Transcript Slide 1

Primary Headteacher Meetings
January/February 2013
Jacqui Cant
Stephen Turp
KS2; writing; moderation
FFTLive – updates
Access to local data
Updated this year to include:
• FSM Ever 6 instead of FSM
• Yr1 Phonics overall and by pupil groups
• KS2 English now calculated from Reading test and
Writing TA
• L6+ report by pupil groups
• Pupil groups now includes pupils who have been on roll
for Yrs5+6
• Expected progress grids now include reading and
writing and also sublevels – its worth calculating the
‘greater than expected progress’
• RO library has useful documents
Early Years
•Handbook and Exemplification are now published!!
•EY team still recommending the ‘On Entry’ assessment
and ‘My Learning Journey’ document (updated) to
record progress
•Software: DfE’s eProfile no longer supported by the
DfE schools decide which software package to use
•No one product is endorsed by the LA (
• Make sure your teachers have a copy
Good Level of Development
• From 2013, children will be defined as having reached a GLD
at the end of the EYFS if they achieve at least the expected
level in:
• the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning
(personal, social and emotional development; physical
development; and communication and language) and;
• the early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics
and literacy.
Y1 Phonics
• School figures in RAISEonline broken down by
groups of pupils
• Re-check for Y2 who didn't reach the level
• NB: there is a difference between pupils
scoring zero and those give ‘D’ (did not take
Key Stage 1
• ARA has been released
• Continued pressure around the borderline pupils
• Standards Files and ‘making a level judgement’
documents having greater importance alongside
• Have reviewed the moderation model to move
towards greater alignment with KS2
Before you ask………
Reporting the results of the Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and
spelling test
The Department has confirmed that this year children will receive separate results
for the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, English reading test and
mathematics test. Children's writing will be subject to teacher assessment.
At school level, the results of each test and assessment will be published
separately; the Department will not calculate a combined overall English level. This
will enable schools, parents and the wider public to make informed judgements
about schools' performance based on each subject area.
The floor standard measure in 2013 will be for at least 60 per cent of children to
attain Level 4 in reading, writing and mathematics. The English grammar,
punctuation and spelling test will not be included in the calculation this year.
GaPS Test………
• Sample now on the website
• We do not know the level thresholds for the
• Keep the focus on writing, and teach grammar
actively and in context
• Specific grammar vocabulary could cause
issues e.g. preposition, subordinate clause etc
• Subject leaders network meetings will include
briefing on the test
Access arrangements
• Access arrangements opened 7th Jan
• Criteria are in the ARA and on the DfE website
KS2 Writing
• Teacher assessment ONLY (no tests) – submit TA
before Reading SATs papers are returned to
• Are your pupils doing enough unaided writing for
you to be able to judge their levels and moderate
their work?
• Statutory moderation of 25% of all schools
• 1-2-1 visit by a moderator focusing on borderline
• No portfolio – range of writing across the year
Moderation of writing
• Stop doing old SAT tasks
• Keep doing great writing tasks
• Don’t try and second guess the moderators.
Do what you need to do for your own
assessment processes.
• Myths are being generated.
• Levelling needs to be to criteria and
Writing Moderation……
– How will you do moderation within your school?
• Locally agreed Cluster moderation may help
prepare for the 1-1 moderation but it is not
the same thing!
• Make sure that planning has adapted to the
change in assessment practice
Level 6
• Pupils have to be registered for L6 by Friday
22nd March
• 2012 results: reading: 4/335 achieved Level 6
maths: 140/455 achieved L6
FFT Updates
FFT Updates
•Estimates for the end of KS1 based
FFT Updates
•New Student Explorer
•Now includes 9 ‘alerts’ which
show possible factors that could
effect a pupil’s estimate
•Useful for identifying pupils who
could benefit for interventions
FFT Updates
•From the ‘Gen’ link it is possible
to download all pupils data (EYKS2) and export as an Excel file
or pdf
Access to local data
Perspective Lite website:
All schools will have a single username /password
(usually HT) - 0845 833 7190
• Records of visits from LIS Adviser or EY
• School Improvement Summary (SIS)
• Transfer data (First- Middle)
• FFT estimates for end of Y4 for current Y3 and Y4
• ACORN slider
Dates for your Diary
• EY: data to be submitted to the LA by Friday
21st June 2013
• Phonics: takes place 17th-21st June; data
submitted to the LA by Friday 28th June 2013
• KS1: data to be submitted to the LA by Friday
21st June 2013
• Year 4: data to be submitted to the LA by
Friday 21st June 2013
Dates for your Diary
• KS2:
– Access arrangements 7th January to 25th February
– SATS week: 13th -16th May
– Final date for pupil registration, including L6: 22nd
– Teacher Assessment levels (R / W / M / S): 28th
– Test papers start to arrive: 9th July
Don’t forget!
• DfE Assessment Updates:
• LIS Assessment newsletter
• CPD (
[email protected]
[email protected]
Even more “hot off the press!”
• Levels going and not replaced; but ‘statutory testing and
assessment remains vital’ and will be used to judge the
standards of the school
• Progress between ks1-2 will still be measured
• There will still be reporting of the test, but not ‘pass/fail’
• Reading from 2014 – questions in order of difficulty on the
• Maths - No calculators from 2014 SATs
• Changes to ensure its maths they are testing not reading