Transcript Document

Who were all the people in the strange clothes that Uncle Vernon
saw? Describe the clothing.
2. What does this chapter suggest about how wizards live? What clues
did you use to get to this conclusion?
3. What bird has changed it’s usual pattern this chapter. Give examples
4. In your own words, explain the meaning of the underlined phrases or
a) It didn’t so much as quiver when a car door slammed.
In this sentence, quiver means……..
b) “Only because you’re too-well-noble to use them.
In this sentence, noble means………… and is a __________ (part of
c) She looked distinctly ruffled.
In this sentence, looked distinctly ruffled means…..
A good reader creates a picture in their
head as they read. For the rest of the
book try to visualize the vivid pictures
that J.K. Rowling is creating. Using the
descriptive passages below as your guide,
choose one of the characters and draw a
sketch of what you think they look like in
this situation.
Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard,
but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. He
looked even smaller and skinner that he really was because all
he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley’s and Dudley was
about four times bigger that he was. Harry had a thin face,
knobbly knees, black hair and bright-green eyes. He wore
wound glasses held together with a lot of Sellotape because of
all the times Dudley had punched him in the nose. The only
thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin
scar on his forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightning.
He had had it for as long as he could remember and the first
question he could ever remember asking his Aunt Petunia was
how he had got it.
Harry was frying eggs by the time Dudley had
arrived in the kitchen with his mother. Dudley
looked a lot like Uncle Vernon. He had a large, pink
face, not much neck, small watery blue eyes and
thick, blond hair that lay smoothly n his thick, fat
head. Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked
like a baby angel- Harry often said Dudley looked
like a pig in a wig.
If the motorbike was huge, it was nothing to the
man sitting astride it. He was almost twice as tall
as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He
looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wildlong tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most
of his face, he had hands the size of dustbin lids
and his feet in their leather boots were like baby
How did 3 different people show persistence
in this chapter. Give specific examples with
supporting details from the book. Try to use
synonyms for persistence in your writing (1/2
page). Then write about a time that you
showed persistence to help you achieve a goal
that you had set for yourself. If you cannot
think of a situation for you, write about a
time that someone you know personally did.
(1/2 page)
1. When reading a book like Harry Potter, part of
the fun is the unique voices of each character.
Hagrid, in particular, is written is a rough,
coarse, working man tongue with lots of slang,
shortened words and as you are reading he
should sound that way in your head. Rewrite the
sentence that begins with “Some say he died…”
into proper English, using punctuation, correct
grammar and spelling.
2. Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
a) Explain the use of quotation marks in the following sentence:
“Call me Hagrid,,” he said, “everyone does. An’ like I told yeh, I’m
the keeper of keys at Hogwarts.
___ They are used to indicate the title of the chapter.
___ They are used to suggest that the author does not agree with
the statement made about Hagrid’s position.
___ They are used to indicate dialogue.
___ They are used to indicate that the author is thinking aloud.
b) Explain the use of the dash in the following sentence:
“There was somethin’ going on that night he hadn’t counted on---I
dunno what it was, no one does---but somethin’ about you
stumped him, all right.
It is used to introduce items in a list.
It is used to provide additional detail to the sentence.
It is used to help readers who can’t read a long sentence.
It is used to prepare the reader for a dramatic shift in
c) Explain the use of the parentheses in the following sentence:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class,
Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International
Confed. of Wizards).
___ They are used to indicate an interruption of the author’s
thinking. .
___ They are used to surround information that the author added
as an afterthought.
___ They are used to provide additional information about the
status of Dumbledore.
___ They are used to surround a comment to the reader directly.
d) Explain the use of capitalization in the following sentence:
“CAR CRASH,” roared Hagrid, jumping up so angrily that the
Dursleys scuttled back to their corner.
___ They are used to indicate a proper noun.
___ They are used to draw the reader’s attention to new
___ They are used to show the dialect of the speaker.
___ They are used to indicate that these words should be said
with more emotion.
In the beginning of the chapter when Harry told himself it was all
just a dream, do you think he hoped it was or not? Why?
2. Why would Hogwarts not want first year students to have their own
brooms? What similar rules have you had to follow in school?
3. Write a one line warning that summarizes the Gringott’s.
4. Describe how their money system works? (which coins are worth
how much etc.)
5. How would you describe the boy Harry met in the robe shop?
Defend your thoughts.
6. Harry spends a long time at the wand shop before his wand finally
chooses him. What is the connection between the wand length and
power? Who used a wand very similar to Harry’s? What do you think
this means? How much did he pay for his wand?
7. What did Hagrid tell Harry about using magic in the Muggle’s
8. What did Hagrid buy Harry for his birthday? What were the other
options for this purchase?
9. What does Harry have a hard time understanding near the end of
the chapter?
10. The fact that Harry’s wand is similar to Voldemort’s is an example
of foreshadowing of future events. What is “foreshadowing” and
what do you think will happen?
You will create 5 Chocolate Frog cards
featuring characters from the book. Be
sure to make your picture (in the square) as
interesting and colourful as possible, no
stick people. At the bottom, write details
describing them. You need to draw a
pentagon with sides approximately 5cm and
a square 3cm in the top portion. See the
example in the classroom.
