Transcript Title

Reporting and Data Correcting
July 8, 2013
Wilder Research
Today’s Webinar
 You can listen using your computer or calling in
by phone
─ Phone: 1-314-627-1518, access code 764-257-750
─ Use the bar on the right side to ask questions. We
will respond either directly, as part of the webinar to
the audience in general, or follow-up after with you.
─ Please answer survey at end of webinar
 Training Team
─ Dol Hassan
651-280-27xx [email protected]
─ Matt Thiede
651-280-2734 [email protected]
─ Teresa Howard
651-280-2761 [email protected]
 HMIS Helpline
─ 651-280-2780 1-855-280-2780
─ [email protected]
 Running State Funder, HUD APR, and Data
Quality Reports
 Reading reports
 Backdating
 Checking and Correcting Data
 General review
 Feel confident running reports
 Learn ways to check data efficiently and correct
 Be compliant with all reporting and data
 Understand how to use reports to better
understand program results and clients served.
Webinar Topics
 Part I: ART reporting basics
 Part II: State Funder Reports
 Part III: HUD APR Reports
 Part IV: Data Quality Basics
 Part V: Data Quality Monitoring Plan and Reporting
─ Data-checking strategies and common data entry errors
─ Where to find the most important information
─ Most efficient ways to check and correct data
─ Highlight common data entry errors for each report
Reports covered
 Demographics & Entry Exit
 Income
 Services
─ ESP – in general report
─ ESG(P) Shelter – in general report
─ FHPAP – in demographics and entry report
 Data Quality
─ CoC and Provider reports
 Which types of funding do you enter data or run
reports for?
 What is your HMIS roll?
Part I: ART Reporting Basics
ART 101: Getting Ready to Run Reports
 Before running a report, ask:
─ What information are you looking for?
─ What report(s) will provide that information?
─ Do you have your ART instructions handy?
─ Did you finish all data entry and updates before today?
 Tour of ART
ART 101: Selecting a report
 Counting reports
─ Also called “summary reports”
─ Should be sent to funders
─ Information can be shared with the public
─ Use to learn more about your clients and identify trends
 Data check reports
─ List individual client names and ID numbers
─ Should not be publicly shared
─ Use to check for missing or incorrect data
ART 101: Golden Rules
 Rule #1: Wait one day after you have
entered/updated your data to run an ART report.
─ Data entered in ServicePoint will not appear on your
ART report until the following day.
─ This is because ART uploads data from ServicePoint
each night.
─ The date and time of the last upload appear when
you open ART. Look for “last warehouse build.”
─ ART does not upload data on Saturday nights, so
data entered on Saturday and Sunday will appear on
Monday’s reports.
ART 101: Golden Rules
 Rule #2: Don’t forget the effective date!
─ State reports: Effective date is “today’s date”
─ HUD reports: Effective date is same as end date
─ Not all types of reports require an effective date.
ART 101: Golden Rules
 Rule #3: The end date of a report should always
be one day after the reporting period ends (or
the last day you want to include in your report).
─ Example: a report from 07/01/20120 to 12/31/2012
would have an end date of 01/01/2013.
─ Reports are formatted to display the end date of the
report period. Example: If you enter the end date
1/1/02013, the date 12/31/2013 will display on your
ART 101: Golden Rules
 Rule #4: Always download the report to your
computer to view it.
─ If you try to view the report in ART, you will not as
easily be able to see all of the data.
─ Save Counting reports as PDF and data check
reports as Excel files
─ Download the report immediately, or it could time out
and show missing data.
─ If you want to print a data check report change the
page setup in Excel (data check reports are not
formatted for printing).
ART 101: Technical Issues
 Pop-up blockers
─ If you are unable to download a report to your computer, refer
to the browser set-up documents at
─ If you still have trouble, call the helpline
─ Computer updates and security settings in your internet
browser could block your computer from downloading ART
reports. (not common)
 Slow reports
─ If it takes longer than 10 minutes to run a report, refer to the
troubleshooting documents at
─ If you still have trouble, call the helpline.
ART 101: Submitting Reports
 Who do I send my counting/summary reports to?
─ Your funder will send you information on due dates
and where to send the reports
─ Check for report due dates and
communications from funders
 Should I keep my final reports?
