Software Project Management

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Transcript Software Project Management

Information Systems Analysis
and Design
Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams
INFO 620
Glenn Booker
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Interaction Diagrams
• Sequence diagrams and collaboration
diagrams are both interaction diagrams;
they show the interaction among actors,
the system, and now, parts of the system
• The RUP’s Design Model consists of the
interaction diagrams and the design class
diagrams (notice we’re now doing design!)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Dynamic Modeling
• Even more generally, the following are all
dynamic models – they show how things
move into, out of, and within of the system
Sequence diagram
Collaboration diagram
State (or Statechart) diagram
Activity diagram
• We’ll discuss the latter two things later on
INFO 620
Lecture #5
So in Summary
• The sequence and collaboration diagrams
therefore have the following shared traits;
they are both:
– Interaction diagrams
– Part of the Design Model of the RUP
– Dynamic models of the system
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram (SSD)
• The SSD focuses on one use case per
diagram; and generally one scenario within
that use case (the main success scenario)
• The system has been reduced to one box;
a class generally called “:System”
• UML only defines a Sequence Diagram;
we define the SSD for our purposes
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
• Take the system and reduce it to an object
• Name objects and classes using the form
– For example employee:Person means there is
an object “employee” of the Class “Person”
• Notice the Class name is capitalized, but
the object name is all lower case, and it’s
all underlined
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
• Now name the system :System to pretend
there exists a Class of objects, from which
our entire system is derived
• Recall the actors defined earlier, both
primary and secondary
• Now summarize each interaction between
the system and the actors with lines to
represent each message or return of data
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
• The SSD defines interactions among the
:System, and actors which are not part of
the :System
• Each SSD starts, by definition, with the
primary actor doing something to initiate
the use case
– All interactions are shown by messages, which
may have parameters
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
description, total()
total with taxes()
From Fig 13-1,
p. 178
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
• Each message is a description of some task
which will need to be accomplished
• We focus on what changes need to be made
to objects in our system
– Create or destroy objects
– Read or change attributes within objects
– Create or destroy associations between objects
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Sequence Diagram
• All sequence diagrams assume that time
is moving forward as you move down
the diagram
• Hence messages almost never touch each
other – they are just passed from one actor
to another
– Time between messages is not explicitly
shown; could be 1 ms or 5 minutes or 10 years
INFO 620
Lecture #5
SSD Actors
• Actors for an SSD are only those actors
who directly interact with the system for
this use case
• Typical order of actors from left to right are
– Primary actor
– :System
– Secondary actor(s)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
• Parameters are data which are passed with
a message:
“enterItem(itemID, quantity)”
is a message called ‘enterItem’ which passes
two parameters to the :System, ‘itemID’ and
• The system’s response, or “return value,”
is kept abstract, such as ‘description, total’
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Repeated Events
• A group of events which are repeated are
shown in the SSD by a thin solid-lined box
around all of the events which repeat
• The group is presumably repeated until the
next event after (below) the box takes place
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Naming and Defining Events
• Keep names of messages focused on the
intent, rather than on how it is input
– “enterItem” rather than “scanItem”, so we don’t
limit how the data is entered into the :System
• All messages and parameters named
in SSD’s or SQD’s (Sequence Diagrams)
should later appear in the Glossary
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Adding Use Case Text
• For SSD’s, it is possible (but optional) to
show the text of the use case description
next to each corresponding line of the
SSD (p. 123)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
SSD versus SQD
• The System Sequence Diagram (SSD)
models the system as one class
• The Sequence Diagram (SQD) shows
individual classes within the system which
correspond to classes in the Design or
Application Class Diagrams
INFO 620
Lecture #5
SSD and the Unified Process
• SSD’s are generally not done in the
Inception phase
• Most SSD’s are created during Elaboration
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Operation Contracts
• Operation contracts are a way of
documenting complex SSDs or SQDs
• Each operation, or method, needs to be
clearly defined; that definition is a contract
which describes its role and responsibilities
• Hence each operation contract describes
what each message will need to accomplish
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Operation Contracts
• Operation; the name of the operation, and
the parameters sent to it
• Cross References; what use cases use
this operation
• Preconditions; assumptions about what has
occurred before using this operation
• Postconditions; what changed as a result
of this operation
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Operation Contracts
• Preconditions are expressed in present tense
– For the enterItem method, “There is a
sale underway”
• Postconditions are expressed in past tense
– “A SalesLineItem instance was created”
• Contracts are used when a method is too
complex to represent clearly with a use case
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Operation Contracts
• Typically, a method which creates a
new object and assigns data to it involves
three steps:
– Create the instance (make a new object)
– Form an association with its parent object
(SaleLineItem is associated with a Sale)
– Assign the data to the object
(attribute modification)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Interaction Diagrams
• Sequence diagrams and collaboration
diagrams (CD) both show almost the same
information, so doing both is redundant
(for a given use case)
• How choose which one to do?
