Model Validation & Verification I

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Model Validation &
Verification I
Jon Zelner
[email protected]
University of Michigan
Dept. of Sociology
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Center for the Study of Complex Systems
ICPSR Summer 2009
‘Fitting the model’ to data
This can be labor and processor-intensive under the
best of circumstances
Agent-based and many other computational models
often do not fit assumptions associated with most
standard social statistics and econometrics:
Typically resort to running the model many times or
Making reasonable approximations to the mechanics
of the model.
Often skipped over on the way to validation.
Are they well thought-out?
Do they reflect the phenomenon of interest?
What does it do?
Is the thing it does what you want it to do?
If not, is there a bug or is it conceptual?
Abstract or meant to be measurable?
Do they have the expected association with model output?
Shigella in Chicago
2002 Outbreak
Growth within
neighborhood clusters
Appears to be driven by
daycare centers
Differentiated from typical
years by explosiveness of
Motivating question:
Why did normally endemic S.
Sonnei exhibit epidemic
behavior in 2002?
Motivating the
Shigellosis Model
Shigella Social
Three strongest predictors:
% under 5 years
% below poverty line
i.e., higher unemployment
rate associated with lower
level of shigellosis
May show importance of
workplaces as bridges
between household
Black bars indicate infection in
counties > 50% urban.
Source: Chang, Groseclose et al.,
Shigella in Chicago
First step is to come up
with a conceptual model
that makes sense for the
Agents are
% Black
Number of susceptible
and infectious individuals
Black->White Heterophily
White->Black Heterophily
Spatial Coupling
Levels of Verification
Plot model output from single runs and
make sure that it is behaving how you
think it should.
This is especially important in the
debugging phase of programming.
Run the model multiple times and look at
time series and distributions of output.
Use some kind of multivariate model to
get a quantitative understanding of
model behavior.
This is often done in parallel with some
kind of statistical validation.
Mechanics of
Pick output variables
For Shigellosis model, we’ll pick number of
infected individuals
For a model like the shelling segregation model,
you might want to pick at the index of
Get model output into a usable format:
Comma-separated values tend to be the most
common and portable
Import into statistical framework of your
R, Stata, Matlab
Understanding the
Shigellosis Model
Initial run:
375 Runs, sweeping
parameter values:
betaVals = [.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5]
gwVals = [0.0, -1, -2, -3, -4]
scVals = [.1,.3,.5,.7,.9]
What is noticeable about the
output of these parameter
What does this (maybe) say
about the model?
Classification And Regression
Trees (CART)
Machine learning tool
that doesn’t rely on
strong distributional
Available as the R
package rpart
Implementations also
exist for STATA and
Regression tree when
the outcome variable is
Classification tree for
level-valued variables
Model Behavior
Fairly predictable:
Most runs die out and
the few that persist
seem to do so as a
function of the
infectivity parameter.
Potential solutions:
Maybe most of the
interesting behavior is
outside of the set of
parameters we’re
trying to look at.
Maybe not running the
model enough times to
see interesting
Model Behavior
Fix beta @ .5 (very small) and run 20 times for each
setup; see how model behavior changes:
# Infections
Duration of Outbreak (hrs)
Model Behavior
Increase Beta Again:
# Infections (Beta = .5)
# Infections (Beta = 1.0)
# Infections (Beta = 1.5)
Running Time
Model Assumptions
Make model assumptions explicit:
Pseudocode and comments are your friend
Whenever possible, write out the mathematical and logical
basis of your model as comments within the code
Avoid “magic numbers”
Avoid strongly correlated parameters wherever possible
Simulation Strategy
Simulation can be costly in terms of effort and time, so an
explicit strategy can save you time and hours of your life.