─ Some funders require you to keep reports—check
with your funder on requirements.
─ Even if you’re not required to keep reports, it’s a good
idea to save counting and data check reports on your
computer for reference.
Part II: State Funder Repoprts
Demographics and Entry Reports
 Demographics and Entry reports summarize:
─ The number of clients in your program during the
reporting period
─ Demographics (age, gender, household information,
race, ethnicity)
─ Disabilities
─ Assessment information, such as:
Homeless status and living situation the night prior to entry
Last permanent residence before entering the program
Veteran status (adults 18+ only)
Demographics and Entry Reports
 Where does the information come from?
─ Client profile
Client Record
Universal Profile
─ Households tab
─ Entry/exit Tab
Pop-up 1 – basic entry/exit information
Pop-up 2 – funder-based assessment information
─ Assessments section
Shelter programs who don’t use entry/exits
Mid-program updates
Demographics and Entry Reports - CUT?
 Main sections of the data check report:
─ Entry data tabs (up to 3)
─ Demographics
─ Disabilities/dual disabilities
─ Entry data/entry data 18+
─ Housing status/disability status for all clients,
including children
─ Other information may vary based on your funder
Demographics and Entry Counting Report:
Numbers in Programs Tab
 Summarizes:
─ The number of clients and households in your
program on the first and last day of the reporting
─ The number of program entries during the reporting
 Some clients may enter a program twice in a
reporting period
─ The number of participants might be less than the
number of participant entries
Demographics & Entry: Data Check Tabs
 Entries and Exits 1:
─ Clients already in the program on the first day of the reporting period
─ Number of client entries during the reporting period
 Entries and Exits 2:
─ Number of client exits during the reporting period
─ Clients still in the program on the last day of the reporting period
 Entries and Exits 3:
─ All clients who participated in the program at some point during the
reporting period
─ Unduplicated count
 Use these tabs to see how the counting report computes the
number of client entries, exits, and unduplicated participants.
Demographics & Entry: Demographics Tab
 What to look for:
─ Missing data (in red). Write down the client IDs so that you can
look them up in ServicePoint. Or copy and paste from report.
─ Is the total number of clients and households accurate?
─ Are there any clients reporting as single that should actually be
part of a household?
─ Are there any households that are missing members?
─ Are there any households missing a head (H)?
 For programs without a demographics/entry report:
─ Shelter programs: look on “client data check” and “HH
categories” tabs (OEO Shelter programs have a slightly different
format to meet HUD needs)
Demographics and Entry Report:
Demographics Tab
 Some fields may NOT directly correlate to fields in
ServicePoint because they are combined or recalculated
to meet funder requirements.
─ Household composition (similar to household type, but may be
recalculated for some fields)
─ Age, age group, adult/child
─ Race
 Do not search by the HH ID or Entry ID fields:
─ You cannot use them to search for households in ServicePoint
─ These fields may show on your ART reports
─ Use head or household (or other household member) client ID to
search for a household in Service Point.
Demographics & Entry: Demographics Tab
 Demographic data entry pointers:
─ Date of birth is a required field. If necessary, enter
01/01/(approximate year of birth).
─ Date of Birth Quality – if client is anonymous or chooses
not to give a birthday, select “approximate or partial”.
“Don’t know” or “Refused” should rarely be used.
─ “Other” is no longer a race option. Clients must select
one of the race options. Choose “refused” if the client
does not identify with one of the race options.
─ Secondary race is optional. If there is no secondary
race, leave blank.
Demographics & Entry: Household Tab
 Household data entry pointers:
─ If a new baby or other household member joins a household later
on, use the “Household Creation and Correction” help documents at
─ Never delete a household, even if a client leaves a household and
starts to be served on their own.
─ Don’t delete a household member unless it was a mistake to
include them in the first place.
─ Do not use the “Date Removed” button unless a household member
─ For complicated household changes, call the helpline.
Disabilities Data Entry: Disability of Long
Duration Question
 Required for all clients, including children.
 Documentation is not required to answer “yes.”
─ The client’s record may show “yes” to this question even though
they don’t have a specific disability recorded.
