Peace and Conflict Revision

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Peace and Conflict Revision
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Other weapons of mass destruction
Non-nuclear weapons which can destroy large areas/numbers of people eg chemical
Refusing to fight in wars
Just war
A war which is fought for the right reasons and in a right way
World peace
The basic aim of the United Nations to remove the causes of war
Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself
The act of stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning them for what they have done wrong
Bringing together people who were opposed to each other
A recent conflict - Iraq
This is an on going conflict which started in March 2003
with the US led invasion of Iraq. Other countries
such as the UK, Australia and Poland supported this
attack and also sent troops
Saddam Hussein was captured in December 2003 and
execute in 2006
The war was technically over very quickly however US
and UK troops can not lead the area and now there
is civil war over who is the new leader of Iraq.
Millions of people have died and the war has cost well
over $500 billion
The main reasons given were:
President Bush said that there was evidence that Iraq’s leader,
Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction which he
was banned from having in 1991 and this was a threat to the US.
To date none have been found
Another given reason was the it was thought that Iraq was
supporting families of Palestinian Suicide bombers
Another was the Iraqi government Human rights abuses –
thousands of people were executed without trial
The US said that it was spreading democracy – Saddam Hussein
was a dictator who people did not have a choice about
Many people think the main reason was oil reserves – Iraq had
control over a lot which the West need.
Weapons of mass destruction = weapons
which can destroy large areas/numbers of
Nuclear weapons
Biological weapons
Chemical weapons
The Middle East conflict
This has been an on going war for many
years and is between Jews and Muslims
over who owns some land. Both sides
believe that it is theirs and that it has
religious value to them
This war recently broke out again in
December 2008
Reasons for the war
The land of Palestine was the homeland to Jews in the Bible. They were
thrown out of it by the Romans in AD135
In the centuries which followed it was the home of Muslim Arabs who became
known as Palestinians
In the 1890’s there was a call for the Jews to return to Palestine and claim
their homeland
After the 1st World War the land was controlled by Britain who said that the
Jews could have the land and the Palestinians (Muslims) would have their
own land. In 1922 the land was separated in to 2 which immediately led to
conflict over who should control the government.
In 1948 the Jews declared their land independent and called it Israel
The Palestinians attacked the Jews but they were defeated which left a large
number of Palestinians refugees with no land or home who have camped
mainly on the Gaza strip
The war over the right to the land continues
Christianity and War
The Bible does not clearly state whether Christians
should go to war or not and so different
Christians think different things.
There are 3 main attitudes
1. Some think that war can be fought in some
2. Some think that war should never be fought
3. All Christians agree that war for the sake of it
and greed is wrong
Attitude 1: Some Christians believe that going to
war may be the right thing to do as long as it is
a just war and the Bible supports this theory
Reasons for this attitude:
1. Jesus said that people should obey their lawful
government, so this must mean even if they
say they should go to war “Give to Caesar
what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”
2. St Paul said that Christians have a duty to
obey those in authority “Everyone must submit
himself to the governing authority”
3. The Church has said that Christians have a
duty to protect the weak and those facing
Just War = a war fought for the
right reasons and in the right way
This was first put forward by St Augustine and tells
Christians when it is justified to fight
The cause is just e.g it resists injustice
It is fought with the authority of the government or UN
It has the right intention, the aim is to bring peace
It is a last resort
There is a chance of success and lives will not be lost
in vain
Civilians are not targeted
The methods are reasonable e.g nuclear weapons are
not used against a non-nuclear country
Attitude 2: Some Christians are pacifists and think
that war is never acceptable e.g. the Quakers
think this
Reasons for this attitude:
1. Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers”
2. Jesus said “love your enemies and pray for
your persecutors”
3. The Decalogue (10 Commandments) say “Do
not kill”
4. Jesus stopped his disciples from using
violence when he was about to be arrested
5. If people act peacefully to each other then
eventually peace will be established
6. Nuclear weapons and other WMD can cause
unimaginable suffering
A religious organisation working
for world peace
Pax Christi - This is Latin for ‘the peace of Christ’
This is an international organisation based on the
principles of Jesus – love
It was set up in 1945 to work for reconciliation between
the French and Germans
It is opposed to war and all forms of violence
It campaigns for governments to solve their disputes
through talking
It’s 3 main objectives are:
1. Reconciliation
2. Peace
3. Education and learning
Islam and war
• Muslims believe that they can fight but only for a good
reason e.g. their faith. War may be permitted to aid
justice, freedom, to oppose oppression or if in selfdefence. However, if there is any possibility of
avoiding war then these steps must be taken first.
