Transcript Document

Summer Remediation

World History 14 & 16

WHII. 14 Independence Movement

WHII. 14a India from Britain

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Indian sub-continent India Pakistan (West Pakistan) Bangladesh (East Pakistan) Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

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WHII. 14a Evolution of Independence

British rule in India Indian National Congress Leadership of Mohandas Gandhi – Civil disobedience & passive resistance Political division along Hindu-Muslim lines (religious conflict) – Pakistan & India Republic of India – World’s largest democratic nation – Federal system, giving many powers to the states

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WHII. 14a Indian democracy

Jawaharlal Nehru, a close associate of Gandhi supported western-style industrialization 1950 Constitution sought to prohibit caste discrimination. Ethnic and religious differences caused problems in the development of India as a democratic nation. New economic development has helped to ease financial problems of the nation.

Independence movements in Africa challenged European imperialism.

WHII. 14b Africa

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The charter of the United Nations guaranteed colonial populations the right to self- determination.

Peaceful and violent revolutions after World War II Pride in African cultures and heritage Resentment toward imperial rule and economic exploitation Loss of colonies by Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Portugal Influence of superpower rivalry during the Cold War

WHII. 14b Examples of Independence

• • • • West Africa – Peaceful transition (Ghana) Algeria – War for Independence from France Kenya (Britain) – Violent struggle under leadership of Kenyatta South Africa: Black South Africans’ struggle against apartheid led by Nelson Mandela, who became the first black president of the

Republic of South Africa

The mandate system established after World War I was phased out after World War II. With the end of the mandates, new states were created in the Middle East.

WHII. 14c Mandates in the Middle East

• Established by the League of Nations • Granted independence after World War II • Resulted in Middle East conflicts created by religious differences

WHII. 14c Middle East

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French Mandates in the Middle East

Syria Lebanon • •

British Mandates in the Middle East

Jordan Palestine (part became independent as the State of Israel)

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WHII. 14c Israel & Egypt

Golda Meir

– Prime Minister of Israel – After initial setbacks, led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War – Sought support of United States

Gamal Abdul Nasser

– President of Egypt – Nationalized Suez Canal – Established relationship with Soviet Union – Built Aswan Dam

WHII. 16 Contemporary World Issues

Contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and biological technologies.

Both developed and developing nations face many challenges. These include migrations, ethnic and religious conflict, and new technologies.

WHII. 16a Challenges

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Migrations of refugees and others

Refugees as an issue in international conflicts Migrations of “guest workers” to European cities • • • •

Ethnic and religious conflicts

Middle East: Arab/Israeli Conflict Northern Ireland: Protestant/Catholic Balkans: Croats, Serbian & Bosnians formerly Yugoslavia Horn of Africa: Sudan, Ethiopia & Somali

WHII. 16a Technologies

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Impact of new technologies

Widespread but unequal access to computers and instantaneous communications Genetic engineering and bioethics

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The impact of economic development and global population growth on the environment and society, including an understanding of the links between economic and political freedom.

Developed and developing nations are characterized by different levels of economic development, population characteristics, and social conditions. Economic development and the rapid growth of population are having an impact on the environment. Sound economic conditions contribute to a stable democracy, and political freedom helps foster economic development.

WHII. 16b Economic Development

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Contrasts between developed and developing nations

Geographic locations of major developed and developing countries Economic conditions Social conditions (literacy, access to health care) Population size and rate of growth • •

Factors affecting environment and society

Economic development Rapid population growth

WHII. 16b Impact of Economic Development

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Environmental challenges

Pollution Loss of habitat Global climate change • • • • •

Social challenges

Poverty Poor health Illiteracy Famine Migration

Relationship between economic and political freedom

• Free market economies produce rising standards of living and an expanding middle class, which produces growing demands for political freedoms and individual rights. Recent examples include Taiwan and South


Economic interdependence, including the rise of multinational corporations, international organizations, and trade agreements.

The countries of the world are increasingly dependent on each other for raw materials, markets, and financial resources, although there is still a difference between the developed and developing nations.

