Transcript Slide 1

In Maths, we will be investigating
numbers and what they mean. This ,
together with lots of practice in
mental maths, will help us as we
begin to use a range of methods for
calculations. We will explore shapes
and their properties and develop
accurate measuring skills!
Science - Health & Growth
In our writing, we will be extending the types
of punctuation we use, developing exciting
vocabulary through seaside poems, writing a
story for a wordless picture book , character
descriptions and reports about the seaside.
Our reading focus is using our texts to answer
questions. In Phonics, we will be consolidating
our understanding of spelling patterns and
using this to spell more complex words.
We will think about what animals do
(such as eating and growing) and
research how animals change as they
grow. When we learn about humans,
we will explore ways of staying
healthy and the benefits and
potential dangers of medicines.
We will be thinking about why people
go on holidays and how seaside
holidays have evolved since Victorian
times. This will include looking at
seaside activities, transport and
Design & Technology,
We will compare holiday destinations
and develop our geographical
vocabulary. We will use maps to
identify the features of seaside places
and decide whether these are natural
or manmade. Finally, we will consider
how coasts can change as the result of
Year 2
THEME – Autumn 1
At the Seaside
Religious Education
Singing with Singtastic
Developing keyboard skills
Harvest in other countries
Creating a poster about the
Creation in Christian and
Jewish traditions
Pastel autumn trees using
Monotype boat paintings
Physical Education
Personal and Social
Games with Onside Coaching
New beginnings – thinking about the importance of
communities and caring for each other within
Ballet with Love Ballet