Transcript Document

Cut following
the dotted
value to
word of life
in 4 parts
“Those who sow
in tears will reap
with shouts of joy.”
[from Psalm 126, verse 5]
in 2
However, at times our “Holy Journey”
is not like this, because God wants it to
go differently from what we think.
So he introduces other elements
into our life, things He wills or
permits to happen, so that our
life will take on its true meaning
and we will reach the goal we
were created for.
work and then gather the fruits of our
effort, like the farmer gathers in the
crop, which comes from the death of
the seed.
How can we live this
Word of Life?
We have to give value to
suffering, whether it is big or
small, and see it as something
very important. In particular,
give value to all the effort it
takes to love others, because
that is our special duty. It is an
effort that generates life!
And we should never give up, even
when we don’t see the results of our
efforts. Let’s never get tired of doing
good, because the fruits will come, in
due time - maybe from somewhere
else, but they will come.
That’s when physical or spiritual
sufferings enter our life. Sometimes we
have an illness, or any one of a
thousand other sufferings that speak
more of death than life.
Why? It is because God wants
death? No, not at all!
God loves life, but he wants
us to have a very full life,
very fruitful, a life we would
never imagine, no matter how
much we aim at what is good,
positive and peaceful.
This word of life uses the example of
someone who is planting seeds. The
seeds have to die to give new life to the
plant, just like we have to suffer and
“Without giving
that’s what
happened to:
When we think of our life, Chiara
says, we sometimes see it as a
harmonious succession of days in
which we try to do better every day,
becoming more perfect in our job or
our schoolwork or spending time
with our family, or in our meetings,
or in sports or fun times, doing
everything more perfectly, in peace
and harmony.
It is always our hope that things
will go well like this.
I suffered a lot when my
parents got divorced.
However, when I met the
Young for Unity, I heard them
talk about Jesus on the cross,
who was abandoned by
everyone, but he never
stopped loving. So I made up
my mind to do the same. I
told myself: I can keep on loving.”
Before that I didn’t get along with my
dad and I invented a thousand
reasons not to see him too often.
Now I realized that if I acted like that,
I didn’t understand anything about
love. So I started to get out of my
little “shell” and went to spend
time with my dad. Incredibly, our
relationship improved! My advice
to all those who live through
difficult moments is to throw
yourself into loving, because love
overcomes everything, love
conquers all! [Francesca – Italy]