Warm Up March 29, 2010 - Lindley 7th Grade Social Studies

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Transcript Warm Up March 29, 2010 - Lindley 7th Grade Social Studies

Warm Up March 30, 2011
1. How did European involvement in
Southwest Asia impact the region after the
collapse of the Ottoman Empire?
A. Many Europeans immigrated to Southwest
B. Countries in Southwest Asia modeled their
governments on European governments.
C. Political borders were decided by European
powers without consideration of the political
and historic connections in the region.
D. European powers presence in Southwest Asia
established a long period of peace and improved
relations with non-Muslim western nations.
2. Iran’s currency is called the rial. China,
however, uses a currency called the
yuan. How are China and Iran able to trade
goods with each other if the goods they are
trading are valued in different currencies?
A. They are not actually able to trade goods.
B. Each country sends their goods to the United
States first.
C. The rial and the yuan are actually the same
D. There is a system in place that can convert
currency values.
SS7CG1 The student will compare and contrast various forms of government.
a. Describe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal.
b. Explain how governments determine citizen participation: autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic.
c. Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential.
SS7CG2 The student will explain the structures of the modern governments of Africa.
a. Compare the republican systems of government in the Republic of Kenya and the Republic of South Africa
to the dictatorship of the Republic of Sudan, distinguishing the form of leadership and role of the citizen in
terms of voting and personal freedoms.
SS7CG3 The student will analyze how politics in Africa impacts standard of living.
a. Compare how various factors, including gender, affect access to education in Kenya and Sudan.
b. Describe the impact of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine
across Africa.
SS7CG7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of national governments in Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Compare and contrast the federal republic of The Republic of India, the communist state of The People’s
Republic China, and the constitutional monarchy of Japan, distinguishing the form of leadership and the role
of the citizen in terms of voting rights and personal freedoms.
Today I will review all standards
that have been taught, because I
will be able to get immediate
feedback and turn my weaknesses
into strengths.
Essential Question
How do the deserts and rivers of Southwest
Asia (Middle East) affect the population in
terms of where people live, the type of work
they do, and how they travel?
Find the Error!
Rewrite each sentence with correct information.
Sunni and Shia split because of a fight over which language to speak.
Archipelago is the process of bringing water to dry land.
Famine means to have an abundance of food and oil.
The higher the literacy rate the lower the GDP.
Israel is a dictatorship.
A quota is a tax on good from foreign countries.
Autocracy means rule of a few.
Israel was created to provide Arabs with a safe place to live.
Saudi Arabia is a democracy.
An embargo is a limit placed on goods coming from other countries.
Activity 1: Find the Error
Students will be provided with several sentences that have incorrect
information. Students will be asked to re-write the sentences to make
them correct.
Activity 2: Big Board of Facts Social Studies Challenge
Similar to Jeopardy, students will play an extensive review game that will
address all of the standards and elements that were covered during the
Government Systems unit.
Or Other Review activity or assignment
Closing- Mini Quiz
1. Although both Nigeria and South Africa have an
abundance of natural resources, a great
2. Nigeria has an abundant supply of oil.
number of people live in poverty. Why is this
How has oil affected the lives of the
Nigerian people?
A. There are no educated people in either of these
A. The standard of living in Nigeria is higher
countries to raise the standard of living.
than in any African nation.
B. Nigeria and South Africa have been at war with each
other for 30 years which has prevented growth of B. The majority of Nigerians are employed
in oil related industries.
the economy.
C. Political leaders have failed to use natural
resources to benefit all citizens.
D. Both countries are ruled by white minorities that
prevent all people from making a good income.
C. The abundance of oil has brought about
honest leaders who work to help the
D. The majority of Nigerian people have not
benefited by the abundance of oil.
3. Considering China’s
geographic features, which of
the following physical features
encourage population
A. plains and coast
B. deserts and mountains
C. mountains and valleys
D. islands and inlets
4. How do Chinese farmers who
live in mountainous regions
effectively use the limited
land available for growing
A. by digging ditches and canals
B. by terracing the sides of
C. by leveling the mountaintops
D. by growing crops in