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1642 – 1727
(PART – I)
"Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in the night; God said, Let
Newton be! And all was light." Alexander Pope
Talk on Isaac Newton
Early Life
Life in Cambridge University
Conflict with Robert Hooke and Leibniz
End Days of Isaac Newton
• A year later after Galileo’s death, Isaac Newton
was born prematurely on Christmas day 1642 in
Woolsthorpe, a hamlet near Grantham in
Lincolnshire (U.K.).
• His father, died shortly before Newton was born.
• When he was barely three years old Newton's
mother, Hanna (Ayscough), placed her first born
with his grandmother in order to remarry and
raise a second family with Barnabas Smith, a
wealthy rector from nearby North Witham.
(Enter in School, Hanna’s Return, Return of Newton)
• Isaac Newton was sent to King’s school at
Grantham (7 miles from Woolthrope), were his
learning and mechanical proficiency excited some
• Hanna returned to Woolsthorpe in 1653 after the
death of her second husband.
• In 1656 Newton returned home to learn the
business of a farmer, but spent most of his time
solving problems, making experiments, or
devising mechanical models.
Photo of King’s School in Grantham
(Recommendation by Newton’s Uncle for Cambridge)
• With the bending interest of Isaac Newton in
Science, Isaac Newton uncle (Hanna’s Brother)
having been himself educated at Trinity
College, Cambridge, recommended that he
should be sent there.
• On 5/15 June, 1661 Newton entered as a
student at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Department of Mathematics, Cambridge
(Newton Did not get Scholarship)
• Isaac Newton initially did not got any scholarship
in Trinity College during his Graduation.
• Isaac paid his way through college for the first
three years by waiting tables and cleaning rooms
for the fellows (faculty) and the wealthier
• In fact for the first time he found himself among
surroundings which were likely to develop his
• Isaac Newton had not read any mathematics
before coming into residence, but was acquainted
with Sanderson's Logic, which was then
frequently read as preliminary to mathematics.
• At the beginning of his first October term he
happened to stroll down to Stourbridge Fair, and
there picked up a book on astrology, but could
not understand it on account of the geometry
and trigonometry.
PHOTO OF Sanderson's Logic BOOK
Bending Interest Towards Mathematics
(Read Discarte Geometry, Elements, study privately)
• Now to Understand the concept of Geometry and
Trigonometry Isaac Newton bought a book of Euclid,
Descartes's Géométrie, Oughted's Clavis.
• During his undergraduate years Newton was deeply
engrossed in private study, that he privately
mastered the works of René Descartes, Pierre
Gassendi, Thomas Hobbes, and other major figures
of the scientific revolution.
• By 1664 Newton had begun to master
Descartes' Géométrie and other forms of
mathematics far in advance of Euclid's Elements.
Rinni Descarte
Descartes's Géométrie
Attention of Isaac Barrow towards Isaac
(Introduction of Isaac Barrow)
• During his undergraduate period Newton was
founded to work on Kepler's Optics, the works of
Descartes's Géométrie, and Wallis's Arithmetica
Infinitorum. He also attended Barrow's lecture
• Isaac Barrow a gifted Mathematician and
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge
seeing all this and bound to appreciate Newton's
Isaac Barraow
Completing Graduation
• Isaac Newton graduated BA in 1664/5 in a
class of twenty-six from Trinity without honors
or distinction.
• In 1665 the university was closed for the next
two years because of plague, Newton
returned to Woolsthorpe in midyear.
Photo of Isaac Newton During the
Degree of Graduation
Contribution of Isaac Newton During
the period of Plague in Cambridge
• There, in the following 18 months, he made a series of
original contributions to science.
• He wrote later that during this time he first understood
the theory of gravitation, and the theory of optics.
• He also worked out the fluxional calculus.
• Newton said 'All this was in the two plague years of
1665 and 1666, for in those days I as in my prime of
age for invention, and minded mathematics and
philosophy more than at any time since”.
Work of Isaac Newton during 18 Months
• Newton was the first to understand that white light was made
up of seven colour i.e. Rainbow.
• Newton conducted most of the optical experiment on his own
eye making himself almost blind.
