Transcript Slide 1

Being an HR Advisor Strategic Partner
FMI Capital Chapter PD Day
February 19, 2015
Dominique Boily
Integrated Classification and
Staffing Solutions
Environment Canada
• Provide an overview of the future role
of HR in the Public Service (PS) and
at Environment Canada (EC)
• To share the way EC intends to achieve
its vision
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• The Public Service is adopting a new Framework for
People Management - the culture of the HR community
needs to evolve to make it happen
• Public Service Trends push for increased Innovation and
• Building on PS wide initiatives to support internal
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HR: A value added partner
Dave Ulrich quotes:
• “HR needs to deliver value. This comes when HR does not think
about HR, but about the business.”
• “As we continue our work in HR, we will keep asking HR
professionals to tell us about their business…we hope that the
answers will increasingly include an informed and insightful
discussion of business context, stakeholders, and strategy as well
as an understanding of the requirements for HR to deliver value.”
• HR outside in “goes beyond strategy to align its work with
business context and stakeholders. HR administration must be
flawless; HR practices must be innovative and integrated; and HR
must turn strategic aspirations into HR solutions.”
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Taking stock at EC – Clients were
• Expectations are not always met
• Lack of trust between managers and HR advisors
• Clients feel they are not always well supported throughout
the process
• Need to improve the perception of our added value
(Process driven vs outcome driven)
• We need to improve work flow and systems to efficiently
support the national structure
• We need better tracking and reporting for management
decision making
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For us, it’s a lot of moving parts…
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But for you, it’s a unique reality
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We feel your pain….
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We need to be more creative
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Context – taking the pulse of HR
Organisation-wide: Costs related to HR are high and the impact is
Human Resources in the Public service (PS)
Processes related to PS-HR have registered their
lowest efficiency rate (i.e. FTE ratio vs. ratio of HR
PS-HR services are less efficient than those of other
governments and the military
PS-HR services are provided by non-professional
HR staff at a rate of double that of peers (i.e. some
branches at EC use their own internal HR shop)
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Approach and restructuring services
Manager’s efforts –
Manager’s efforts –
Should be
Corporate support
Corporate support
Smaller and more efficient corporate support functions
Allow front-line services to meet the evolving needs of internal and external clients, use resources
more efficiently and make use of new tools and technologies.
It is time to reassess our way of executing corporate support functions
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Targeting the efforts of HR
A fundamental change is needed to transform the HR Program to focus on
strategic service delivery/advice and effectively perform essential
transactions at the lowest cost level
Too much:
Cost/ - Classification
of unique WDs
Too little:
- Human
- Case mgmt
work for
- Use of generic,
pre-classified WDs
- Focus on org
- Automation and
self-service for
Public Service
- Merit system
- Recourse
- Monitoring
- Oversight
Routine Transactions
Routine Transactions
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Becoming Strategic at EC!
• Vision:
– Citius - Innovate
– Altius - Inspire
– Fortius - Integrate
• Mission:
To contribute to your business objectives
by providing innovative solutions
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Being Strategic: How do we get there?
Focusing on Four Integrated Pillars :
Adjusting our Behaviours
Streamlining our Processes
Aligning our Organizational Structure
Maximising our use of Technology
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1. Adjusting our behaviours
What we have done
• Consulting clients and staff across the country
• Sought the services of experts who recommended a path forward
• List of Expected behaviours has been developed and communicated to staff
Instill Trust
Understand the issue and focus on the outcome
Think Solutions
Own the process and move the file forward
Review and modernize the client engagement protocol (first contact)
Training HRAs on outcome driven and Creative Solutions Thinking
Inclusion of the Behaviours in HRAs Performance Agreements
Implementation and monitoring of Expected Behaviours
Outcome for the client
• Better understanding of their needs and improved support
• Efficient use of their time
• Opportunity to provide feedback on our services
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2. Streamlining our Processes
What we have done
• Designed a “fast track classification process” for low risk classification actions - EC
BP2020 Initiative
Review the workflows of our staffing processes to ensure consistency and efficiency
Work in collaboration with the 7NR community to identify opportunities and efficiencies
Engage staff in the design of an outcome driven classification and staffing process
Review our Delegation Tool to increase empowerment of managers in classification
and staffing-BP2020 Feedback
Next Steps
• Complete the review of systems and workflows – challenge every steps to eliminate
unnecessary delays
Develop and implement modern and efficient assessment tools for staffing
Support the current transformation with Academic Research
• Consistent, measurable and predictable results
• Improve efficiencies and effectiveness for clients and staff
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3. Aligning our Organizational
What we have done
• Designed a new structure which fully integrates Classification and Staffing Services
Move from 28 generic email boxes to one
One point of contact for each Branch
Pool Administrative support in one dedicated national team
Creation of a new division responsible for business analytics and client relations
Increased dedicated resources for building capacity and training
Single point of contact for clients
Increased client service efficiency
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4. Maximising our use of Technology
What we have done
• Digitization of staffing and classification files– EC BP2020 Initiative
• Piloting E-signature of Letter of Offer
• Increase the use of electronic tools to support the new processes
• Use of interactive videos to promote:
• Service Standards to Clients
• Expected behaviours to staff
• Identify and monitor Real Time Key Performance Indicators required to get information
on the efficiency of the processes and be in a position readjust as required
Alignment with the Government-wide direction
Automate routine task and focus staff on value-added strategic functions
Access to the right information where and when required.
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Conclusion and next steps
• Move forward with the Public Service People
Management Vision.
Empower staff through grass root opportunities and
feedback obtained through latest PSES Survey Results
Enhance engagement of staff and clients through
organic consultative committees to ensure we remain
an agile enabler
Adapt to clients needs through clients surveys results
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