing the student’s dictated
response to the writing prompt.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Test Materials
• Description
▫ Allows for photocopying test materials for a student whose
disability prevents him or her from effectively using test materials
provided by the state.
• Assessments
▫ STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified, STAAR L
▫ TELPAS grades 2-12 reading tests (TEA-authorized paper
• Eligibility Criteria
Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA if
▫ Special education
▫ Routinely receives this accommodation during classroom
instruction and testing
▫ Cannot effectively use Optional Test Administration Procedures
and Materials or Type 1 or Type 2 accommodations to address
student needs
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Test Materials
• Eligibility Criteria continued
▫ Meets at least one of the following:
 The student has an impairment in vision and requires printed
materials in a size larger than the state-supplied large-print test
 The student has a physical disability that prevents him or her
from effectively manipulating test materials printed on both sides
of the paper and/or turning the pages in a test booklet.
 The student has a disability that necessitates test materials be
presented in a printed format other than a test booklet in order to
prevent severe behavioral outbursts or other behaviors that could
interfere with the student completing the test.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Test Materials
• Authority for Decision
▫ For a student receiving special education services,
the decision is recommended by the ARD
committee based on the eligibility criteria and is
documented as “pending TEA approval” in the
student’s IEP.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Test Materials
Accommodation Request Form IS required.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Test Materials
• Examples/Types
▫ This accommodation may include ONLY
 Enlarging the printed test materials to a size larger
than the state-supplied, large-print test materials
 Photocopying the double-sided test materials onto
single-sided paper
 Photocopying the test materials onto single sheets that
can be presented in smaller portions
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Online Accommodation Request
• A document outlining the process for requesting
Type 3 accommodations will be posted to the
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
webpage in January 2012.
• Will include a link to the updated online ARF,
which will open in mid-January.
• Faxing paper request forms is allowed only in
rare situations and at the discretion of TEA’s
Accommodations Task Force.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
The following slides are intended to assist districts in
determining which supplemental aids are and are not
allowed according to the Examples/Types listed in the
Supplemental Aids policy document.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Blank Graphic Organizers
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Blank Graphic Organizers
• Number line with no numbers
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Blank Graphic Organizers
• Measurement graphics with no labels or titles
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Blank Graphic Organizers
• Measurement graphics with no words or titles
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Math Graphics and Pictorial Models
• Number lines are 1-dimensional geometric figures
• Angles are 2-dimensional geometric figures
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Science Graphics
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Science Formula Triangles
• The triangles may only
include variables
• Symbols for mathematical
operations (e.g., x, ÷) are
NEVER allowed.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
2012 STAAR Modified Writing Tests
• Grade 4
▫ Multiple choice revising
questions and editing
▫ Written composition:
Personal Narrative
• English I writing
▫ Multiple choice revising
questions and editing
▫ Written composition:
• Grade 7
▫ Multiple choice revising
questions and editing
▫ Written composition:
• English II writing
▫ Multiple choice revising
questions and editing
▫ Written composition:
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Administration Information
• 2 days, 4 hour time limit each day
• Embedded field test multiple-choice questions
and writing prompt
• Extra time until the end of the school day and
extra day accommodations will be available for
eligible students but policy has not been posted
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TEA Student Assessment Division
General Info About STAAR Modified Scoring Rubrics
• Rubrics and sample scoring guides have not been posted for
STAAR Modified writing tests since these assessments will
not be administered until March 2012
 Modified rubrics will be posted in January… at the earliest
▫ STAAR rubrics will be modified based on student responses
from a written composition study and will take into account
 Modified expectations for spelling ability and range of vocabulary
 Other… to be determined
▫ STAAR Modified rubrics will be based on 3 score points
 Score Point 1: Very limited writing performance
 Score Point 2: Basic writing performance
 Score Point 3: Satisfactory writing performance
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
Lessons Learned from the STAAR Modified
Written Composition Study
• Study Design
▫ Took place in May 2011
▫ Approximately 50 school districts around the state participated
▫ Included approximately 500 students (about 100-150 in each
grade below)
▫ Participating students were in
Grade 4 and took the TAKS-M grade 4 writing test
Grade 7 and took the TAKS-M grade 7 writing test
Grade 9 and took the TAKS-M grade 9 reading test
Grade 10 and took the TAKS-M grade 10 ELA test
▫ Participating schools received materials, administered the
prompts, and returned student responses to TEA for review
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Score Point 1 Looks Like…
• Wrong form (e.g., narrative responses that were not
personal, personal narrative instead of an expository
• Missing a controlling idea/thesis
• Insufficient development – too brief
• Repetition of ideas such that it stalled any meaningful
• Vague or superficial details (e.g., work hard, respect
people, be a good person)
• Extraneous information -- included details that didn’t
add to the purpose of the paper, random thoughts
• Almost unreadable spelling, not phonetic
• No evidence of correct sentence boundaries
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Score Point 2 Looks Like…
• Unclear controlling idea/thesis
• List of surface level details
• List of details that may have been specific but not
always explained or connected
• Phonetic spelling with some evidence of sentence
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Score Point 3 Looks Like…
Pretty clear controlling idea/thesis
Focused and specific
Logical organization
Details included at least a hint of thoughtfulness (e.g.,
feelings, motivations, explanation, cause-effect)
• Details added/connected to the controlling
idea/thesis for the most part
• Some specificity included to explain (e.g., work hard
by…, respect people because…, be a good person so
• Phonetic spelling, correct spelling, simple sentences,
strong evidence of sentence boundaries and use of
other punctuation
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11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
1. What accommodations can a general education student
receive on a STAAR test?