• In 1666 Newton observed the fall of an apple in his garden at
Woolsthorpe, later recalling, 'In the same year I began to think
of gravity extending to the orbit of the Moon.‘
• In fact, all evidence suggests that the concept of universal
gravitation did not spring full-blown from Newton's head in
1666 but was nearly 20 years in gestation.
• In 1666 Newton developed Binomial Theorem.
Newton working on Optics
Handwritten Paper of Newton on Optics
Picture of Falling Apple in Newton’s Garden
Reputed descendants of Newton's apple tree, at the
The Apple Tree in Newton’s Garden
• Who is the considered to be the
mathematician to developed calculus?
• One of the biggest and controversial question
in Mathematics.
• Today in the world of Mathematics Newton
and Leibniz were given credit for the
development of Calculus.
Development of Calculus before Newton
• Much of the work on Calculus had been done
before Newton.
• Fermat defined his own concept of Maxima and
• Isaac Barrow developed a concept of tangent at
any point on the curve.
• Isaac Newton contributions provided the leap
from the possible to the actual.
• Newton started thinking on Calculus with the
Problem of describing a path of an object as it
travelled in either straight line or a curved line.
Past Concept on Calculus
• The straight line had been long understood, but
the curved path was merely described by the use
of many small, straight lines. The more small
lines, the more accurate the calculation.
• Even Galileo had worked to understand the
curved path of an object, showing the need to
find a means to describe this path.
• Descartes invented analytical geometry in
response to Galileo's work, so now algebraic
equations could be used to solve the problems.
Newton’s Concept on Calculus
• Newton made a subtle change in the existing
understanding of the curved path that resulted in
great advances.
• Newton considered the path as created by one
point moving through space for a period of time.
• This moving point was called a fluent , and its
velocity was called fluxion . Changes in the fluxion
was acceleration.
• Finally in 1734 James Smith published his work as
Newton Treatise of Fluxions.
Return of Isaac Newton to Cambridge
(Return to Cambridge, Elected fellowship, Revised Isaac Barrow
• On his return to Cambridge in 1667 Newton
was elected to a fellowship at his college.
• In the early part of 1669, or perhaps in 1668,
he revised Barrow's lectures for him.
• The end of the fourteenth lecture is known to
have been written by Newton, but how much
of the rest is due to his suggestions cannot
now be determined.
Newton House in Cambridge
Lucansian Chair of Professorship in Mathematics
(Isaac Barrow Resigned, Newton Lecture’s in optics)
• In October 1669, Barrow resigned the Lucasian
chair in favour of Newton.
• During his tenure of the professorship, it was
Newton's practice to lecture publicly once a
week, for from half-an-hour to an hour at a time,
in one term of each year.
• Newton used to give four or five hours at the end
of the week to those students who wished to
come to his rooms to discuss the results of the
previous lecture.
Lucasian Chair of Professorship in
• The Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics is the most
famous academic chair in the world. This is due in no small
part to the current holder of the chair, Professor Stephen
Hawking, who is a well known theoretical physicist, and Sir
Isaac Newton who was the second holder of the chair. What is
not so commonly known is that the chair has been held by
others who represent the best and most influential minds in
science and technology the world has known. As a group,
the seventeen men who have held the chair have made a
unique contribution to the world. The three hundred thirty
years that have passed since its founding have seen a
dramatic evolution of science.
• Michael Green (Mathematcian) hold the Chair after Stephen
Hawking in 2009.
Micheal B. Green
(Present Professor of Lucasian Chair)
Topic of the Lecture from 1669 to 1671
• When first appointed Newton chose optics for
the subject of his lectures and
• Before the end of 1669 he had worked out the
details of his discovery of the decomposition of a
ray of white light into rays of different colours by
means of a prism.
• The complete explanation of the theory of the
rainbow followed from this discovery.
• These discoveries formed the subject-matter of
the lectures which he delivered as Lucasian
professor in the years 1669, 1670 and 1671.
Elected to the Royal Society
• In 1672 Isaac Newton elected to the Royal
• The chief new results were embodied in a paper
communicated to the Royal Society in February,
1672, and subsequently published in
the Philosophical Transactions.
• On December 10, Newton sends letter to John
Collins on method of tangents.
• The manuscript of his original lectures was
printed in 1729 under the title Lectiones Opticae.
