Transcript Document

To find out more about the Service please
contact one of the following staff:
•Carolyn Jones, Information & Advice
Officer on 02920 867447
Pilot Project
Integrated Service for
Children with Additional
Needs (ISCAN)
•Glenice Robinson, ISCAN Manager on
02920 849765
•Bev Lane, ISCAN Project Manager on
01443 866697
A Guide for Professionals
This leaflet can be provided in another format
or language on request
What is ISCAN?
A new multi-agency approach to working
together to provide coherent services for children
with complex additional needs and their families
Children and their families will be central to the
Education, Health, Social Care and Action for
Children will work in partnership, plan and
review assessment and intervention jointly –
using a Team Around the Child (TAC) model;
A lead professional will co-ordinate contact and
meetings and provide a single friendly point of
communication for the family;
The TAC will plan actions and review outcomes
with the child’s parents/carers. These will be
recorded using a Family Support Plan.
Key Elements of ISCAN continued
Aims of ISCAN
•ISCAN Multi-Agency Meeting/Panel meet weekly
to determine lead professional and review and
monitor case management
•Provide a “One stop shop”, accessible point of
contact with professionals
•Lead Professional undertakes initial information
gathering assessment using standard format
•Deliver an effective and trusted service for
families’ and professionals
•Lead professional establishes Team around the
Child (TAC) and co ordinates meetings to involve
•Provide clear outcomes for children and families
•Meetings to be held at venues convenient to the
•Ensure better planning for transitions
•TAC develop and implement Family Support Plan
to include coordinated additional professional
assessment and actions
•Work with ‘harder to engage’ families as early as
•Outcomes and impact reviewed and monitored
through the ISCAN Multi-Agency Panel
•Chair of ISCAN Multi-Agency Panel reports
progress/issues to the project board monthly
•Alleviate stress on children and families
•Provide clarity of the pathway, endings and
•Miss fewer children/provide appropriate support
•Work within a clear service structure with a
common understanding of the issues
•Ensure value for money through reduced
•Enhance effective commissioning, forecasting
and intelligence
•Improve partnership working
Who will be involved in ISCAN?
•Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Key Elements of ISCAN
•ISCAN referral form – standard form to be used
for all referrals for children where there are concerns
about complex additional medical, health, social
and/or learning needs
•Health Visitors
•Hospital and Paediatric Nurses
“Front door” at the Caerphilly Children’s Centre for
receipt and management of referrals
Social Care
•Social Workers
•Child Care Support Workers
•Central database with shared access by agencies
•Educational Psychologists
•Additional Learning Needs Service
•Agreed information sharing protocol in line with
WAG requirements
Action for Children
•Key working Service
•Information & Advice Officer
•Family contact initially to confirm referral and
information provided – Action for Children
Information and Advice Officer