Transcript Slide 1

Hybrid Vehicles:
Friend or Foe?
By Lizzie Johnsen
and Julie Samuelson
What are hybrid vehicles?
Type of car that uses
a combination of
small gas engine and
electric battery to
power car
History of Hybrids
From 1897 to 1907 the Paris Electric Car
Company produced a series of hybrid and
electric cars
 First hybrid created in United States was
by engineer H. Piper on November 23,
 From 1890 to 1920 there were more than
100 different makers of hybrid cars
How Hybrids Work
How Hybrids Work
Use combination of gas
motor and electric battery
At low speeds or
coasting, the car runs on
electric energy
At fast speeds, the car
switches to its gas engine
If the car is not moving
the engine automatically
turns off, using no energy
Hybrid Effect on Atmosphere
Releases fewer emissions into atmosphere
– emissions: gases and particles released into
the air as byproducts of a natural or manmade process (
– Emissions pollute the air and contribute to the
thinning of the ozone layer
– Fewer emissions are less damaging to
Benefits of Hybrids
Make us less
dependent on
other countries for
– Uses less oil
– Makes us more
Benefits of Hybrids
Reduction in gasoline
- Less of a need for
- Saves the owner of
the car money
- This is crucial as gas
prices continue to rise
Benefits of Hybrids
Battery pack can
– Receives energy
from break friction
– Capable of storing
Benefits of Hybrids
More eco-friendly
– Does not harm the environment as badly as
traditional gasoline cars
– Releases fewer toxins
– Keeps air cleaner
– Much quieter than gas cars
Flaws of Hybrid
Significantly more
expensive than
regular cars
 Battery not included
in overall cost
 Battery is expensive
Flaws of Hybrid
Batteries still need work
Die about every 3 years,
expensive to replace
Made with lead and nickel
– This makes the batteries
– Can be hazardous if they
– Can cause deformities and
diseases in people
– Batteries can take up to 10
hours to fully recharge
Flaws of Hybrid
Higher chances of breakdowns
– Uses new technology that has not been
mastered yet
– Sometimes unable to detect errors in car until
it stops working
– Hybrids have 2 motors, so the chances of one
of them not working is doubled
Flaws of Hybrid
Lack of raw materials
– Many parts would have to be imported from
– Increases our dependency on other nations
Flaws of Hybrids
Technology too
– “Cutting edge”
technology is more
advanced than
common people
– Many mechanics don’t
understand it
Hybrids in the Media
Many people are misinformed about their
views on hybrid cars
 Car companies use marketing and their
credible reputations to persuade people to
buy their cars
 GM, Ford, and Chrysler recently urged
President Bush to financially and politically
support a national technological solution
involving hybrids
Are they a realistic future?
Although they are a good solution for right
now, hybrid vehicles are not sustainable in
the long run
 Only a “quick fix”
 Their technology is too complex and their
cost is too expensive for the general public
 Research shows that they will not be able
to be mass produced until 2025