Disabilities Data Entry: Sub-assessment
 Required for:
─ HUD and HUD-ESG: All clients, including children
─ State programs: All adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth
 Optional questions for state programs:
─ “Long term w/substantial impact”
─ “Currently receiving services”
 “Disability determination:”
─ HUD Programs: Set to “yes” if you have documentation or
the disability is “self-determined”
 Documentation requirements
─ Documentation required for mental health problem, physical
disability, developmental disability, chronic health condition
─ See data entry forms for guidance on proper documentation and
disability definitions
Disabilities Data Entry: Undocumented
 Remember that only 4 disabilities require documentation in
─ Mental health problem, physical disability, developmental disability,
chronic health condition
 If one of the 4 disabilities above does not have
documentation and the client entered before June 1, 2010:
─ Answer disability determination as “no”
─ Change when you get documentation
Other Reports: Income
 Displays household income and non-cash benefits at
entry, exit, and currently.
 Also shows how income and benefits have changed
since the client started the program
 Reminders:
─ Always update clients’ income at required update times (end of report
periods and at exit) if it changes!
Use actual date income changed an estimated date on or before
the end of your reporting period.
─ Don’t forget to update income for all household members (HUD) and for
all adults (state-funded programs)
─ “Income received” and “non-cash benefits” received questions must be
completed for all adults/unaccompanied youth who were served any
time after July 1, 2010
Assessments – Income/Benefits Pointers
Cash Income for State-Funded Programs:
 Record for all adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth
 Answer “Cash income received in last 30 days?”
 Income that applies to the entire household (ex: TANF)
can be recorded in head of household’s record
Non-cash Benefits for State-Funded Programs:
 Answer “Non-cash benefit received in last 30 days?”
 Record benefits received by any household member in
the head of household’s record only.
Income/Benefits Pointers
Cash Income for HUD and HUD ESG Programs:
 Record for all clients, including children!
 Answer “Cash income received in last 30 days?”
 Assign income to a HH member if that income leaves the household when
that member departs
─ Record SSI payments received on behalf of a child in the child’s record
─ Exception: TANF, child support and alimony can be recorded on the
adult recipient’s record
 Don’t forget the “total monthly income” field
Non-cash Benefits for HUD and HUD-ESG non-shelter Programs:
 Record for all clients, including children!
 Answer “Non-cash benefit received in last 30 days?” question
 If the non-cash benefit is intended to benefit all household members (ex:
food stamps), enter it on each person’s record.
Services Data Check
 ESP, ESG(P) Shelter, and FHPAP have Services
reporting requirements.
 Look for:
─ The number of clients served: does it match the number of
unduplicated participants in the demographics & entry report?
(FHPAP only)
─ Clients missing service end dates (this will cause the count of
clients served to be higher than the count of clients in the
─ Clients included in a service (if not all household members are
included, the count of clients served will be lower than the count
of clients in the program).
Services Data Check: Data Entry Tips
 Always use “multiple services” to record a service.
 Service start/end dates can’t go beyond program
entry/exit dates
 Make sure the service provider matches the entry/exit
provider. (FHPAP only)
 Source field is optional for all programs except FHPAP
 Case management services often span the entire time
the client is in the program (no longer required to be
tracked for FHPAP)
Exit Data Check Report
 Length of Stay tab:
─ Check for clients in the program for unusually long periods of
time (may be missing a program exit date)
 Exit Data tab
─ Check for missing/inaccurate data. Remember that housing
status at exit must be completed for all clients, including
Exit Data Check: Data Entry Tips
 “Reason for Leaving” only required for THP and DHSYouth programs.
 Housing status needs to be updated separately for
each household member, including children!
─ Switch between household members using the tabs on the left of
the entry/exit pop-up OR using the drop down menu at the top of
the screen.
 Don’t put end dates on income, non-cash benefits, or
disabilities unless they have actually ended
Part III: HUD APR Reports
HUD APR (Annual Progress Report)
 Use ART CoC APR Report to get HMIS data
needed for your APR report in E-snaps.
