The Mentorship Model - Nipissing University

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The Mentorship
Nipissing University, Brantford Campus
What is Mentorship?
• Mentoring is a method of learning intended to
facilitate the potential of both participants.
• Mentorship is an open, reciprocal relationship
• The relationship is established in a collaborative
fashion, with the needs and boundaries of both parties
clearly stated.
• The Mentor and the Mentee (Novice) must share
equally in fostering and maintaining the relationship.
Mentorship in Education
• There are numerous studies and programs that support the concept
of Mentorship.
• Mentorship programs can provide the support and assistance
required to increase novice teachers’ competence and confidence
(Loughran, 2007; Rowley, 1999; Sullivan, 1999).
• Mentorship can transform a culture of teaching isolation to one of
collaboration (Fullan, 2001; Fullan, Crevola & Hill, 2006)
• Consequently, in-service mentorship programs (e.g., NTIP,
coaching ) are advocated widely, as are programs where preservice
candidates are mentored by in-service teachers (Brewster &
Railsback, 2001; DePaul, 2000; Sullivan, 1999; Long & Stuart, 2004;
Loughran, 2007).
Mentorship in the Concurrent
Education Program
•Mentoring is a process of one-to-one learning that capitalizes on
the experience of the upper-year student to facilitate the
successful transition of the first year student into the Practicum
•Through co-planning, collaborative teaching, and regular
discussion, the mentorship pair will have an increased connection
to the classroom and develop their teaching skills.
•Mentorship is both a relationship and a developmental process
that facilitates one’s ability to thrive in a particular context or
•The Mentorship Pair may be of a varied nature for some year one
and upper year students
Overall Expectations
The Mentor and Novice are expected to meet to review lessons, plan jointly, share
observations and reflect on new learning. (The Associate Teachers are to be involved in these
meetings, if possible).
Mentor and Novice are to co-plan and possibly co-teach some lessons
Mentors and Novices are to be non-evaluative in their observations and hold a positive
attitude toward professional collaboration
Mentors and Novices will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate professionalism and
involvement in collaboration
Confidentiality is to be strictly maintained
Make sure that all interactions in the classroom enhance student learning
If possible, also meet and communicate outside the classroom setting
Example: Rather than sit together in the classroom, sit in different places and observe from
different angles. Meet later to discuss your observations and insights.
Mentorship Activities
Specific areas of focus between Teacher Candidates:
• Concurrent Education Program expectations (E.g., daybook
components, lesson planning template use)
• Introduction to the Practicum setting
• Classroom management and routines
• Lesson planning
• Sharing reflections of new learning
• Assessment strategies
• Resources (E.g., instructional materials)
The Mentor
• A person more experienced in the particular area than the Novice
(Year 2 or 3 student)
• Provide a model of professionalism
• Become familiar with needs and strengths of the Novice
• Address questions posed by the Novice
• Teach one lesson in the second week of Practicum and continue to
teach about two lessons per day thereafter
• Co-plan and co-teach lessons with the Novice
• Provide support and assistance with resources
• Become a ‘critical’ friend- reflecting and providing thoughtful
feedback to the Novice
Your Role as The Novice
• Responsible for your own growth and development
• Respect the expertise of the Mentor
• Observe and ask questions
• Set personal goals
• Co-plan and co-teach one lesson by the end of January
• Plan and teach one lesson independently by mid-February
• Continue to co-plan and co-teach lessons with the Mentor
• Reflect on feedback provided by Mentor
• Become a ‘critical’ friend- reflecting and providing thoughtful
feedback to Mentor
Co-Planning and Co-Teaching
• Determine lessons to be taught together or independently, in
consultation with the Associate Teacher, as appropriate to the
• Determine roles in co-teaching
Examples: 1) Gathering and recording student responses
2) Proximity control
3) Assisting with application activities
Utilize individual strengths (e.g., music, drama, science)
Balance and negotiate individual responsibilities
Co-planning can be facilitated outside of the classroom through
meetings or electronic sharing of lessons.
Teacher Candidate Perceptions
“I feel like I am a very confident teacher candidate now that I have had that support
all through my first year. This was a great experience and I think that all 1 st year
students should experience a mentorship program.” (1st year Candidate)
“This program let the first year students feel more comfortable in the classroom… I
was able to get peer feedback on the lesson plans and any other situation that
may arise.” (1st year Candidate)
“I think that this is a great idea because the first year students can get an
introduction to how a practicum placement works without being thrown to the
sharks.” (1st year Candidate)
Teacher Candidate Perceptions
STRENGTH: Professional Collaboration:
“I loved having the extra input within the classroom lesson planning… At first I didn’t
think that I was going to enjoy this program of mentorship, but I really ended up
LOVING it,… it was so much fun to have someone else to learn with and get
suggestions from .” (3rd year Candidate)
“It was also useful because you had the opportunity to team and co-teach. This
opportunity is not available in other placements.” (3rd year Candidate)
“I was able to watch my protégé teach lessons and (we could) bounce ideas off one
another for lessons and such. It was also nice to reflect on lessons with one
another afterwards.” (3rd year Candidate)
Teacher Candidate Perceptions
STRENGTH: Consolidation of Learning:
“Having a first year Novice was very valuable to my learning because it gave me an
opportunity, as a third year student, to actually vocalize and teach what I had
already learned during my 1st and 2nd years.” (3rd year Candidate)
STRENGTH: Support:
“… it was nice to be able to help guide another student (teacher candidate) who had
many of the same questions I did as a first year… I was able to field many
questions that my protégé had, which I believe was beneficial to my associate
teacher.” (3rd year Candidate)
“My associate teacher loved having two student teachers in the class, as opposed to
only one. The more help, the better!” (3rd year Candidate)
Tips for Meeting with your Mentor
• Prior to your first meeting with your Mentor, write down at least 3
things you would like to achieve through mentoring.
• Write down a list of at least three things you would like your Mentor
to provide.
• Make a list of questions: “What was it like when you started your
first Practicum placement?” “What are the expectations of lesson
• Write down 3 things that concern you most about meeting your
• Prepare a brief autobiography based on the lists you created. Share
this with your Mentor when you first meet. Be sure to also include
your own teaching goals!
Role of Faculty Advisor and
Associate Teacher
• Each Year 2 and 3 student will be evaluated by the Faculty Advisor,
as in previous years.
• Each Year 1 student will not be evaluated by the Faculty Advisor, but
will be supported by the Faculty Advisor and Mentor.
• The Associate Teacher will provide one evaluation for the Year 2/3
student in each of the terms, and provide one evaluation for the
Year 1 student at the end of April.
• “Virtual Learning Commons”. The University of Manitoba”.
• “Peer Resources”.