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How To Do
A “Dazzling” D.B.Q.
Is Like a Tasty Hamburger
The Introductory
The “Top Bun” of your essay!
4-6 sentences
Thesis Statement
• Pretend you are an attorney delivering opening
• DO NOT—simply restate the question
• Make a strong thesis like this
– Provide a little background
• After the defeat of the Spanish Armada…
– Make sure that you mention the individuals by name
and how they relate w/o stating they are similar but
different—DO NOT USE first names—are you on a
first name basis with John Smith?
– Never ask a question—as the writer of this document,
you have all the answers
The Introductory Paragraph
1. Establish TIME & PLACE.
2. Create a clear, THESIS STATEMENT.
3. Allude to the SUB-TOPICS or
categories you will discuss to support
your thesis statement
No “laundry list!”
4. Focus on the question at hand—do
NOT begin with a “flowery” sentence!
5. Remember….organization is key!!
Sample Thesis Statement
During the time of salutary neglect, the thirteen colonies flourished
economically and politically since Great Britain was involved in a series of
wars. However, when Great Britain returned attention to the colonies, it was
found that not only were the colonies governing themselves, but they refused
to be governed by Great Britain. The time period in which Great Britain was
involved in a series of wars, therefore propelled the colonies to become more
independent, so by the eve of the Revolution, colonists had a strong sense of
identity and unity. Their sense of identity was formed by their different
origins and their increased separation from Great Britain. Furthermore, due
to self-governance, their government representation became united to the
benefit of the colonies. Geographically, the colonies were bound to be
separated from Great Britain since it was harder to represent the colonists in
Parliament, and it was even harder for Parliament and the King to
understand their thoughts and lifestyles. Due to these differences identity
and unity emerged.
Red = Background info-est time and place
Blue = Thesis statement-this is what you are proving throughout your paper
Purple = Major points that support your thesis statement—not a laundry list
The “”Meat”” Paragraphs
The “tasty” part of your essay!
8-12 sentences+ per paragraph
The “”Meat”” Paragraphs
Identify your sub-topic or category in the first sentence.
Include analysis of the documents that are relevant to
support the ideas in each paragraph.
Use ALL of the documents given.
Address at least 1 of the following for each document
Intended audience
Historical context
Bring in supportive outside information. This is critical!!
* o.i.’s = “outside information”
Connect historical phenomena relevant to the argument to
broader historical events
• Your paper should flow…transition from
topic to topic as well as from paragraph to
• Do not end a paragraph and then abruptly
began another one
– Transition words/phrases:
• Adams on the other hand represented a new form
of government…
• As Adams vacated the Presidency, Jefferson and
his Jeffersonian-Republican party emerged.
The Concluding
The “Bottom Bun” of your essay!
It holds it all together!
3-4 sentences
The Concluding” Paragraph
Start with a “concluding phrase.”
You MUST include synthesis of the argument in your
Extend or modify your thesis statement
Recognize contradictory information as another approach to
the problem
Connect to other historical periods, geographical area,
contexts or circumstances
End of some trend/movement/idea, etc.
Beginning of some trend/movement/idea
End of one & beginning of another.
Do NOT end on the note that this is the
reason we are where we are today!
Avoiding weak words
• Use strong higher order thinking language
(elevate your vocab)
• Do NOT use pronouns (I, you, we, they etc)
• Do NOT use phrases (in my opinion)
• Do NOT use clichés or broad unsubstantiated
statements (George Washington was the BEST
president EVER!!!)
• DO NOT use words such as “talks about” “this is
about” “says” “good” “bad” “a lot” “tells of” “things”
“forever” “never” “the paper discusses” “got” “get”
Instead…use this language…
• USE…words such as
“The author contends”
“Brinkley asserts”
“Washington espouses in his Farewell Address”
“The author’s perspective illustrates the point”….
Other writing styles to avoid
– George Washington was the BEST President
– No one could ever be a better President
– The country would not be like it is today if not for
the most courageous efforts….blah blah blah…
– You could definitely say….just state it…
Questions to Ask Yourself About
the Documents
1. Attribution  Who is this person?
2. Why might they be significant?
3. What is the point of view (POV) of the author?
4. How reliable and accurate is the source? (bias)
5. What is the tone or intent (purpose) of the
document or author?
6. What other information does this document call
to mind? Use all available clues.
Remember, docs. can be used in a variety of ways!
How to Reference a
Document in Your Essay
The 19c historian, Frederick Jackson Turner,
felt that …………………. (Doc.2)
NEVER begin with: In Document 3, …
NEVER cite multiple documents at once
(1, 4 & 7)
NEVER use long quotes or reference
directly from the documents “the chart
in Document 5…”
Put It All Together, And . . . .
Ummmmm, Burger!
I Mean, A Perfect DBQ!