 CoC APR report provides counts of clients in
different categories and if you have errors
 HUD APR Detail report shows who is included in
the report and where your errors are
 Run both reports using the same prompts to
help you view and correct data
HUD APR Prompts
a. Select Provider Group(s): Skip. Leave set at “EMPTY_VALUE”
b. EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
c. Select Providers: Use the arrows to select your APR provider(s) and move
them into the “1. Select Providers” box.
d. EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
e. Start Date: Start date of your reporting period (ex. 07/01/2011)
f. End date: One day after the end of your report period (ex. Report period
ends 6/30/2012 use 07/01/2012)
g. Select Entry Type: Use HUD
h. EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
i. Enter Adult Age: 18
j. EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
k. Effective Date: One day after the end of report period (same as End date).
l. Is Disability Determination/Income/Non-cash benefits field part of your
workflow for HUD reporting?: “No”
 APR Tabs correspond to questions in E-snaps
─ Look for missing and inconsistent data
 Tab A - Data Quality
─ Look for missing data. Should all be zeros. If lots of
Don’t know or Refused, there may be a data entry
 Tabs B,C - Numbers Served
─ Look for numbers inconsistent with capacity or
service type
 Tab D,E – Demographics
 Tab F – Disability and Domestic Violence
 Tab G – Prior Housing Situation
 Tab H – Special Populations
 Tab I, J – Income for stayers and leavers
 Tab K – Non-cash Benefits for stayers and
 For all tabs - Look for missing data and inconsistencies
with program type or known clientele
 Tab L – Length of client participation
 Tab M – Destination
 Tab N – Outcome measures
─ Refer to earlier tabs to make sure these outcomes are
measuring properly
 Tab O – Report information
─ If you’re having trouble with your report that you can’t explain,
check this tab to make sure you’ve entered all prompts correctly.
 For all tabs - Look for missing data and inconsistencies
with program type or information known about clients.
APR Detail Report – v11 Beta
 Run using the same prompt info as the CoC
 Tab A – Summary Counts
 Tab B – Missing and don’t know refused info
─ From entry and exit only
─ Correct all missing information on this page
 Tab C – Age and Gender
─ correct any “null” fields or any fields you know to be
APR Detail Report – v11 Beta
 Tab D – Entry Assessment detail
─ Correct red “null” data
─ Make sure housing status makes sense for program
 Tabs E, F, G, H – Household info
─ Type should be consistent with program
─ Check # of entries during program year
─ Household configurations should make sense. No
children w/out a household. Look for disconnected
households. Households with head.
APR Detail Report – v11 Beta
 Tab I – Entry Assessment detail
─ Look for red text – indicate errors
 Tabs J, K – Income and Non-cash Benefit information
─ Look for red text – indicate errors
─ Common issues:
30 day income/benefit “Yes” but source says “no record”
30 day income/benefit “No” but source has income recorded
“null” data that indicates something is missing or improperly dated
APR Detail Report – v11 Beta
 Tab L – Disability detail
─ Look for red text – indicate errors
─ Common issues:
Disability status is “Yes” but “no record” of disability type
Disability status is “No” but disability type has been recorded
“null” data that indicates something is missing or improperly dated
 Tabs M – Duplicate Clients
─ Indicates if clients were entered in the system with more than
one Servicepoint client ID. Delete duplicates that are entered
incorrectly. Make sure all needed information is in one record.
 Running Reports
 Reading Reports
 Other
 Next up - Backdating
Backdate Mode
 Backdate mode sets the date fields to a date in
the past. It tells the system that the information
entered is current as of a certain date.
 The date you use for backdate mode will usually
be one of the following:
─ The client’s program entry/service start date
─ The client’s program exit date
─ The last date of a reporting period, if you are making
updates after the report period has ended
Data Quality Basics
 Part IV
─ Backdating
─ Checking data
─ Choosing the right tab
Backdate Mode
 When to backdate?
─ Whenever you go to a client’s record, a pop-up
reminder will ask if you want to choose a backdate or
stay at today’s date.
─ Use built-in reminder pop-up
─ Ask yourself “which date do I need to use”?
 When should I get out of backdate mode?
─ When you are finished entering data for a single client
or household
Backdate Mode – when not to backdate
 Is there ever a time that I do not need to backdate?
─ Exception #1: DHS Youth and United Way Outcomes section of
the Assessments. Do NOT backdate when updating outcomes.
─ Exception #2: Updates to the sub-assessments (cash income,
non-cash benefits, disabilities, and LTH residence/housing
cost/housing subsidy). Sub-assessments have a separate “Add”
button that opens a pop-up.
