EUPISD Transition Services 2011-2012

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EUPISD Transition Services
“People working together to keep the planet clean”
By Jerry Deloria
Indicator B#13
Secondary Transition
Individual Education Planning
Federal Starts:
16 Years of age
Michigan Starts: 16 Years of age
EUPISD Starts:
14 Years of age
Secondary Transition IEP Review
Strong Data Documentation
Quality Staff Professional Development
Successful Student Outcomes
File Review Results 2011
Student Invited? 96%
Student’s Goals? 96%
Present Level?
Transition Plan? 92%
Agencies Involved? 80 %(Needs PD here)
Measurable Goals? 93%
Extra: 96% at IEP 97% attended Fair
Goal is a 100%
2011 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13 (B#13)
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
2. The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
3. The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
4. The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
5. If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Question #1.
Evidence that the
Student was invited
to their IEP?
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting? Note how student was invited to their IEP “Meeting with student before their IEP
To discuss Transition and their needs to reach their goals fo after school.”
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Question #2
What does the student
want to do?
Vision Statements
Current & Post-Secondary Goals
Current & Post Secondary Interests
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including: Listed on Transition Page & Present Level Page
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
3. The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
4. The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Transition Page 4 Top Part
Student: _________________________________
Birth date: ________ IEP Date: ________
Student’s Post Secondary Goals
In the student did not attend the IEP, describe the steps that were taken to ensure of the student’s preferences and goals:
34 CFR 300.344(b) requires the school to invite students to participate in IEP Team meetings if the meeting will include
consideration of transition needs or services
Adult Living:
As an adult, where do you want to live?
As an adult, what kind of work do you want to do?
Community Participation:
As an adult, what hobbies and activities do you want to have?
Post-Secondary Education/Training:
After High School, what additional education and training do you want?
Question #3.
Where the Student
Currently is?
Supports the learning that a
Student is required to be successful in the
General Education Curriculum
and achieving his/her post-secondary goals.
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
2. The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs. List their Goals on the Present Level Page as well in a statement addressing needs
The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Question #4
How will the
get there?
The Individual Education Plan
identifies Transition Services needs that
is align with the Post-Secondary Vision
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
4. The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals). This connects how the student is going to meet his/her goals list above in this section (*Plan of Action)
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified angeny was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Game Plan!
Road to Success!
Statement of needed Transition Services – Include by age 16 (Required)
(Recommended beginning at age 13 and annually thereafter if determined by the IEP Team)
Needed Transition Activities/Services Related to Student PLAAFP (describe the
responsibilities of each participant)
Transition Page 4
Bottom Part
Adult Living:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities/strategies done occasionally, such as registering to vote, obtaining a driver’s license,
renting an apartment, accessing medical, dental, legal and financial services, supervised housing,
guardianship issues, accessing adult services such as Social Security.
Transition Profile
Appropriate Agency
Daily Living Skills:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities that most adults do most every day such as: grooming, hygiene, food preparation,
operation of appliances, purchasing foods, daily survival/safety skills (reading signs, using maps,
etc.) child care, paying bills, preparing a budget.
Transition Profile
Functional Vocational
Considered, none needed ___
Contact agencies that provide functional vocational assessments in the community, providing
opportunities for job sampling in the community, use Reading Free Vocational Interests Inventory,
the Enderle-Severson Future Goals Assessment, or the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scale
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Considered, none needed ___
Current employment status, community based instruction, meeting with vocational rehab.
Specialists, job shadowing, activities that focus on development of work-related behaviors, job
seeking skills, career exploration, skills training, etc. taking the ASVAB.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Community Experiences:
Considered, none needed ___
Student involvement in activities provided outside the school building and within the community
(recreational activities, church groups, volunteer work, etc.) learning abut potential places to shop,
bank, post office, visiting the mall, participating in age appropriate social activities, attend school
board meeting, joining YMCA or Boys & Girls Clubs.
Transition Profile
Related Services:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if related services needs will continue beyond school, related city services, such as
transportation, mental health, physical or speech therapy, court systems, potential post school
providers of recreational therapy or potential funding resources.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Further Education:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if further Education/Training is required for the student to meet their Career/Employment
Goals identified above. Identify Universities, colleges, trade schools, certifications and on-the-job
training is needed to plan for. Activities/strategies necessary to prepare for and take part in college
(obtaining application, touring campuses) continuing education, further skill training, adult living,
register for specific course for the next school year.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Four to Five Years Before Leaving the
School District (Age 14 – 21)
Two to Three Years Before Leaving the
School District (Age 14 – 23)
____ Identify personal learning style and the necessary
accommodations to be a successful learner and worker.