Image of the Paper of Newton in
Philosophical Transaction
Lectiones Opticae
Reflecting Microscope
(Newton Theory of Light as Corpuscular Theory)
• In 1672 he invented a reflecting microscope, and some
years later he invented the sextant which was
rediscovered by J. Hadley in 1731.
• Newton studied on the question as how the effect of
light were really produced.
• By the end of 1675 Newton formed a corpuscular or
emission theory and with this he explained various
phenomenon of geometrical optics, reflection,
refraction, diffraction etc.
• Newton's corpuscular theory was expounded in
memoirs communicated to the Royal Society in
December 1675, which are substantially reproduced in
his Optics, published in 1704.
Newton’s Reflecting Microscope
Conflict Between Newton & Robert Hooke
• In February, 1672 when Isaac Newton presented a
paper his first paper to the Royal Society, detailing his
work on the nature of light and advancing his theory
that white light was a composite of all the colours of
the spectrum.
• Hooke had his own ideas about the nature of light-ideas that contradicted Newton's suggestion that light
was composed of particles; Hooke himself believed
that light travelled in waves.
• Thus he quickly damned Newton's paper by praising it
only in condescending terms--he noted its "niceness
and curiousity"--and then proceeding to attack
Newton's methodology and conclusions.
Conflict between Isaac Newton & Robert Hooke
• Newton was so depressed and hurt with this
situation that in March 1673 he threaten to
withdraw from Royal Society.
• He only remained at the pressing of the
Secretary, Henry Oldenburg, who assured him
that the Fellows indeed held him in high
• The conflict between Newton and Hooke
again raised up on Gravitational Law.
Robert Hooke
Period from 1673- 1680
• Newton professorial lectures from 1673 to
1683 were on algebra and the theory of
• One of the work was on Theory of Equation in
which he classified the second degree
equation as Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola.
• In next step he classified the cubic equation in
78 different curves.
One Page Image of Newton Book on Algebra
Newton & Leibniz
(Fluxion development when Leibniz was 20, Systematic presentation of Calculus by Leibniz)
• In 1665 -1666 when Newton developed the
concept of fluent and fluxion Leibnitz was at the
age of 20 and didn’t no anything about
• Inspite of this Leibniz was given a credit for a
systematic presentation of Calculus which were
known today.
• Leibniz independently developed the theory of
calculus in which he gave the notation of
differential coefficient as
and integration dx
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Controversy between Newton and
• Leibnitz, who had been in London in 1673,
had communicated some results to the Royal
Society which he had supposed to be new, but
which it was pointed out to him had been
previously proved by Mouton.
• During two month visit of London Leibniz
made contact with several English
mathematician and purchased Barrow’s
Lectiones opticæand Lectiones geometricæ.
Controversy between Newton and Leibnitz
(Leibniz neither met collin, start studying work of Gregory, Start
working on Infinite series)
• However, Leibniz neither met Collins nor
gained access to Newton’s De analysi before
returning to Paris.
• Once Leibniz got back to Paris, he started
studying the mathematical works of Cavalieri,
James Gregory, Pascal, Sluse and others.
• He also started working on the nature of
series and their summations.
• By the end of 1673 Leibniz had obtained his
celebrated series  1 1  1  1 ......
3 5 7
Exchange of Letter between Leibniz
and Oldenberg
• In 1674 Leibniz wrote saying that he possessed
``general analytical methods depending on infinite
series.'' Oldenburg, in reply, told him that Newton and
Gregory had used such series in their work.
• With the request from Leibniz, Oldenburg sent a report
containing Newton series of sinx and arcsinx as well as
James Gregory’s series tanx and arctanx .
• Leibniz reply to Odenberg was not fair and clear he
professed to have found no time to compare these
expansions with formulas he claimed to have obtained
several years earlier.
Exchange of Letter between Newton
and Leibniz
• In in 1675, he used the ∫dx notation for the first time
in his first manuscript on calculus. Leibniz also
published the product rule for derivatives in this
manuscript. Till that time Leibniz didn’t know that
Newton had already hit upon the calculus.
• In 1676 Leibniz asked for a further explanation of the
methods Newton employed in the calculation of series.