─ Exception #3: You are entering data on the exact same day the
client entered the program.
─ Exception #4: You are updating client data before the end of the
report period.
─ Exception #5: You are correcting data in the entry/exit tab
─ Exception #6: You are just viewing client data
Backdate Mode
 What happens if I forget to backdate properly?
─ Information may show up as “missing” when you run your
reports. The only way to fix this is to re-enter the data using the
correct backdate. Don’t let this happen to you!
The Colored Bar: Checking Data
 How do I know if a client’s assessment was correctly
─ Go to the assessment you would like to check
Either in the Assessment Tab or in the Entry/Exit Tab
─ Click the colored bar button next to any question
─ A pop-up will open showing what day the response was
recorded, what the answer was, and who entered it.
─ The date should typically match one of three dates
Program Entry/Service Start Date
Exit/Service End Date
Update Date (often last day of the report period)
The Colored Bar: Correcting Data
 If you answered a response incorrectly and need to
change it:
─ Backdate to appropriate date (if going to profile or assessment
─ Enter the correct response and click “save”
─ Then click the colored bar next to the question and click the
trash can to delete the incorrect answer.
─ If you do not use the colored bar to delete the incorrect answer,
your reports might not be accurate
 Applies to both the assessments and the client profile
 Make sure there are no conflicting answers for the same
Entry/Exit Tab vs. Assessment Tab
 Entry/Exit Tab:
─ For Entry Based Programs only
─ Use when entering program entry data or exit data
─ Use when viewing entry or exit data
─ Use when correcting entry or exit data
 Assessment Tab
─ ESGP and ESP use when entering all client assessment data
─ All programs:
Use to make mid-program updates
Use to correct mid-program updates
Use to review complete record in “live mode”
Part V: Data Quality Monitoring Plan
 Required CoC process for monitoring data
quality. To make sure data is of high quality and
available for community and state reporting
 Quarterly process
 See a copy of the plan on the HMIS website
 Reports located in ART
─ Data Quality Tools Folder
Data Quality Reports
 Types of Reports
─ CoC Reports (summary reports)
Run by Wilder and sent to CoC Coordinators
Have no identifiable client data
Show number and types of errors
Providers can run these using only their own provider to pull a
report for public use or to send to their CoC Coordinator
─ Provider Reports
Have client level detail
Used to identify which clients have data errors
Providers can run for their own agency programs
Should not be used publically or emailed to CoC Coordinators.
Data Quality Reports
 Types of Reports
─ Entry/Exit Reports
For Entry/Exit providers (DHS-Youth, ESG-RRH, FHPAP, HUD, LTH,
Will show data for any clients who have an recorded entry/exit during the
report period
─ Emergency Services and Shelter Reports
For ESP and ESG Shelter Programs
Will show data for any clients who have a service transaction during the
report period.
This will include FHPAP and ESG-RRH providers as well as any
providers who have open or erroneous service records.
─ If your provider shows on a report that it shouldn’t check to makes sure there
aren’t any open entry/exits or service records that should be closed.
Data Quality Reports
 Types of Reports
─ Completeness Reports
Show missing data fields
Missing data may be missing or due to data entry errors such
as improper backdating or conflicting answers.
─ Incongruity Reports
Show data inconsistencies and household situations that are likely
due to data entry error.
 CoC reports show CoC Summary plus individual
provider breakouts
 Reports compare data quality errors to MN State data
quality goals
Running Data Quality Reports
 Provider Reports
─ EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
─ Enter effective date: enter today’s date
─ Enter Start Date: Start date of the reporting period (i.e. 01/01/2013)
─ Enter End date PLUS 1 Day: One day after the end of your report
period (i.e. 04/01/2013)
─ Enter Provider(s) for Report: Use the arrows to select your provider(s)
and move them into the “Enter Providers…” box on the right. If there
are already providers selected, also use the Arrows to send them back
to the “Service provider” list on the left.
You can run multiple providers at one time
─ EDA Provider: Skip. Leave set at “Default Provider.”
Reading Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Tab A – Client Counts
─ This tab provides a summary of client counts.
─ Note the number of clients are recorded as anonymous.