____ Identify career interests and skills, complete
interest and career inventories, and identify additional
education or training requirements.
____ Explore options for college or other forms of postsecondary education.
____ Identify options for future living arrangements.
____ Learn to communicate your interest, preferences
and needs.
____ Be able to explain your disability and he
accommodations you need.
____ Learn and practice decision-making skills.
____ Look into assistive technology tools that can
include community involvement and employment
____ Broaden your experience with community
activities and expand your friendships.
____ Use local transportation options outside your
____ Begin to manage your money.
____ Have an identification card and be able to
communicate personal information.
____ Identify and begin learning skills necessary for
independent living.
____ Learn and practice personal health care.
____ Identify community support services and
programs. (Vocational Rehabilitation, county services,
center for independent living).
____ Invite adult services providers, peers, and
others to the IEPC transition meeting.
____ Match career interests and skills with vocational
coursed work and community work experiences.
____ Explore guardianships.
____ Begin resume’ and update it as needed.
____ Practice independent living skills, budgeting,
cooking, laundry, transportation.
____ Identify needed personal assistant services and
, if appropriate, learn to direct and manage these
____ Begin building your job skills. Look for summer
or part-time employment.
____ Gather more information on post-secondary
programs and the support services offered. If
appropriate, make arrangements for accommodations
to take college entrance exams.
____ Identify health care providers and become
informed about sexuality and family planning issues.
____ Determine the need for financial support.
(Supplemental Social Security Income, state financial
supplemental programs, Medicare.)
____ Learn and practice communication skills and
social skills for different settings, (employment,
school, recreation, with peers).
One Year Before Leaving the
School District (Age 17 - 25)
____ Apply for financial support programs
(Supplemental Security Income, Independent living
services, Vocational Rehabilitation, and personal
assistant services).
____ Identify the post-secondary program you plan to
attend and arrange for accommodations.
____ Practice effective communication by developing
interviewing skills, asking for help from others, and
identifying accommodations at college or work.
____ Specify desired job and obtain paid employment
with any supports needed.
____ Take responsibility for arriving on time to work,
appointments, and social activities.
____ Assume responsibility for health care needs
(making appointments, and filling and taking
____ Register to vote and for selective service
(if you are male) at age 18.
Transition Checklist
Your student’s skills and interests will determine
what items on the checklist are relevant. Use this
checklist to ask yourself whether or not these
transition issues should be addressed at the IEPC
transition meetings. The checklist can also help
identify who should be part of the IEPC transition
team. Responsibility for carrying out this specific
transition activities should be determined at the
IEPC transition meeting also.
EUPISD Transition Coordinator
1-906-635-5681 ext. 115
[email protected]
Question #5.
Connecting with
Support Agencies
that will provide/pay for
Transition Services for Students
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
TOP PART Page 5 (Option #1)
Senior Exiting Student’s Last Year
IEP Date:
Was there a need to invite a community agency representative likely to provide current or future services?
Yes ____
No __X__
If Yes, did the community agency representative attend the IEP? Yes ___ No __X_ Explain: Student will have the opportunities to
meet with Transition Coordinator & MRS Counselor throughout Senior or Exiting Year
Please list any additional steps taken to ensure that the student has made connections with any appropriate outside programs and
Student and parent/guardian has been encourage to attend Annual Transition Related event to provide awareness of community
support agencies available to assist student in reaching postsecondary goals or
Student and parent will have the opportunity to work with Transition Coordinator , MRS Counselor throughout the last year in
school with Senior Staffing Meetings to help connect with the correct agency that will assist with Transition Services and
connections outside the school.
Courses of Study Addressing Post-Secondary Transition Needs for Post-Secondary Adult Activities:
(Required to consider the following for any student who will reach age 16 during his IEP; (optional to consider at age 13 or younger if
determined appropriate by the IEP Team and reviewed at each subsequent IEP). Check one:
_X__ General and/or special education classes leading to a diploma
___ Course of study leading to a certificate of completion
Describe how student’s course of study align with the students’ postsecondary goals:
Statement on how the Post-School goals (name goals) will be met with the Course of Study student selected. The Career goals can\
be noted again.
TOP PART Page 5 (Option #2)
Senior Exiting Student’s Last Year
IEP Date:
Was there a need to invite a community agency representative likely to provide current or future services?
Yes _X___
No ____ Usually when HBH or Pathways or other Agencies are involved at an earlier date. Note that parent has given
permission here for their presents at the IEP.
