ACTS CHAPTER 16 - My Power House

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Transcript ACTS CHAPTER 16 - My Power House

The Jailhouse Rocks
Viewing Acts Chapter 16
Prepared by: Soon Siak. June 2010
Who needs to spin/toss coins?
Each person is to spin the coin.
Those match stay but those that
don’t are out. Last person(s) win(s).
How do you make decision?
Toss/Spin coins? With the Holy
Spirit to guide us, we certainly
don’t need to do that – something
Paul and Silas experience in this
Paul Re-visits Derbe and Lystra
Why did Paul and Silas decided to have
Timothy join their team (v1-5)?
He had developed a reputation for good
character among the local church leaders.
Perhaps Timothy had become a Christian
during Paul’s previous visit, and Paul wanted
to help him develop his faith. Maybe Paul
wanted someone from that immediate area as
another witness to God’s power to change
lives. Or perhaps Paul wanted Timothy to take
over the things John Mark had done on the
first trip (13:5).
Paul Visits Galatia
The church leaders had just ruled that
circumcision was not necessary step for
becoming a Christian (15). So why do you
think Paul wanted Timothy to be
circumcised (v3-5)?
It had nothing to do with salvation. Many
of Paul’s hearers would be Jewish, and
having an uncircumcised man whose
mother was Jewish (v1) might have
unnecessarily impaired the effectiveness
of Paul’s teaching.
The Apostles Cross into Macedonia
What do v6-10 tell us about finding
God’s will for our lives?
Sometimes God closes doors for us –
His Spirit might prevent us from doing
things, even things that may seem
right at the time. Though Paul’s
intention was to follow up in many of
the places that he had visited
previously (15:36), God had other
plans for Paul and Silas.
A man of Macedonia saying, “Come over to Macedonia and
help us.” (16:9)
The Apostles Cross into Macedonia
Take note of the account, response
and conclusion from the apostles
Notice in v10 that the person telling
the story shifts from using words like
“they” to “we”. What do you suppose
is the reason for this?
The writer of Acts, appears to join the
travellers in Troas.
Preaching at Philippi
What happened when the group got to
Philippi (v11-15)?
The people seemed to be very
responsive. One in particular, named
Lydia, immediately gave the disciples her
Note the city and the details about this
lady (SPM1997A).
Lydia, seller
of purple
believed &
baptized with
SPM 2009 Part B
Give an account of the conversion
of Lydia.
Comment on the significance of her
Name two other women who
helped in the growth of the early
church and mention what they did.
Paul Casts Out the Spirit of Divination
But then what happened that caused Paul
and Silas some trouble (v16-24)?
Paul removed an evil spirit from a girl,
eliminating her ability to make money for
her masters. Paul and Silas were beaten
and thrown into prison.
Note the city and the whole event. Note the
similar miracle done in another city by Paul
– see pg xxiii, A71Q5 – MIRACLES IN THE
ACTS (SPM1994). Name two occasions of
demonstration of power over magic
Conversion of the Jailer at Philippi
Far away from home and in prison, how would
you feel? How did Paul and Silas act (v25)?
And because their emphasis was on praising
God rather than getting out of jail, what was
the result (v26-34)?
When an earthquake set the prisoners free,
Paul and Silas turned the occasion into a
revival meeting rather than an escape party.
The jailer, who assumed that the Roman
authorities would hold him accountable for
escaped prisoners, was stopped from
committing suicide and found a secure future
in Jesus instead.
Conversion of the Jailer at Philippi
Note what jailer saw, what he tried to do
and the conversation between him and
Paul (SPM2004A)
Conversion of the Jailer at Philippi
Why might some people today feel that
suicide is their only option? What would
you say to someone who was
contemplating suicide?
If you had to write a song about the
events in v25-34, what would the title of
your song be?
“Men, what must I do to be saved?” cried the jailer.
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved,
you and your household.” (16:30-31)
Release of the Apostles
Word was sent the next morning that
Paul and Silas could be release. But why
didn’t they go right away (v35-40)?
As Roman citizens, they had rights that
had been violated. They should not have
been beaten-much less without a trial.
Release of the Apostles
Why do you think Paul demanded that the
magistrates come to the prison and
release them personally?
Perhaps he wanted them to think twice
before doing the same thing to the next
people who came along. And he probably
wanted a public acknowledgment of the
innocence of his party so his work would
not be hindered.
Release of the Apostles
Paul claimed his right of Roman
citizenship on three occasions (pg84).
At Philippi (16:37);
At Jerusalem, where the chief captain
would examine him by scourging
When before Festus he appealed unto
Caesar (25:10-11).
2010 SPM Question ??? 
Last appeared in SPM2002A
Are you ready?
Prepare for test June
 Luke 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
 Acts 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10