Transcript Document

IDN Vision Plan
Tallinn May 2011
Today's Agenda
The IDN Challenge
Task force goal
Three key questions to address
The IDN story and vision
Action plan and next steps
Our challenge
IDN requires a fresh and credible market positioning to convey our identity and purpose.
Enable current members to engage and encourage the IDN culture amongst their own staff,
clients, prospects and key influencers in each of their home markets.
Leverage our IDN membership to become leaders in our own markets.
Today we present recommendations based on inputs from members over the past 12 months.
Share and adopt new energy with members agreement and support
IDN is proud of its Direct Marketing heritage. We approach our 25 year anniversary as a respected independent
and entrepreneurial network of best in class DM agencies.
Members believe our mission, positioning and identity require re-appraisal. Perception that we are a Direct Mail
organization. Market has moved on and we need to stay a step ahead of it particularly the growth in the digital.
Promote that IDN members have embraced digital and integrated media
Chosen a process that avoids drawn out debate while listening to the specific needs of each individual members.
Task team - Keith Weiser, Georges Van Nevel, Richard Marshall, Hans Christian Bjorkto, & Michael Killeen have
worked on this project since Amsterdam 2010.
Our work has inspired Des Columb and his Task Team to deliver identity solutions which will follow this
presentation. We hope to get sign off today on this new direction.
Task force objective
To capture and convey the core identity and purpose of IDN and re-ignite all stakeholders with
renewed energy and restored conviction to become the best in their own markets.
Three questions directed our thinking:
1. Who do IDN really want to be? - What are the values that are core to IDN and meaningful to all our
stakeholders? What is our positioning in our market place
2. Where do we want to go?- What is our (strategic) intent and what’s at the heart of our network? Find
a direction that is balanced and agreeable to all members or should we explore a brand new positioning
which requires effort and change by all but will be worth it in the end.? What is our mission story
3. How do we want to get there? - Do we energise our culture and boost our brand? Do we take one
giant step or many small ones? Does it require a name change/ new identity?
Answers to these questions
Is IDN an internal brand (for the benefit of members)
Yes, its an internal brand
Or, an external brand (for the benefit of the market)?
No, but could earn equity in future
Should we consider a name change?
If so, what impact will this have on our current brand positioning
Should we develop new business opportunities proactively by leveraging
existing client relationships across the network?
Focus on inter country before we go global
Should IDN move from a Direct Marketing focus to…….
Integrated marketing
CRM marketing
Digital marketing
Marketing direct
ROI marketing
Measurable integrated marketing
Engaging marketing
Could all members embrace similar service offering
Answers to these questions (2)
Can we develop centers of excellence training hubs?
Voluntary management versus full time administration
Full time
What are acceptable membership rates?
€3,4,5,6K /year?
Tiered membership rates and different membership categories?
Do we bring change in one swoop or small steps?
Yes/No TBD?
Small steps over 2/3 years
Partner other global networks to add knowledge and network potential
Become highly skilled network and own one specialty eg. Measurement/Data ?
Do we want an assertive new business machine developing revenues across borders
Start small !
making IDN a valuable institution to be sold as a group in five years time.
Answers to these questions (3)
Do we like who we are and simply sharpen our organisation by becoming more integrated
in our focus and tweaking our current positioning.
Strict membership recruitment criteria - only ‘Agencies of the Year’ in each market to be
considered so that existing members benefit from these new centers of excellence.
Should culling of existing membership be implemented if members don’t get their
house in order over 2 yr period
Agree flat pricing for interagency services and training
Add significant membership growth
Invest in technology to become more active and engaged in IDN
The IDN Story
The IDN story
During the early days of the DM era, eight visionary men got together with a common view
of improving their individual and collective marketing excellence by sharing resources.
Since that day in 1988, IDN has organised a buzzing meeting place for leading DM agency
entrepreneurs around the world who voluntarily and openly share honest insights,
developed strong friendships, entrepreneurial values and a desire to produce world class
work for clients locally and globally.
The IDN story
With annual revenues of $1.2 billion IDN has now become a leading integrated agency
network with access to the best agency thinking around the world.
IDN is made up of motivated and skilled members who proactively share knowledge that
help members make more money in their own market.
Members can convert these learning’s to gain the confidence of their existing clients to
move into international markets utilising IDN membership to execute global projects.
We have an insatiable desire to learn and share and to venture beyond our horizons. .
The IDN story
We are entrepreneurs with a need to be independent and free to pursue individual and
collective marketing excellence.
We place great emphasis on enjoying each others company. We genuinely care about
each others problems and successes. We attach strong value to our heritage and our
family atmosphere of honest friendships. And we embrace fun extremely well in a sector
that has forgotten why fun is good for the heart and soul. Remember that friends are the
family that we choose ourselves
There is no age, sex or cultural bias in the IDN family. We understand the need to be
profitable or we will not survive or be able to invest in or train our brilliant people.
IDN frees our potential and unlocks a world of opportunities in our home markets and in the
bigger global world which we now all compete in.
Proposed IDN Mission:
Leverage member knowledge, inspiration, staff and services to make each individual
agency stronger and more profitable in their home markets. And when necessary,
allow them to enter foreign markets with absolute confidence of members support.
Should we consider a name change to reflect the new world or simply a new identity to
sharpen our look? (Up for discussion)
Recommended positioning /strap line
‘Globally powered - locally powerful’
How we will deliver this:
Create task force to deliver new positioning plan
Articulate new approach and make recommendations
Get agreement form all members
May 13th
Present new identity to bring our work to life
May 13th
Vote on winning agency
May 13th
Identify and agree tasks required to deliver new plan
May 13th
1. Develop centres of excellence : CRM; Data analytics; Digital; Mobile; Etc ??
2. Explore tiered membership structure with recommendations
3. Proactive New business process
4. New membership criteria agreed and acquisition drive for best in class
5. Internal knowledge sharing plan utilising technology
6. Other?
Appoint champions to deliver and implement tasks with budgets and deadlines
May 13th - May 27th
Brief identity project to winning agency
May 23rd
Identify and brief web site upgrade project to agreed agency
June 2011
Identify and celebrate success
New website in place
Sep 2011
Thank You