If Yes, did the community agency representative attend the IEP? Yes ___ No __X_ Explain: Note that there was contact from the
said Agency above and their current involvement level of services if they are unable to attend the IEP
Please list any additional steps taken to ensure that the student has made connections with any appropriate outside programs and
Student and parent/guardian has been encourage to attend Annual Transition Related event to provide awareness of community
support agencies available to assist student in reaching postsecondary goals or
Student and parent will have the opportunity to work with Transition Coordinator , MRS Counselor throughout the last year in
school with Senior Staffing Meetings to help connect with the correct agency that will assist with Transition Services and
connections outside the school.
Courses of Study Addressing Post-Secondary Transition Needs for Post-Secondary Adult Activities:
(Required to consider the following for any student who will reach age 16 during his IEP; (optional to consider at age 13 or younger if
determined appropriate by the IEP Team and reviewed at each subsequent IEP). Check one:
____ General and/or special education classes leading to a diploma
_X__ Course of study leading to a certificate of completion
Describe how student’s course of study align with the students’ postsecondary goals:
Statement is needed to address why this route was chosen and how it connects with the Student Goals for after school. This
statement should show up in the Present Level Section as well.
Statement of needed Transition Services – Include by age 16 (Required)
(Recommended beginning at age 13 and annually thereafter if determined by the IEP Team)
Needed Transition Activities/Services Related to Student PLAAFP (describe the
responsibilities of each participant)
Transition Page 4
Bottom Part
Adult Living:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities/strategies done occasionally, such as registering to vote, obtaining a driver’s license,
renting an apartment, accessing medical, dental, legal and financial services, supervised housing,
guardianship issues, accessing adult services such as Social Security.
Transition Profile
Appropriate Agency
Daily Living Skills:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities that most adults do most every day such as: grooming, hygiene, food preparation,
operation of appliances, purchasing foods, daily survival/safety skills (reading signs, using maps,
etc.) child care, paying bills, preparing a budget.
Transition Profile
Functional Vocational
Considered, none needed ___
Contact agencies that provide functional vocational assessments in the community, providing
opportunities for job sampling in the community, use Reading Free Vocational Interests Inventory,
the Enderle-Severson Future Goals Assessment, or the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scale
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Considered, none needed ___
Current employment status, community based instruction, meeting with vocational rehab.
Specialists, job shadowing, activities that focus on development of work-related behaviors, job
seeking skills, career exploration, skills training, etc. taking the ASVAB.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Community Experiences:
Considered, none needed ___
Student involvement in activities provided outside the school building and within the community
(recreational activities, church groups, volunteer work, etc.) learning abut potential places to shop,
bank, post office, visiting the mall, participating in age appropriate social activities, attend school
board meeting, joining YMCA or Boys & Girls Clubs.
Transition Profile
Related Services:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if related services needs will continue beyond school, related city services, such as
transportation, mental health, physical or speech therapy, court systems, potential post school
providers of recreational therapy or potential funding resources.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Further Education:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if further Education/Training is required for the student to meet their Career/Employment
Goals identified above. Identify Universities, colleges, trade schools, certifications and on-the-job
training is needed to plan for. Activities/strategies necessary to prepare for and take part in college
(obtaining application, touring campuses) continuing education, further skill training, adult living,
register for specific course for the next school year.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Options Available
MRS Counselor
(EUPISD & MRS have a Cash-Match Agreement)
Michigan Commission for the Blind
Upward Bound
Workforce Investment Agency (WIA)
Question #6.
Evidence that there is
One Measurable Goal
that is aligned with Student’s
post-secondary goals
2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting?
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
3. The IEP identifies current student:
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
6. The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
N/A ____
Reason must be
Statement of needed Transition Services – Include by age 16 (Required)
(Recommended beginning at age 13 and annually thereafter if determined by the IEP Team)
Needed Transition Activities/Services Related to Student PLAAFP (describe the
responsibilities of each participant)
Transition Page 4
Bottom Part
Adult Living:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities/strategies done occasionally, such as registering to vote, obtaining a driver’s license,
renting an apartment, accessing medical, dental, legal and financial services, supervised housing,
guardianship issues, accessing adult services such as Social Security.
Transition Profile
Appropriate Agency
Daily Living Skills:
Considered, none needed ___
Activities that most adults do most every day such as: grooming, hygiene, food preparation,
operation of appliances, purchasing foods, daily survival/safety skills (reading signs, using maps,
etc.) child care, paying bills, preparing a budget.
Transition Profile
Functional Vocational
Considered, none needed ___
Contact agencies that provide functional vocational assessments in the community, providing
opportunities for job sampling in the community, use Reading Free Vocational Interests Inventory,
the Enderle-Severson Future Goals Assessment, or the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scale
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Considered, none needed ___
Current employment status, community based instruction, meeting with vocational rehab.
