Workshop Overview

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Expanding GeoWeb to
an Internet of Things
A workshop during COM.Geo 2011
The Geoweb – a global community
Composed of many collaborating organizations... authoring
and publishing geospatial content and services
© 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2009 Open Geospatial
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
© 2011 Open Geospatial Consortium
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
Monday May 23 afternoon
– Session 1. Scope and Vision
• Chair: George Percivall, OGC
– Session 2. Enabling Technology
– 2a. Object location, identity and function
• Chair: Richard Barnes, BBN
Tuesday May 24 afternoon
– Session 2 (continued)
– 2b. Location and navigation in Small Spaces:
• Chair: Steve Smyth, MobileGIS
– 2c. User applications
• Chair: Paul Watson, 1Spatial
– Session 3. From R&D to persistence/commercialization
• Chair: Nadine Alameh, OGC
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
• Connecting our world with accessible networks is scaling to
trillions of everyday objects
Internet of Things, Pervasive Computing, Sensor Web, etc.
Planetary Skin, Smarter Planet, CeNSE, others
Internet augmented with mobile M2M and ad-hoc local networks
Information about objects from barcodes, RFIDs, sensors, etc.
The location of all objects will be known
• Workshop explores role of location information
Location determination, geocoding, schemas for points of interest,
Spatial models for geographic, local, 3D
Detect phenomena of interest
Role of open standards
© 2011 Open Geospatial Consortium
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
Session 1. Scope and Vision
• Planetary Skin Institute ALERTS System
– JD Stanley, CISCO
• Physical World as an Internet of Things
– Prof. Simon Berkovich, GWU
• Ushahidi platform to use QR codes in crisis scenarios
– Jon Gosier, SwiftRiver/Ushahidi
(Coffee break at 2:40)
• National Broadband Map to facilitate IOT/M2M Deployment
– Michael Byrne, US FCC
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
2a. Object location
• Overview/survey presentation
– Richard Barnes, BBN,
• “Geolocating things on the Internet”
– Miten Sampat, Quova,
• "What to do with 500M Location Requests a Day?"
– Kip Jones Skyhook,
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
2b. Location and navigation in Small Spaces
• “Location and navigation inside small areas”
– Steve Smyth, MobileGIS
• “Navigation-to-thing and highly-context-focused
‘around me’ use cases”
– Paul Bouzide, Navteq
• “Building model information”
– Geoff Zeiss, Autodesk
• ”Read/Write for building information"
– Eyal Ofek, Microsoft
2:20 PM - 2:30 PM
Coffee Break
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
2c. User applications
• “Live Viz on 3D City Models”
– Jan Klimke, Hasso-Plattner-Institut,
• “An Internet of Places – navigating the Web in
– Paul Watson, 1Spatial,
• “NGC Sensor Web Enablement for IoT”
– Scott Fairgrieve,
Expanding GeoWeb to an Internet of Things
3. From R&D to persistence/commercialization
• “Let’s Move E911 Indoors”
– Cliff Behrens and Michael Loushine, Telecordia
• “Beyond the check-in; fragmentation and
consolidation in the emerging geoweb industry.”
– Peter Verkooijen, GeoWeb Forum
• “Role of collaborative development of open
– George Percivall, OGC