WHII. 16c Economic Interdependence

• • • • • • Role of rapid transportation, communication, and computer networks Rise and influence of multinational corporations Changing role of international boundaries Regional integration (European Union) Trade agreements—North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), World Trade Organization (WTO) International organizations— United Nations (UN),

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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The increasing impact of terrorism

Both developed and developing nations of the world have problems that are brought about by inequities in their social, cultural, and economic systems. Some individuals choose to deal with these unequal conditions through the use of terrorist activities. Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for political reasons. A major cause of terrorism is religious extremism.

WHII. 16d Terrorism

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Examples of International Terrorism Munich Olympics

Terrorist attacks in the United States (e.g. 9/11/2001) - motivated by extremism (Osama bin Laden). Car bombings Suicide bombers Airline hijackers • • • •

Governmental responses to terrorist activities

Surveillance Review of privacy rights Security at ports and airports Identification badges and photos

After World War II, which country finally agreed to grant independence to India?

a. France b. Great Britain c. Germany d. Belgium

Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his

a. desire to establish an Islamic nation.

b. opposition to Hindus holding political office.

c. encouragement of violence to end British rule.

d. use of passive resistance to achieve independence.

The partition of India and the division of Yugoslavia were similar in that both were divided

a. as a result of the Berlin conference.

b. because of religious or ethnic differences.

c. to form communist and non-communist states.

d. to conform to United Nations’ guidelines.

The 1936 elections in India caused tensions between what two groups of people?

a. Muslims and Croats b. Christians and Jews c. Hindus and Arabs d. Muslims and Hindus

In 1950, one of the goals of the new Indian democratic government was to end what system that encouraged class discrimination?

a. caste system b. encomienda system c. race-based slave system d. feudal system

All of the following are examples of independence movements and subsequent developmental efforts in Africa except

a. South Africa’s Black African struggle against apartheid.

b. Kenya’s violent struggle under the leadership of Kenyatta.

c. West Africa’s peaceful transition to independence.

d. Libya’s war for independence from France


The charter of what organization guaranteed colonial populations like those in Africa the right to self determination?

a. European Union b. League of Nations c. North Atlantic Treaty Organization d. United Nations

Why did independence movements in Africa gain success after World War II?

a. Charter of the European Union guaranteed self determination b. resentment toward imperial rule and economic exploitation c. pride in British heritage and aid from their political stability d. influence of superpower rivalry during World War II

One characteristic of apartheid, which was practiced in South Africa, is

a. forced migration of blacks to other nations.

b. integration of all races in society.

c. segregation of the races.

d. an open immigration policy.

Who became the first black President of the Republic of South Africa in 1994?

a. William de Klerk b. Nelson Mandela c. Kwame Nkrumah d. Patrice Lumumba

Mandates in the Middle East were granted independence after what war?

a. Cold War b. World War I c. World War II d. Vietnam War

The mandate system was established by what organization after World War I?

a. United Nations b. League of Nations c. North Atlantic Treaty Organization d. Triple Entente

The mandate system was phased out after World War II, creating new states in the Middle East and leading to major ongoing conflicts created by

a. overpopulation.

b. religious differences.

c. minority control.

d. poverty.

Golda Meir was this country’s first female prime minister and she led the country during the Yom Kippur War. What country did she lead?

a. Egypt b. Syria c. Israel d. Saudi Arabia

On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel, beginning the Yom Kippur War. Who was the victor of this war?

a. Egypt and Syria b. Israel c. There was no winner; they signed an armistice and agreed to stop fighting.

d. There was no winner; war continues even today between these countries.

During the Yom Kippur War, Israel received aid and weapons from which country, angering the Arab world?

a. United States b. Soviet Union c. Italy d. France

Gamal Abdul Nasser was a young officer who became the President of what new republic in 1952?

a. Israel b. Iran c. Turkey d. Egypt

What act by the Egyptian President in 1956 made him a hero among the Arab world, yet angered the European world?

a. sank 300 American and British ships in the Suez Canal to block trade b. defeated the Israelis in both the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War c. nationalized the Suez Canal d. aligned himself with neither the United States nor the Soviet Union

What project did the United States and Britain offer to fund in 1955 in an effort to prevent Egypt from allying with the Soviet Union?

a. Suez Canal b. Six Day War c. Aswan High Dam d. Berlin Wall

The creation of these organizations has resulted in the - a. Containment of communism b. Establishment of parliamentarianism c.