Specialists, job shadowing, activities that focus on development of work-related behaviors, job
seeking skills, career exploration, skills training, etc. taking the ASVAB.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Community Experiences:
Considered, none needed ___
Student involvement in activities provided outside the school building and within the community
(recreational activities, church groups, volunteer work, etc.) learning abut potential places to shop,
bank, post office, visiting the mall, participating in age appropriate social activities, attend school
board meeting, joining YMCA or Boys & Girls Clubs.
Transition Profile
Related Services:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if related services needs will continue beyond school, related city services, such as
transportation, mental health, physical or speech therapy, court systems, potential post school
providers of recreational therapy or potential funding resources.
Transition Profile
School &
Appropriate Agency
Further Education:
Considered, none needed ___
Determine if further Education/Training is required for the student to meet their Career/Employment
Goals identified above. Identify Universities, colleges, trade schools, certifications and on-the-job
training is needed to plan for. Activities/strategies necessary to prepare for and take part in college
(obtaining application, touring campuses) continuing education, further skill training, adult living,
register for specific course for the next school year.
Transition Profile
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2010 Compliance Checklist for Secondary Transition – SPP13
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually
updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including course of student, that will reasonably
enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs. There
also must be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and
evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent
of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)
To achieve compliance on this indicator an IEP Review must be able to answer “yes” to all questions.
Defined IEP elements for SPP-13:
Description of evidence for compliance/performance:
Evidence for regulatory compliance:
Is there documentation in the student’s IEP?
The student was invited to the IEP Team meeting? (Evidence can be either a note of verbal invitation, phone log or copy of the actual
The student’s post-secondary vision (postsecondary goals) is identified, including: (Documentatd in the PLAAFP Statements on pg. 4 or
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
Top of Transition Page p. 5)
a. Development/update of the post-secondary vision was based upon evidence of
Current transition assessment information:
b. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) was updated annually; and
c. The post-secondary vision (post-secondary goals) is measurable.
The IEP identifies current student:
(Documented in PLAAFP Statements pg. 4 or Student Postsecondary foals or statement of
needed Transition Services on pg. 5)
A YES must include evidence of each of the following:
a. Academic Achievement;
b. Functional Performance; and
c. Transition Related Needs.
The IEP identifies transition services (including course of study) that align with the post-secondary vision
(postsecondary goals).
(Documented in Course of Study addessing Postsecondary Transition Goals pg. 5)
If any agency is likely to provide/pay for transition services:
a. Prior consent to invite any agency(s) was obtain from parent (or student if he/she has reached age of majority).
b. A representative from identified agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting.
(Evidence on Transition Page pg. 5 and documented on pg 6 explaining what course of action was taken to ensure connections made
on pg 6. Also copies of Consent Form from parent/guardian or Agency Release Form.)
The IEP identifies at lest one measurable annual goal aligned with the postsecondary vision (postsecondary goals).
(Evidence on Transition Page pg. 5 or in Goal Section of the IEP that is measurable)
N/A ____
Reason must be
(Will be made available on EUPISD Transition Webpage &
We are only a phone call away to assist where needed.)
Link to EUPISD Transition Webpage:
EUPISD Transition Services
Support Team Chart
2011-2012 (updated 5-16-11)
EUPISD Transition Coordinator
Northern Transitions Inc.
Rick Conklin
Executive Director
1-906-635-5681 ext. 115
[email protected]
Ed DeTour
Karl Monroe
Rehab. Director
EUPISD Transition Team
Rachel Fuerer
MRS Transition Team
Carol Barcovie-Muscoe
EUPISD Special Education Director
MDLEG-RS District Manager
Transition Team
Chuck Saur
Connie Cullip &
Stacey Miller
Jackie Tahtinen
Transition Services
MDLEG-RS Site Manager
Laurie Bradley
Justin Vedin
Trina Ruokola
James Samsel
EUPISD Monitors
Brooke Neeb
Sheri McFarlane
Chris Foster
Catherine White
Jaci Mortinsen
Area Coordinators
Dr. Dan Reattoir
EUPISD Superintendent
School Districts
Support Staffs
Special & Regular
Education Teachers
MDLEG-RS Counselor
Transition Services
Chippewa, Luce & Mackinac County Transition
MTSA & Community Partners
Transition Grant
MTSA President
Eleanor White
Director of Special Education
Assist. Director Special Education
Mike Flanagan
Support Agencies
Community Partners
Michigan Works
CMH’s (Pathways & HBH)
Tribes Work Options
Elected Officials
Dorie France
PAC Chairperson
George Krogh
PAC Second Chairperson
Dave Barnes
Transition Council Co-Chair
SPEAKS Education
Post Education Options
State & Federal Laws