It’s never too early to do batch runs:
Start small:
Small # of Runs over a coarse-grained set of parameters
Explore areas of interest in greater depth
Computational models generate a lot of output
How are you going to preserve work you did in earlier
Getting Data Into R
Output as comma-separated values (CSV) file from
Use R’s read.csv command to bring data in:
read.csv(‘/Users/jzelner/Desktop/testData.csv’) on
read.csv(‘c:/Documents/testData.csv’) on pc
Download and install rpart package:
> install.packages(‘rpart’)
>library(rpart) to load
>help(rpart) to see usage
Can also use built-in functions:
Docking: SIR Model
Describes the rate of change in the
number of infections where
everyone has contact with everyone
Expresses the same mechanism in a
model with spatial structure and
local contacts:
 SI  I
dI  
 I
E   
dt  
 iS ( j i& A ij 1)
Active Nonlinear Tests
Framework for understanding behavior and
robustness of simulation models, outlined by Miller.
Let Mh(p) give the implication of the model for some
hypothesis h under assumptions p.
Let p-hat represent original model assumptions
Let Mh (p),Mh ( pˆ ) represent some objective
function that describes the model’s performance with
respect to h.
Use an optimization algorithm to maximize the
 objective function over all p  p where p
is the allowable set of perturbations to the model
Objective Functions
For segregation and Shigellosis model:
Find some parameter range that corresponds to
behavior we’re looking for – a first peak inside a
segregated neighborhood followed by a travelling
wave out into the rest of the city - using known model
Search for changes to parameter values and model
components that break this pattern
What other objective functions?
Other less-technical ways of doing this?
Scripting Tools
Data Processing/Analysis
A scripting language that is easy to learn to use
Very good at processing text files and retrieving
data from the internet and existing databases
Runs interactively and in batch mode
Similar to R or Matlab
Interpreted instead of compiled
Lots of existing packages (SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib)
for doing scientific computing.
Model Validation
Axtell, Epstein and Dean.
(2002). Population growth
and collapse in a multiagent
model of the Kayenta Anasazi
in Long House Valley. PNAS
Big question: What kind of
agent behavior led to
spatiotemporal patterning
of settlements and eventual
abandonment of
Components and Initial
Theoretical Approaches to ABM
Good Luck!
Caveat to this is if you are willing or able to make a
statistical approximation to your model.
Particle filter (Ionides, Breto & King, 2006)
Monte Carlo Integration
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
One popular framework for this is called “Approximated
Bayesian Computation”
Techniques for Validation
Brute force:
Pick parameters and try all combinations
Decide on level of granularity to sweep over model ranges
Machine learning:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
Simulated Annealing
Genetic Algorithms
Gradient/Hybrid Methods
Use estimates of objective function along with interpolation
to speed up convergence.
Some ‘priors’ on
Bayesian Methods
Prior distribution:
What you use to generate candidate parameters from
Can contain assumptions about the importance of some
parameters as opposed to others:
i.e., Normal with a small SD vs. Uniform distribution
Most conservative approach is to use a “non-informative”
Posterior distribution:
For MCMC, this is the joint distribution of parameters and
the likelihood.
Posterior mode approximates MLE
Given data D and model M(p)
Generate initial parameters from some prior distribution:
Assess the likelihood of data given the model:
L(D | M(p))
Generate another set of parameters by moving a small distance
from the original parameters, re-assess likelihood:
If these have higher likelihood than the original, accept them
into your posterior sample
If the value is of lesser likelihood, accept the new parameters
w/probability proportional to the likelihood ratio:
L(p2) / L(p1)
MCMC Using Approximate
Bayesian Computation (ABC)
Generate random parameters, p, from prior distribution
Run model once @ p.
Measure distance from D.
If model run is within some tolerance of data, accept parameters,
otherwise keep last parameters and jump to new ones from there.
Can either have the MCMC sampler draw samples directly from
your model or import a large run into R and sample from the
Be sure to constrain the sampler to only the parameter values you have
already sampled.
Requires thorough parameter sweeps.
Another approach
Another less technical way to get similar results is to
write a program in R, Stata, etc., that will look
through your model output and record the
parameter values inside of your prespecified
Can do this in a multidimensional way for several
parameters or look for a value of a single parameter
that optimizes net of all other parameters.