
What is Sustainability?
What Would a Sustainable
Campus Look Like?
Roger Petry
Luther College
Sustainable Campus Seminar Series
Session #1
October 1, 2003
What is sustainability?
Sustain: to support, bear the weight of; to keep
going; to keep alive
Sustainability: the ability to maintain a desired
condition over time (Toakley and Aroni, 1998) ;
when something can be maintained profitably
and indefinitely, without degrading the systems
on which it depends (Newton, 2003)
Implies formulating some criteria for success, a
desired set of outcomes to be sustained
Definitions of Sustainable Development
the management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield the
greatest sustainable benefit to present generations while maintaining its
potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations (the World
Conservation Strategy of the United Nations Environmental Program
(UNEP), 1980)
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Our Common Future,
The World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)
a situation in which development understood as a vector of desirable social
objectives (e.g. increases in real income per capita; improvements in health
and nutritional status; educational achievement; access to resources; a
'fairer' distribution of income; increases in basic freedoms) increases
monotonically over time”(Pearce, Markandaya, and Barbier 1989)
development that promotes the capabilities of people in the present without
compromising the capabilities of future generations (Sen 2001)
Implications for What is to be
Sustained: Sustainability Outcomes
Sustaining natural capital: human beings living within the
carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems (i.e. resources
not used more rapidly than nature’s capacity to replenish
Sustaining ecosystems and biodiversity
Sustaining the human population: meeting the essential
needs for all, particularly the world's poor
Sustaining improvements in quality of life
Sustaining people's capacity to develop and exercise
Key Factors Impacting Sustainability Outcomes
Population growth
Availability of natural resources
Geopolitical problems particularly as they arise
from income inequality
(Toakley and Aroni 1998)
Approaches to SD:
The Neo-liberal Approach
Sustainable development understood as
sustainable economic growth: the ability to
continue economic growth as measured by the
consumption of goods and services traded in the
market (Ayres 1998)
Accumulation of primarily man-made capital
supposed to ensure future generations have the
same chance at the good life as the current
Problems with the
Neo-Liberal Approach
Fails to focus on SD outcomes: economic growth
at best a means to an end; development vs. growth
Adverse impacts of current economic growth
model on sustainability outcomes
Economic growth vs. quality of life (GDP vs.
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI))
Increasing consumption and population growth,
Growth in inequality
Non Neo-liberal Approaches to SD
Take ecological constraints on human activity as fundamental
(e.g. use thresholds for natural capital)
Weak sustainability: the maintenance of the overall capital
base needed for a certain level of income but that allows
substitutions of man-made capital for natural capital
Focus on technological solutions to minimize impacts and
produce substitutable alternatives
Problems with lack of substitutability for multifunctional
resources; uncertainty and irreversibility of some harms;
ecosystem integrity needed to support life and absorb wastes
Lack of attention to underlying social and economic factors
Strong Sustainability
Strong sustainability: assumes categories of capital are nonsubstitutable
Assumes overall stock of natural capital should be
maintained over time
Each generation inherits an adequate per capita stock of
natural capital assets no less than the stock of such assets
inherited by the previous generation
Need to account for depreciation of natural capital
Need for integrated (vs. intensive) management of natural
resources; appropriate technology, local knowledge and
local adaptation
Declarations for Sustainability in
Higher Education
The Stockholm Declaration on the human environment (1972)
Tbilisi declaration (1977)
Talloires declaration: University Presidents for a sustainable future (1990)
The Halifax declaration (1991)
U.N. Conference on Environment and Development (Chapter 36, Promoting
education, public awareness, and training; 1992)
The Kyoto Declaration: Ninth International Association of Universities Round
Table (1993)
The Swansea Declaration: Association of Commonwealth Universities'
Fifteenth Quinquennial Conference (1993)
CRE-Copernicus charter (1994)
Declaration of Thessaloniki: International Conference on Environment and
Society (1997)
Reasons for the University as a Key
Contributor to SD
Breadth of knowledge, particularly of human and
ecological systems
Capacity to integrate knowledge regarding ecological,
economic, and social issues, including local knowledge
Capacity for global and local sharing of knowledge
Knowledge of poor and marginalized groups
Capacity for longterm research
Academic freedom and institutional autonomy
Public accountabilities
Common Principles of Sustainability
in Declarations
sustainable physical operations
sustainable academic research
public outreach
inter-university co-operation
partnerships with government, NGOs, and industry
development of interdisciplinary curriculum
ecological literacy
moral obligation to promote sustainability
(Wright 2002)