The MN HMIS Goal is to have less than 5% of clients being
entered anonymously. Programs should strive to keep these
numbers low to improve data quality, but providers will NOT
be penalized for exceeding the goal for DK/R. Always honor
the wishes of those receiving services.
Reading Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Tab B - Summary
─ This tab provides a summary count of clients who have data
elements missing. It also shows the percentage of clients with
missing data elements compared to the MN HMIS goal.
─ Note: Social Security Number (SSN) is counted as 'no value'
only if no SSN has been recorded AND SSN Quality is not
recorded as '"Don't Know" or "Refused". SSN Data Quality
should be recorded for all clients, whether named or
─ Highlighted Cells indicate that category exceeds the HMIS Goal
for data quality.
Reading Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Tab C – Null Profile Data
─ This tab displays clients with a missing value for a required universal
profile data element-- Profile data elements are required for ALL clients.
─ This table displays only clients with missing profile data. Clients with
Don’t Know or Refused responses are displayed in a separate tab.
─ Total numbers of clients missing each data element are tallied at the
bottom of the page.
 SSN: If an anonymous client is showing missing SSN, this means it
is missing a response for SSN Data Quality. SSN Data Quality for
anonymous clients should be answered “Refused”.
 To correct profile data:
Backdate to the client’s first service start date/program entry date
Go to the Client Profile tab
Enter the missing information in the Universal Profile/Client Record
Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Tab D – Null Assessment Data
─ This tab displays clients with a missing value for a required universal
data element--This table displays only clients with missing universal
data elements from the assessment data.
─ Not all data elements are required for all clients. This table only shows
clients missing data elements required for them based on age and
household status.
 To correct assessment data:
─ Services programs
Go to the Assessment tab
Select the appropriate assessment
─ Entry/Exit programs
Go to the Entry/Exit tab
Click on the edit pencil next to the entry or exit date depending on
which information is missing.
Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Services programs
─ Backdate to the client’s service start/end date
─ Go to the Assessment tab
─ Select the appropriate assessment
 Entry/Exit programs
─ Go to the Entry/Exit tab
─ Click on the edit pencil next to the entry or exit date
depending on which information is missing.
 Make corrections. SAVE! Delete any incorrect
Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Enter the missing data
─ Disabling Condition is required for ALL clients
No documentation is required to answer “yes” to this
─ Veteran Status is required for all client’s 18+
If a child is showing up as missing this data element, check
to see that their birthdate is entered correctly. If a birthdate is
missing, the system will default to adult.
─ Length of Stay is required for all clients 18+ AND
unaccompanied youth.
This refers to the length of stay in their “living situation last
Data Quality Reports - Completeness
 Enter the missing data
─ Zip Code of Last Permanent Residence is required for all clients
18+ AND unaccompanied youth.
If this client does not remember their zip code of last permanent
residence, select a zip code in the city/county/state of last
permanent residence. Use to look up zip
─ “Leave any of these 0-3, 3-6 months ago” is required for all
clients 18+ AND unaccompanied youth.
If the client has not left any of these places during the identified
time period, select “No”. Do not leave it blank.
─ Destination at Exit – Exit/Entry Programs only – required for ALL
Select the destination the client is leaving to immediately after
leaving the program.
Data Quality Reports - Completeness
─ Housing Status at Exit – Entry/Exit Programs only –
required for ALL clients.
Update the client’s housing status if different than housing status at
Housing status at exit should reflect the client’s housing status at
their new destination AFTER they leave your program. Not the last
day of program participation.
 Tab E – Housing Status – Leave Any 3-6 months ago
 This tab shows both missing and “don’t know or refused” answers
for Housing Status at Entry and Did Client leave any of these (over
3 months ago, up to 6 months).
─ Housing Status is required for ALL clients
This is housing status based on the client’s status the night
before entering your program.
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A – Individual Summary
 This tab shows a summary of clients who have one or more pieces
of incongruent data based on the client’s age or relationship to head
of household.
─ The first section of this tab (SUMMARY) also provides a
summary of client counts and percentages of total applicable
clients which have incongruent data in each category.
─ The second section of this tab (Client Errors for all Providers)
gives a summary of client incongruity errors for all providers in
the report as well as a percentage of clients with any incongruity
─ The third section of the tab (Client Errors by Provider) breaks
down client record errors by provider.