There are many accommodations for general education
students. TEA uses the phrase “the student does not
receive special education or Section 504 services” to
describe general education students. If the eligibility
criterion for an accommodation specifically states this,
then the student COULD use the accommodation on the
day of the test if he or she meets the eligibility criteria.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
2. Will districts be able to determine allowable
supplemental aids for students taking STAAR
Modified, like they did for TAKS–Modified?
No. As stated in the accommodation policy document for
Supplemental Aids, students who meet the eligibility
criteria may use the listed supplemental aids on STAAR,
STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified, or STAAR L.
ONLY the supplemental aids included in the list are
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
3. Is a listing of key terms (e.g., “all together means add”
or “leftover means subtract”) that was allowed on
TAKS-Modified also allowed on STAAR Modified?
No. This is no longer an allowable supplemental aid for
STAAR and STAAR Modified. Only the supplemental
aids included in the list are allowable.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
4. When a student meets the eligibility criteria to use a
dictionary as an accommodation, may the dictionary be
made by the teacher or student?
No. The dictionary must be commercially produced.
Teacher-made or student-made dictionaries are not
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
5. The calculator accommodation policy for grades 5 through 8
lists a third eligibility criterion for students who have a
disability that affects mathematics calculations. Why isn’t
this eligibility criterion listed for grades 3 and 4?
The decision not to include this eligibility criterion at grades 3
and 4 was made based on a review of the math TEKS and
research of past accommodation requests. Students in grades
3 and 4 are still learning the algorithms for addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is the expectation
that these students be given the opportunity to learn and
practice these skills without the use of technology.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
6. Can a student who does not receive special education
or Section 504 services meet the eligibility criteria for
Oral/Signed Administration?
Yes. As stated in the accommodation policy document
for Oral/Signed Administration, students who do not
receive special education or Section 504 services but are
identified with dyslexia may receive this
accommodation. Identification of dyslexia must follow
the guidelines outlined in The Dyslexia Handbook which
was updated in 2010. You can find this handbook at
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
What are the Form 1 requirements when administering an
Oral/Signed Administration of STAAR or STAAR Modified?
When giving an oral administration in which the test administrator
reads ALL test questions and answer choices throughout the test, the
test administrator must have a test booklet with the same form number
as the students. Form 1 is the overage in all STAAR shipments, so this
will most likely be the form that is used for oral administration
groupings. For STAAR Modified, multiple forms of the test exist, but
only one form of each assessment is sent to a campus. So there will only
be one form of STAAR Modified to distribute.
When giving an oral administration in which the test administrator
reads parts of test questions and/or answer choices at student request,
it is acceptable to read over the student’s shoulder. In these cases, the
test administrator may or may not have a separate test booklet.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
8. I cannot locate the accommodation policies for Verbal,
Visual, or Tactile Reminders to Stay on Task and
Frequent/Multiple Breaks.
TEA is still discussing these guidelines and has not yet
posted the policies. More information will be available as
soon as decisions related to the new 4-hour time limit
are finalized.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
Where is the accommodation policy for students who
need to use a word processor?
