Transcript Document

Hello, Everyone!
Part I
Review Exercises
 1. Define the following 4 terms:
1) bound morpheme
2) free morpheme
3) derivational morpheme
4) inflectional morpheme
 2. List as many as possible
methods for the addition of new
 3. What are the 3 processes for
semantic change of words?
Part II
New Content
Chapter 8
Language and Society
The Scope of
 Sociolinguistics is the sub-field
of linguistics that studies the
relation between language and
society, between the uses of
language and the social
structures in which the users of
language live.
The Relatedness between
Language and society
1. Question
 In what ways is language related
with society?
2. Relatedness between
Language and society (1)
 1. While language is principally
used to communicate meaning, it
is also used to establish and
maintain social relationships.
2. Relatedness between
Language and society (2)
 2. Users of the same language in
a sense all speak differently. The
kind of language each of them
chooses to use is in part
determined by his social
background. And language, in
its turn, reveals information
about its speaker.
2. Relatedness between
Language and society (3)
 3. To some extent, language,
especially the structure of its
lexicon, reflects both the
physical and the social
environments of a society.
2. Relatedness between
Language and society (4)
 4. As a social phenomenon,
language is closely related to the
structure of the society in which
it is used, and the evaluation of a
linguistic form is entirely social.
Speech Community
and Speech Variety
1. Speech Community
 The social group that is singled out
for any special study is called the
speech community. In
sociolinguistics, it refers to the a
group of people who do in fact have
the opportunity to interact with each
other and who share not just a single
language with its related varieties,
but also attitudes toward linguistic
2. Speech Variety
 Speech variety, or language
variety, refers to any
distinguishable form of speech
used by a speaker or a group of
Two approaches to
scociolinguistic studies
1. Macro-Scociolinguistics
 Macro-sociolinguistics is a
bird’s-eye view of the languages
used in society. It looks at
society as a whole and considers
how languaguage functions in it
and how it reflects the social
2. Micro-Sociolinguistics
 Micro-sociolinguistics is a
worm’s-eye view of language in
use. It looks at society from the
point of view of and individual
member within it.
8.2 Varieties of language
Varieties of language
Dialectal varieties
1. Regional dialects
 A regional dialect is a linguistic
variety used by people living in
the same geographical region.
2. Sociolect
 Sociolect, or social-class dialect, refers
to the linguistic variety characteristic of
a particular class.
3. Language and gender
 The language used by men and
women have some special
features of their own.
 Question:
 In what ways is language used
by women different from that by
4. Language and age
 In many communities the
language used by the old
generation differs from that used
by the younger generation in
certain ways.
5. Idiolect
 Idiolect is a personal dialect of an
individual speaker that combines
elements regarding regional, social,
gender, and age variations. In other
words, an individual speaker’s
regional and social background,
his/her gender and age jointly
determine the way he/she talks. And
the language he/she uses, which
bears distinctive features of his/her
own, is his/her idiolect.
6. Ethnic dialect
 An ethnic dialect is a social
dialect of a language spoken by
a less privileged population that
has experience some form of
social isolation such as racial
discrimination or segregation.
1. Register
 Register (语域) refers to the type
pf language which is selected as
appropriate to the type of
2. Field of discourse
 Field of discourse (话语范围)
refers to what is going on, to the
area of operation of the language
activity. “Why” and “about
3. Tenor of discourse
 Tenor of discourse (话语基调)
refers to the role of relationship
in the situation in question: who
the participants in the
communication groups are and
in what relationship they stand
to each other. “To whom”.
4. Mode of discourse
 Mode of discourse (话语方式)
mainly refers to the means of
communication. “How”.
Degree of formality
1. General idea
 Language used on different
occasions differs in the degree
of formality, which is determined
by the social variables.
2. Question
 On what levels of language can
degree of formality be analyzed?
 And style?
 1. Review
 2. Pp. 126 Ex.1-6
 3. Prepare
Chapter 8 (3-5)