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab B – Household Summary
 The first section of this tab (SUMMARY) also provides a summary
of households which have incongruent data in each category.
 The second section of this tab (Household Errors for all Providers)
gives a summary of client incongruity errors for all providers in the
 The third section of the tab (Household Errors by Provider) breaks
down client record errors by provider.
 The tables show the household ID so you can tell which people are
in included in the household.
─ You cannot, however, search for a household by typing in the HH ID#.
Use the Client ID # to search for the client in Service Point who has a
household error.
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail
 This tab provides detail about the incongruity
errors related to age and household status.
─ A, B, C Include client records with an incorrect date
of birth or potential date of birth error. Check the
client profile for errors.
─ To Fix:
Backdate to client entry/start date.
Go to the Client Profile tab
Correct the date of birth
Click the colored bar next to the answer and delete any
incorrect answers.
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail
─ D and F - These includes client records with an age
that is inconsistent with their household relationship.
For example, a 10 year old listed as mother or
─ To fix:
No need to back date. Use today’s date.
Go to the household tab
Click “Manage Household”
Correct the Relationship to Household
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail
─ E: These include improper household connections
─ To Fix: Step 1
Back date to client service start date/program entry date
Find any services or entry/exits where the child is not connected to
head of household.
To check, look to see that he/she is included in the list of
household members when you open a service or program
entry/exit. Click the edit pencil to open an existing entry or
Delete incorrectly connected services and/program entries. Click
the trash can next to the service/entry you want to delete.
Switch to the head of household’s record
Continue to Step 2
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail
─ E: These include improper household connections
─ To Fix: Step 2
To properly connect Services:
Go to the Service Transactions tab
Click “view previous service transactions” then click
Click the edit pencil next to the service you want to add a
household member to.
Click “Include Additional Household Members” and
select the household member(s) you want to include.
Then click continue.
SAVE and exit
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail
─ E: These include improper household connections
─ To Fix: Step 2
To properly connect Entry/Exit:
Go to the Entry/Exit Tab
Click the edit pencil next to the service you want to add a
household member to.
Click “Include Additional Household Members” and
select the household member(s) you want to include.
Then click continue.
SAVE and exit
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab A-G Detail (clients joining program after head)
 Special Circumstances: If the client with the error entered a program after
the head of household, follow the instructions below:
─ After the client has been linked to the household service and/or
program entry using the head of household start/program entry date
Go the additional household member’s record
Go to the Services Transaction or Entry/Exit tab
Click the edit pencil next the service or Entry/Exit that needs to be
UNCHECK the household members who do not have a different
start date so as to only change the appropriate client’s date.
Change the date of the service start or program entry to match the
additional household member’s start date.
SAVE and exit
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab H-L Detail
 This tab shows errors based on relationship to head of household or
household configuration.
─ H – Includes client records where gender conflicts with the HH relationship.
For example: female-father, male-step-mother, etc.
─ J - Includes client records with a household membership but relationship to
head of household is missing.
─ K - Includes client records where Head of Household designation of "No"
conflicts with relationship to Head of Household of "Self". The head of
household should always be “self” in relationship to head. Either assign
client as head of household or change relationship to head of household to
something other than “self”.
─ L - Includes client records where Head of Household designation of "Yes"
conflicts with relationship to Head of Household. If client is head of
household, their relationship to head must be “self”. If client is NOT head of
household, change Head of Household designation to “no”.
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab H-L Detail
─ To fix errors in these categories
Go to the household tab
Click Manage Household. Check Head of
Household designation (yes/no) and the
relationship to head of household and correct as
H - If
no errors in the household section, check the
client profile tab for gender errors. If you make a
correction, remember to delete any incorrectly
entered profile information
SAVE and exit
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab M-N Detail
 This tab shows households missing Head of
Household designations
─ M – This includes household records with no Head of
Household identified. A household must have a head
identified. This person should be the person who will
remain most consistently in the program.
─ N – This includes household records where no
relationship to Head of Household is identified as self.