The use of a word processor as an accommodation on
statewide assessments will be included in the
accommodation policies for Transcribing by the Test
Administrator and Spelling Assistance. The eligibility
criteria for each of these accommodations will need to be
reviewed once these documents have been posted yet.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
10. When is it appropriate for a district to submit an Accommodation
Request Form to TEA?
Accommodation Request Forms (ARFs) will only be accepted for
Type 3 accommodations and certain “other” accommodations, as
determined by TEA’s Accommodations Task Force. The eligibility
criteria for many accommodations were revised based on analysis of
the TEKS, research of past accommodation requests, and many
months of discussion. TEA encourages district personnel to uphold
the posted state policies regarding testing accommodations.
However, if district personnel feel that TEA has failed to address a
specific student need when developing the new policies, please call
your Accommodation Task Force representative. He or she will
provide guidance about whether TEA will accept an ARF.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Accommodations
11. Where do I get the Accommodation Request Form?
Where do I submit it for approval?
Accommodation Request Forms can only be submitted
though TEA’s online system. The system will open in
mid-January 2012. Faxing paper request forms is only
allowed in rare situations and at the discretion of the
Accommodations Task Force. More information will be
posted on the Accommodations for Students with
Disabilities webpage and presented at a later date.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
12. What kind of documentation is required for Optional
Test Administration Procedures and Materials for
students who do not receive special education or
Section 504 services?
TEA does not require documentation for Optional Test
Administration Procedures and Materials since any
student may use these if they have a need. However, it
may be a good idea to document this information in any
campus-required documentation if it is information that
may be needed to make future decisions regarding a
student’s instructional needs.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
13. Must ARD committees reconvene and change the
documentation if a 2010-2011 accommodation is now listed
in the Optional Test Administration Materials and
Procedures category?
No. TEA no longer requires documentation of optional test
administration procedures and materials in the IEP or IAP
since these are now considered test materials that any student
may use if they need to. However, it may be a good idea to
document this information in the IEP or IAP, since these
documents contain instructional information that students
with disabilities require in order to be successful.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
14. What are the guidelines about providing scratch paper
to students with different needs (e.g., one sheet for
Mike and three sheets for Ronnie; student used the two
sheets of graph paper provided in the mathematics test
booklet and needs more)?
TEA has provided some guidelines for the appropriate
use of scratch paper in the Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials document. The specifics about
which kind of scratch paper and/or how many sheets to
provide should be determined according to the needs of
the student.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: STAAR Modified
15. Must the ARD committee address the STAAR Modified
Participation Requirements for all students?
No. The ARD committee should only address the STAAR
Modified Participation Requirements for students for
whom they are considering a modified assessment. It is
not a requirement to rule out STAAR Modified or STAAR
Alternate in order to determine that a student will take
the general assessment, STAAR. However, it is a
requirement to consider STAAR before reviewing the
participation requirements for STAAR Modified or
STAAR Alternate.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: STAAR Modified
16. Are districts required to use the new PEIMS codes for
modified courses for high school students taking
Yes. All questions regarding PEIMS codes should be
directed to TEA’s Curriculum Division at 512.463.9581.
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: STAAR Modified
17. Will all students in grades 3–9 who took TAKS
(Accommodated) last year take STAAR Modified this year?
Not necessarily. In fact, if TAKS (Accommodated) was
determined to be the most appropriate assessment for the
student last year, the student should have been receiving
instruction in the grade-level TEKS with or without
accommodations. If that student is still receiving this type of
instruction, then he or she would take STAAR. However, the
ARD committee may review the STAAR Modified
Participation Requirements if the student is now receiving
modified instruction and this alternate assessment is being
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TEA Student Assessment Division
FAQs: STAAR Modified
18. Is the STAAR Modified science assessment appropriate
for a student when the IEP only addresses reading
skills, with no goals specific to science?
No. According to #2 on the STAAR Modified
Participation Requirements, the ARD committee is
required to confirm that the “student’s IEP contains
standards-based (TEKS-based) goals indicating the
modified content the student required in order to access
the grade-level or course curriculum.”
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TEA Student Assessment Division
Contact Information
 Check the webpages for
latest postings before calling.
 E-mail
[email protected]
[email protected]
• Call if you need quick answers
11/18/2011 TETN #10417
TEA Student Assessment Division