• To Muslims the main war is with themselves trying to be
a good Muslim. The word for this struggle is jihad
• The Qur’an says that if Muslims use too much force
against opponents then they will be judged badly by
Reasons a Muslim can go to war to
defend their faith:
1. The Qur’an teaches that they can fight if
they are attacked
2. Muhammad himself fought in wars
3. Many of the statement made by the
Prophet allow Muslims to fight in just
4. The Qur’an teaches that anyone who
dies in a just war will go to heaven
Test yourself
Give 4 reasons why the Iraq war started
Who is involved in the Middle East war and what is it
mainly over?
3. What does just war mean?
4. What does pacifism mean?
5. What are the 2 Christian attitudes to war?
6. Give 2 reasons why a Christian may think war might
be acceptable
7. Give 2 reasons why Christians may be pacifists
8. What does jihad mean?
9. What conditions would a Muslim say means they can
go to war?
10. Give 4 reasons why Muslims think that they can go to
Bullying – one of the most common types of
Is often when
someone or a
group frighten
and intimidate
people who they
see are weaker
than themselves
Society is based on
respect and people
have the right to live
without the fear of
Schools have antibullying policies, in the
work place there are
trade unions, ChildLine
is a free service which
offers guidance and
Often happens at school
leaving victims staying away
from school, being upset and in
extreme cases, committing
Examples include:
name calling,
physical harm,
damaging property,
telling lies about
People bully for a
number of reasons:
•Problems at home
Most people are against
bullying and the law
protects people from
mental and physical harm.
It can lead to prison
•They have been a
victim of bullying
•Wanting to look
•Low self-esteem
Religion and Bullying
Attitude: Both Christians and Muslims see bullying as
1. They see using violence without a just cause as
sinful, and bullying always involves unjust violence.
2. They see human beings as a creation of God-bullying
is mistreating God’s creation.
3. The Bible and Qur’an teach that it is the duty of
religious people to protect the weak and innocent.
4. The Bible and Qur’an teach that harming other people
will bring bad results in your life after death.
over religion –
wanting it or
over possessions
Arguments over time
children are home
and sisters
over space
The causes of conflict
between friends
and family
over choice of
over money
Christianity and Reconciliation and
Christians believe that it is their duty to try to bring reconciliation
between families and friends who are in conflict
It is a Christian’s duty to forgive those who attack them.
Nevertheless, Christians believe that a conflict about morality or
religion would not be resolvable if, for example, the children were
following Christian teachings and the parents were not.
Jesus died on the cross to bring reconciliation and forgiveness.
Jesus told Peter to forgive his brother up to 77 times.
Jesus said that if Christians do not forgive others, they will not be
forgiven themselves.
St Paul said that Christians should try to live in peace with
The Lord’s Prayer says “Forgive those who sin against us”
Islam, Reconciliation and
Islam teaches that Muslims should try to resolve conflicts
They are taught that they should be forgiving to those who cause
them offence.
Nevertheless, Muslims believe that a conflict about morality or
religion would not be resolvable if, for example, the children were
following Islamic teachings and the parents were not.
God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, so Muslims should
also be forgiving.
How can Muslims ask God’s forgiveness on the Last Day if they
are not prepared to forgive people?
The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive those who offend
Muhammad said in many Hadiths that Muslims should be
Test yourself
1. Give 2 reasons why someone may bully
2. What is the Christians and Muslims attitude
towards bullying?
3. Give 2 reasons for this attitude
4. When may Muslims and Christians say it may
not be possible to forgive?
5. Give 2 reasons why Christians think
forgiveness and reconciliation is important
6. Give 2 different reasons why Muslims think
that forgiveness and reconciliation is important