The head of household should always be identified as
Data Quality Reports - Incongruity
 Tab M-N Detail
─ To fix errors in these categories
Go to the household tab
Click Manage Household. Check Head of
Household designation (yes/no) and the
relationship to head of household and correct as
H - If no errors in the household section, check the
client profile tab for gender errors. If you make a
correction, remember to delete any incorrectly
entered profile information
SAVE and exit
Data Quality Reports – Sending Corrected Reports
 Once data has been corrected, run a report and send it to the CoC
coordinator to show corrections. All reports are located in ART. Use dates
to match the reports that were sent to CoC Coordinators.
 Use “CoC Reports” (these are like counting reports – no client names or
individual data)
 Run the appropriate report for your program
─ Use all the same prompts as before PLUS
─ Provider(s) for Report: Use the arrows to select your provider(s) and
move them into the “Enter Providers…” box on the right. If there are
already providers selected, also use the Arrows to send them back to
the “Service provider” list on the left.
You can run multiple providers at one time
 Save the report to your computer by going to “Document” in the top lefthand corner of the report. Select “Save to my computer as” (NOT “Save
report to my computer as”) and select PDF.
 Email the PDF copy to the CoC Coordinator.
Correcting and Checking Data – General Rules
Correcting Data – For Service-Based Programs
1. Determine the date the error is associated with: Service Start, Service
End, or Update date
2. Backdate to the appropriate date
3. Go to the Assessment Tab and select the funder-specific assessment
4. Answer the question with the correct response
The process is the same for data entered incorrectly or not entered at all
5. SAVE!
6. Click the colored bar to review the history of a question
7. Delete any incorrect answers
Two different answers on the same date
Right answer on the wrong date
Wrong answer on the right date
Correcting and Checking Data – General Rules
Correcting Entry or Exit Data – For Entry/Exit Based Programs
1. No need to backdate!
2. Go to the Entry/Exit Tab and select the funder-specific assessment
You must be in the Entry/Exit Tab to make corrections to entry/exit information
3. Answer the question with the correct response
The process is the same for data entered incorrectly or not entered at all
4. SAVE!
5. Click the colored bar to review the history of a question
6. Delete any incorrect answers
Two different answers on the same date
Right answer on the wrong date
Wrong answer on the right date
Common issues that lead to report trouble
 Consider your intake process:
─ Make sure your client intake forms include all HMISrequired questions for all clients (including children).
Wilder forms are available online
Wilder will also review your agency’s forms
─ Make sure those doing intake with clients understand
all of the questions and how to record updates.
Especially important if those doing intake are not the
same people doing HMIS data entry!
─ Client files should be clearly labeled.
Common issues that lead to report trouble
 Consider your data entry process:
─ Are the people entering data using their “Required
steps for HMIS” cheat sheet and instruction sets?
─ Try to schedule data entry at times when you will
have limited interruptions.
─ How much time do you or your data entry staff
allocate for data entry?
─ How much time do you or your data entry staff
allocate for regular data check reports?
Helpful Hints
 Run data check reports early
─ Run one for your program today to practice
─ Identifying problems early saves time and stress
down the road
 Build data checking into your schedule
─ Run at least once/month (2x/month recommended) to
save time during reporting periods
─ Run reports one day after entering a large batch of
Resource Recap
 HMIS newsletter
─ Read immediately – only sent on an as-needed basis
 HMIS website (
─ Newly updated “Help for Users” section
 Webinars (available through Service Point)
─ Funder-specific updates and details
 Helpline (email or phone)
M-F, 8:30-4:30
[email protected]
Resource Recap: Instruction Documents
 HMIS Data Entry & Reporting Instructions
─ Step-by-step data entry and ART instructions
 Required Steps for HMIS
─ One-page “cheat sheet”
 Special Instructions
─ Backdating
─ Households
─ Browser Configuration
─ HUD APR Instructions
─ Data Quality Plan Report Instructions
 All are available at
Resource Recap: Trainings
 Refresher trainings
─ Free, ½-day trainings for current HMIS users
─ Full-day trainings
New HMIS users have first priority
─ If 6 months or more have past since you last entered data, you are
required to attend another full-day training.
 Walk-throughs
─ HMIS staff is available to provider walk-throughs for newly trained staff or
staff who need a quick refresher.
Wilder Research Contact Information
Wilder Research
451 Lexington Parkway North
St. Paul, MN 55104
Local: (651) 280-2780
Toll-free: (855) 280-2780
Fax: (651) 280-3700
Email: [email protected]