Reduction of industrial pollution d. Expansion of economic interdependence

In the contemporary world, the ability to conduct global business is made easy primarily because of - a. Universal currencies b. Instant communication c. Common languages d. Inexpensive transportation

What is the difference in the impact of new technologies on developing versus developed nations?

a. Developing nations have unequal access to computers and other types of communication.

b. The introduction of new technologies decreases the progress of a developing nation.

c. The use of new technologies increases unemployment in developing nations.

d. The use of computers and other types of communication has had the same impact on all nations.


What conditions of the 1990’s caused Europe to become a major source of refugees for the first time since the 1940’s?

a. creation of the European Union b. decisions by the World Trade Organization c. fighting among Serbs, Bosnians, and Croats d. economic problems with acid rain


What is the difference in the impact of new technologies on developing versus developed nations?

a. Developing nations have unequal access to computers and other types of communication.

b. The introduction of new technologies decreases the progress of a developing nation.

c. The use of new technologies increases unemployment in developing nations.

d. The use of computers and other types of communication has had the same impact on all nations.

The ongoing conflict in Israel is between

a. Catholics and Protestants.

b. Palestinians and Jews.

c. Muslims and Catholics.

d. Jews and Catholics.

The study of heredity through research on genes is

a. cloning.

b. genetics.

c. genetic engineering.

d. genetic cloning.

The Serb-Bosnian-Croat disputes in the former nation of ________ have deep historic causes.

a. Czechoslovakia b. Yugoslavia c. Palestine d. Afghanistan

What is the major reason for the differences in economic prosperity in various areas of the world today?

a. unequal distribution of resources b. success of nationalist movements c. religious unity between some nations d. membership in the United Nations


Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the economic development of a nation?

a. educational activities b. human influence over environment c. major religion d. percentage of urban/rural population

Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the standard of living of a nation?

a. infant mortality b. percentage of people engaged in agriculture c. population age distribution d. size of the fishing industry

Use this table to answer the next question .

Country Life Expect ancy Literacy Rate* % of Workers in Agriculture** % Urban Pop.

Per Capita GDP*** Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea 71 66 78 74 93% 95% 91% 98% 21% 43% 1% or less 21% 53% 54% 100% 61% $11,000 $3,200 $24,600 $13,700

Which country MOST likely has the highest standard of living?

a. Malaysia b. Philippines c. Singapore d. South Korea

As countries pursue a free market economy what begins to occur?

a. middle class shrinks b. standard of living increases c. militarism increases d. illiteracy rates increase

Which of the following is an appropriate cause and effect relationship? A Cause

Increase in economic freedom


Increase in poverty rates

B Cause

Increase in political freedom


Decrease in economic freedoms

C Cause

Increase in individual rights


Increase in economic problems

D Cause

Increase in economic freedom


Increase in demands for political freedom

The main purpose of the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is to

a. reduce the spread of nuclear weapons.

b. stimulate economic growth for participating countries.

c. address the problem of international political corruption.

d. increase the number of schools in developing nations.

Which term can be described as nations sharing in a technology and communications revolution that has made people increasingly reliant on each other?

a. Interdependence b. Interventionism c. Neocolonialism d. reformation

Multinational corporations such as Honda, Volvo, Nestle, and Mitsubishi establish plants in selected countries that

a. can provide skilled labor and a growing economy.

b. have raw materials and a sound economy.

c. can provide raw materials and the cheapest labor.

d. can produce parts and assemble the product.

Which of the following is NOT an example of international terrorism?

a. school shootings b. suicide bombers c. car bombings d. airline hijackers

Use this list to answer the next question.

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11 Israeli athletes were killed at the Olympics Arab terrorist group responsible for the murders In what location did the terrorist attack described above occur?

a. New York City, United States b. Munich, West Germany c. Beijing, China d. Athens, Greece

What country was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001?

a. United States b. Britain c. China d. Germany

Religious extremism is a major cause of what phenomenon?


social inequality b.

religious unity c.

international terrorism d.

debate over cloning