Parent Math Night Feb. 2008

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Transcript Parent Math Night Feb. 2008

Parent Math Night
Feb. 2008
Beginning the Dialogue
Welcome and Introductions
History of Math Reform
Link to Brain Based Learning
What are you Teaching My Child (video)
Classroom Lesson
How to Help at Home
Q and A
A History Lesson
• NCTM (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics) Standards 1989, 2000
Learn to value mathematics
Become confident in their ability to do mathematics
Become mathematical problem solvers
Learn to communicate mathematics
Learn to reason mathematically
Supporting Rational
• The elephant in the room.
• International studies (TIMSS).
• Barth, 2004
– In 1950, children graduated from high school knowing
75% of what they would need to know to be
successful in the world.
– In the year 2000, the estimate is that graduates of our
schools leave knowing perhaps 2% of what they will
need to know in the years ahead because 98% is not
yet known and is still to come!
Change to Curriculum
• Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in
Basic Education, released in June 1996.
• Emphasis on developing “conceptual
understanding” through a problem solving
• Change in instructional practice mandated.
• Huge leap for many classroom teachers.
• PD, AISI and SDP focus for many schools.
Van de Walle
• University in Richmond, Virginia.
• Published Elementary and Middle School
Mathematics; Teaching developmentally,
• Link with current brain research and
“constructivist learning” practices.
Current Brain Research
and Impact on Teaching
How the brain works
The brain is a network of connected
ideas and understandings, similar to a
box full of electrical cords.
The brain does not save all information it
receives. Bits of information that stand
alone, without any connections to other
pieces of information, will be swept away.
We use the ideas we already have (blue
dots) to construct a new idea (red dots),
developing in the process a network of
connections between ideas. The more
ideas used and the more connections
made, the better we understand. (Van de
Walle, 2001)
Understanding can be defined as a
measure of the quality and quantity of
connections that are made between a
new idea and existing knowledge.
• The brain is constantly looking for and making
connections. Because the learner is constantly
searching for connections on many levels,
educators need to orchestrate the experiences
from which learners extract understanding....
Brain research establishes and confirms that
multiple complex and concrete experiences are
essential for meaningful learning and teaching
(Caine and Caine, 1991, p. 5).
Actively working with math helps
students to make the connections
that are necessary for understanding.
Mathematical understandings cannot be
“poured into” a passive learner.
Each student must make their own
Students should be encouraged to
wrestle with new ideas, to search for
appropriate connections within their own
Students need to ask themselves, “How
does this fit with what I already know?” in
order to make these connections.
Once connections have been made, the
knowledge becomes a permanent part of
the students’ tool kit.
Constructivist Approach
Creates the environment
necessary for students to find
and make connections between
current knowledge and
understandings and new ideas.
Traditional vs. Constructivist
• Students complete
• All students use the
same strategies.
• Students work
alone on math
•Students solve
•Students create
personal strategies
for problem solving.
•Students work in
pairs or small
groups, sharing ideas
and discussing
David Sousa: “How the Brain Learns”
Average Retention Rate after 24 hours
Lecture (Tell)
Discussion Group
Practice by Doing
Teach Others: Immediate Use of Learning
PRIME Research
• Professional Resources and Instruction for
Mathematics Educators.
• Dr. Marian Small (University of New
• “Developmental” nature of mathematics.
• New Program of Studies, (optional
implementation Gr, 1, 4, 7 Sept. 2007)
• “Personal strategies”
• Ongoing PD, AISI and SDP work
• Resource requirements and funding: E.g.
“Manipulatives”, texts, AISI, Casino.
• Assessment implications.
• Learning curve for all.
What Are You Teaching My Child?
Marilyn Burns.
Multiple award winning educator.
Dedicated to the improvement of
mathematics instruction for 40 years.
Classroom Experience
Personal Strategies
Constructivist approach
Developmental nature of mathematics
Hands on opportunity
Level of student engagement
Helping At Home
• Be aware of what changes are occurring and
• Be positive about mathematics.
• Communicate by asking your child to explain
their thinking or to teach you.
• Be accepting of their strategy and encourage
multiple approaches.
• Allow students to develop and use alternative
algorithms before introducing the more
conventional methods.
Helping at Home Con’t
• Be prepared for and supportive of different kinds
of homework than what you experienced.
• Encourage problem solving, reasoning,
communication and the use of technology.
• Using efficient strategies to learn facts is better
than “premature drill”.
• Time spent helping students at the thinking
stage is repaid at the memorization stage.
Helping at Home con’t
• Find math in every day situations
– Estimate the cost of dinner.
– How much change you get back at the store?
– How many km to the store?
– Measuring ingredients.
– Estimate area of the table.
– How many pizzas to cover the table?
– Dividing up cookie on the plate.
Helping at Home Con’t
• Make up math question in the car.
– If Pat scored 2 goals in every soccer game and there
were 10 games in the season, How many goals were
scored? (Hint, use people you know and animated
• Play card games and dice games.
• Have your own manipulative at home and make
up questions.
• Use toys, marbles, rocks, coins etc.
• Explore math related websites together
Helping at Home con’t
Online resources. (follow these links)
-CBE Library
•Remember, support
homework — don’t do
Q and A
• Concerns and Myths
– Basic Skills are not important.
– Teachers won’t answer student questions.
– What about Jr. High.
– They seem to be “playing” a lot in class.
In a Nutshell
• How to think vs. What to think
• Visit our Web site and School Newsletter
for ongoing updates and information.
• Feed back sheet.
• Thank you for coming!