In Harry’s first visit to Hogwart’s, the Sorting hat places
students into houses according to their skills, attitude,
desires, etc. You are write a poem which explains to me
what the Sorting Hat might say about you. Be sure to
follow the format as it is laid out in the next slide and
spend some time thinking about your response to each
statement. After you have completed the poem, create a
Chocolate Frog card featuring yourself.
I am (2 special characteristics that you have)
I try (something you really make an effort in)
I see (imaginary sight)
I want (actual desire)
I pretend (you pretend to do)
I will (something you want to accomplish)
I worry (something that bothers you)
I am (repeat the first line)
I cry (something that makes you sad)
I want (something you want to have)
I help (something you do to help others
I am (repeat the first line of poem)
I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you really believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I hope (something you hope for)
I feel (something you are proud of)
I am (repeat the first line of poem)
When writing a persuasive letter, your job is to convince people who are
reading it that you are correct and they should listen to you whatever
your opinion is. Use the following prompt to start your thought process
and decide which side of the argument you are going to support.
The Board of Education is thinking about banning the book “Harry
Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” Before a decision is made they want
to know what students think. Write a letter to the Bluewater District
School Board. Try to convince them to either alloe or not allow students
to read the book.
State your opinion about the book. Give at least 3 reasons for your
opinion, End your letter by reminding them of your opinion and asking to
make a decision in your favour.
In this chapter Harry discovers that he a a fantastic flyer. Draw a
storefront for
Your picture should look like it is part of Diagon Alley,
with the appropriate signs and surroundings. Be sure to
feature the Nimbus 2000 in the window.
Harry Potter is a narrative. List 4 characteristics that show it is
narrative writing. For each characteristic, give an example from
the story to support your answer, as well as the page you found it
Example for Setup:
The first characteristic of a narrative is ________________ .
An example from the book
_______________________________ . I found this example
on page __________ .
2. Ron, Harry and Hermoine are now friends, in part due to their
battles with the troll. Tell about an incident that cemented a
friendship of your.
Quidditch is the sport of the wizarding
world and features many unique rules and
equipment. You are to compare and contrast
Quidditch with the sport of your choice. You are
looking for things that are the same for both
sports and things that are different.
Use the Smart Ideas Template and
Compare/Contrast Organizer provided to help you
organize your essay.
You have received an Invisibility Cloak. Describe where you would go
and what you would do while invisible. Why would you choose this place?
When you are out you find the Mirror of Erised. Tell me what the
mirror would show you. Be sure to write in the first person and use lots
of details that make it seem like you are really experiencing this.
This assignment should contain at least 2 paragraphs and be 1 page in
length. (Print no larger than 12 font).
Where did they finally find the information on Nicolas Flamel?
What is he known for?
2. Why do you think Snape wanted to referee the next Qidditch
3. How quickly did Harry catch the snitch to win the game? What
was the score before he caught it?
4. Which two characters meet in the forest to
discuss the Philosopher’s Stone? Who do you
think is the villain of the two?
5. Have you ever been the hero in a win of any kind? If you
have describe the event. If not, tell me what you would like
to help a team win? How would you go about accomplishing
6. What magical item does Harry find and what does it show him?
7. Who caught Harry the third time he went out? What
interesting piece of information do we find out about this
person? (and it is not that he would like socks for Christmas!)
8. Other than Harry, who is your favourite character in the
book. What details did the author provide that made the
character come to life for you? Did you always like them, or
did he or she grow on you as the story progressed? How is
this character similar to or different from Harry Potter?
Sketch Norbert hatching from the egg in Hagrid’s hut. Read the
description carefully to be sure your illustration is correct.
Remember that the background of a picture is important for
setting the scene that you are creating. Include the unique
features of the hut as well as the egg.
At the bottom of your picture include the description from the
book, giving a page reference for your direct quote.
People used to write in diaries which were very private.
Now they write in weblogs or blogs which are public to
the internet. Write a blog about a time when you, like
Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, got in trouble for protecting
someone else. Typically you would be angry, outraged,
annoyed that the person receiving the discipline is you
instead of the person who should be getting it. Or
perhaps you feel proud that you protected that person.
Make sure that your feelings come through in the writing.
In this chapter Harry and his friends manage to work
their way through some very diabolical and complicated
spells and traps in order to find the Philospher’s
Stone. You job is to tell what each of the problems
were, and who’s particular strength allowed them to
get through. Be sure to provide the page number that
you found the proof on and a quote that confirms your
Start a new paragraph for each of the traps:
Fluffy, The Devil’s Snare, The Flying Keys, Chess, Troll
and the Potions.
You have reached the end of the novel. In your
house you are to pick what you think is an
important scene in the book and create a puzzle
piece that will be used to make a collage depicting
the novel. Make sure you know which way is up and
the front on your picture or the puzzle will not fit
together properly. Ensure you fill in as much of
the space as possible. Don’t leave a lot of white
behind you picture. Your group must agree on your
picture and work together to make it the best fit
it can.