OFC312 Administering Microsoft SharePoint Products and

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Transcript OFC312 Administering Microsoft SharePoint Products and

OFC 312
Introduction to STSADM and how to use it
Common STSADM operations
Backup and restore with STSADM
Advanced operations with STSADM
Things that can only be done with STSADM
Command line tool on Web front ends
Must be run locally by a local administrator
Not interactive, makes it a perfect
candidate for scripting
Hidden in the 12 Hive
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
Several ways to make it easier to access
Add to path
Create cmd.exe shortcut
Batch file
Environment variable
There are 184 operations in
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
To find an operation, pipe STSADM through find
Can be used for some common daily tasks
Site maintenance
Createsite/ Deletesite/ Enumsites/ Createsiteinnewdb/ Enumsubwebs
Web maintenance
Createweb/ Deleteweb/ Renameweb
User maintenance
Adduser/ Deleteuser/ Enumusers/ Migrateuser
Can be used to back SharePoint Server
at many levels
Backup operation works at the farm level
Compatible with backups made in Central Admin
Backup operation can also back up at the
Site Collection level
Export and Import replace smigrate.exe and
work at the Web level
More granular than backup and restore
Import does not overwrite destination
Choose the level that is appropriate for the issue
you are trying to address, catastrophic recovery
or site and document backup
Since it’s CLI, it’s great for scripting
Use AT.EXE or Task Scheduler to schedule
your batch file
Same flexibility, backup farm or
individual site collections
Use addtemplate and enumtemplate
to manipulate templates
Enumtemplate will only show user added templates
Web Parts – Addwppack/ deploywppack/ enumwppacks/
Features – Activatefeature/ deactivatefeature/
installfeature/ scanforfeatures/ uninstallfeature
Solutions – Addsolution/ deploysolution/ displaysolution/
retractsolution/ upgradesolution
Content Databases – Addconentdb/ deletecontentdb/
Managed paths – Addpath/ Deletepath
Only need to add paths, exclusions are gone
Web applications – Extendvs/ unextendvs
Zones and alternate access mappings –
Enumzoneurls/ addzoneurl/
deletezoneurl /geturlzone
Manage timer jobs with deletessptimerjob
Manage web application policies with
A lot of power lies in the Setproperty and
Getproperty operations
days-to-show-new-icon sets length of
time the New! Icon shows up
job-immediate-alerts sets the polling time
for immediate timer jobs
max-template-document-size sets maximum
size for site and list templates
large-file-chunk-size sets the chunk size of blobs between
the WFE and the SQL server
execadmsvcjobs to force the Time Job Service
to execute your job immediately
createsiteinnewdb to create a new
Site Collection in its own DB
STSADM operations can be added
via custom code
Consists of two parts
Create XML file to define new operations in 12\Config
Create assembly and place in Global Assembly Cache
Can be deployed as Solution
Couple STSADM with Windows PowerShell
Use PowerShell to parse XML output
Use to loop through STSADM operations
Examples on CodePlex
Technical Communities, Webcasts, Blogs, Chats & User Groups
Microsoft Learning and Certification
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) & TechNet
Trial Software and Virtual Labs
The Microsoft Office SharePoint
Conference 2008
March 3rd – 6th 2008 at the Washington State
Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, USA
Sign up for more information and
registration notification at
Complete an
evaluation on
CommNet and
enter to win!
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