– SQD focuses on time, shows lifeline of object
– CD shows all possible events & context more
clearly, but an individual sequence is less clear
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Collaboration Diagrams
• Collaboration diagrams look kind of like
flow charts
• Objects are shown by boxes
• Messages between objects are shown by
lines connecting the boxes
• Lines are labeled, and have arrows to show
in which direction the messages travel
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Sample Collaboration Diagram
ge 3()
sa ge
es a
m ess
Like Fig. 15.1, p. 198
INFO 620
Lecture #5
• Notice that actors do not appear in CD’s!*
• CD starts with the message which initiates
the use case, e.g.
• Collaboration diagrams can also show
parameters being passed between objects
– Same notation as for SSD
* Note that Rose requires an actor to start a CD; use the primary actor
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Numbering Messages
• Here is one way a CD differs from an SSD
• Messages, after the first one, are numbered
– The first numbered message is ‘1’
– Later messages which result from that message
get 0.1 added, e.g. 1.1, 1.2, etc.
– The next message from the starting point is ‘2’
– And so on…
• See example on page 205, Figure 15.11
INFO 620
Lecture #5
SQD for Fig 15.11, p. 205
1: msg2()
1.1: msg3()
2: msg4()
2.1: msg5()
2.2: msg6()
NOTE: Normally an SQD does NOT show numbering in front
of messages – it’s shown here only to compare to the CD
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Sequence Diagram Notes
• A sequence diagram can have messages
passing left or right on the diagram; that’s
why a return message uses a dashed line to
make its meaning clear
• The left/right position of classes and actors
in an SQD or SSD has no inherent meaning
– Generally they are shown in the order in which
they are used during the use case
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Put It All Together
• Now translate the interaction diagrams
to their corresponding class diagram
The target of an arrow in an interaction
diagram is the class which implements
that message
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Class Diagram for Fig 15.11
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Conditional Messages
• A message may be sent only if some
condition is met
• The syntax for this is to put the condition in
brackets after the message number, but
before the colon, e.g.
1 [color = red]: calculate()
• Means that the message ‘calculate’ will be
sent only if color = red is a true statement
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Mutually Exclusive Messages
• If you have two or more messages, exactly
one of which will be used any given time,
then the message numbering takes on a
letter (a, b, …) after the leading number;
from p. 206, Figure 15.13:
1a [test1]: msg2()
1b [not test1]: msg4()
INFO 620
Lecture #5
• The use of iteration or looping, where a
message is called repeatedly under specific
conditions is flagged by a numbering suffix
of “*”
• The iteration condition may follow, e.g.
1 * [I=1..N]: num := nextInt()
which calls the message nextInt ‘N’ times
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Sequence Diagram Notation
• The dashed line under each object is the
lifeline of that object
• A solid lined box may be added over the
lifeline to show when that object is active
– Helps distinguish short-lived objects from
long ones
– Usually extends from first message to
last return
INFO 620
Lecture #5
System Boundary
• For any Sequence Diagram (SQD), the
system’s boundary can be shown by a heavy
(2-3 pt) vertical dashed line
• This is a little redundant for an SSD (why?)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Self-referential Objects
• Objects may send a message to themselves
– E.g. a form clearing itself
• This can be shown as a message which
turns around 180 degrees (p. 209)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Destroying Objects
• An object can be explicitly destroyed by
stopping the lifeline and placing a big X
over the end of the lifeline
• The corresponding message is simply
– If you never get rid of objects, you create
memory leaks; if you destroy them too soon,
you might try to read data which isn’t there
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Conditional Messages in SQD
• Conditional messages in a sequence
diagram use the same notation as
collaboration diagrams, only without the
[color = red] calculate()
means “only send the message ‘calculate’ if
color equals red” (do nothing otherwise)
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Multiple Conditions in SQD
• Multiple conditions (or mutually exclusive
conditions) can be shown by feeding from
the same origin (Fig 15.23, p. 211)
x<10: calculate()
x>15: calculate()
INFO 620
Lecture #5
• Iteration for a sequence diagram uses the
same notation as a collaboration diagram
* [I=1..N] num := nextInt()
INFO 620
Lecture #5
Messages to Classes
• Messages may be sent to classes or static
methods, such as libraries
• Denote the name of the class without an
underline (e.g. java.util.Collections, instead
of :Sale)
• The lack of underline means it’s a class
instead of an object
INFO 620
Lecture #5