• Newton wrote a letter on June 13, 1676, giving a brief
account of his method, but adding the expansions
of a binomial (that is, the binomial theorem) and
of sin 1 x ; from the latter of which he deduced that of
sin x
Leibniz paper of product of
Newton and Leibniz
• With the request of Leibniz, Newton wrote a letter the
Epistola posterior of 24 October 1676 in context with
the series, tangent and differential calculus.
• Newton in the cover letter for Oldenburg in Epistola
posterior declared his intention to terminate his
• Newton now became worried of stealing of his work on
• Newton directed Oldenburg, “Pray let none of my
mathematical papers be printed without my special
Newton and Leibniz
(Leibniz own concept on tangent, Newton’s Mother Death)
• Leibniz in dated June 21, 1677, explains his
method of drawing tangents to curves, which he
says proceeds ``not by fluxions of lines, but by the
differences of numbers'‘.
• Leibniz introduces his notation of dx and dy for
the infinitesimal differences between the coordinates of two consecutive points on a curve.
• In 1678, Newton suffered a serious emotional
breakdown, and in the following year his mother
Rift between Newton and Leibniz
• In October 1684 when Leibniz staked his claim
to calculus by publishing his Nova methodus
pro maximis et minimis [18, pp. 121–131].
• With this paper, which did not allude to
Newton, the seeds of a poisonous priority
dispute were sown.
• With all the above incidents a case of
plagiarism build against Leibniz.
Gravitational Law
(Hooke initiation on planetary motion, Robert Hooke view point)
• In November 1679, Hooke initiated an exchange of
letters that bore on the question of planetary motion.
• Although
correspondence, Hooke's letters provided a conceptual
link between central attraction and a force falling off
with the square of distance.
• Robert Hooke proposed his view point to Newton
about the gravitational law that force of attraction
holding planets in their orbits varied inversely with the
square of their distance from the sun
• Sometime in early 1680, Newton appears to have
quietly drawn his own conclusions.
Gravitational Law
• In August 1684, Halley paid a legendary visit to
Newton in Cambridge, hoping for an answer to
his riddle: What type of curve does a planet
describe in its orbit around the sun, assuming an
inverse square law of attraction? When Halley
posed the question, Newton's ready response
was 'an ellipse.‘
• When asked how he knew it was an ellipse
Newton replied that he had already calculated it.
Gravitational Law
• After further discussion he promised to send
Halley a fresh calculation forthwith.
• In partial fulfilment of his promise Newton
produced his De Motu of 1684.
• From that seed, after nearly two years of
intense labour, the Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica appeared.
• After publishing the Principia, Newton became
more involved in public affairs.
Another point of Conflict between Newton and
Robert Hooke
• Newton's law of universal gravitation states that
every point mass in the universe attracts every
other point mass with a force that is directly
proportional to the product of their masses and
inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them.
• When Newton's book was presented in 1686 to
the Royal Society, Robert Hooke made a claim
that Newton had obtained the inverse square law
from him.
Severe Nervous Breakdown
• In 1689 he was elected to represent Cambridge in
• In 1693, however, Newton suffered a severe
nervous disorder, not unlike his breakdown of
1677-1678. The cause is open to interpretation:
overwork; the stress of controversy; the
unexplained loss of friendship with Fatio; or
perhaps chronic mercury poisoning, the result of
nearly three decades of alchemical research.
Warden and Master of the Mint
(Death of Robert Hooke)
• In 1696, with the help of Charles Montague, a
fellow of Trinity and later earl of Halifax,
Newton was appointed Warden and then
Master of the Mint.
• His new position proved 'most proper,' and he
left Cambridge for London without regret.
• After the death of Hooke in 1703, Newton was
elected president of the Royal Society and was
annually re-elected until his death.
Isaac Newton in his old age
Newton’s Death
• In 1704 he published his second major work, the Opticks, based
largely on work completed decades before.
• In old age Newton's health began to deteriorate: when he was
eighty he began to suffer from incontinence, due to a weakness
in the bladder, and his movement and diet became restricted.
• He ate mainly vegetables and broth, and was plagued by a stone
in the bladder.
• In 1725 he fell ill with gout, and endured haemorrhoids the
following year. Meanwhile, the pain from his bladder stones
grew worse, and on March 19, 1727, he blacked out, never to
regain consciousness.
• He died on 31st March, 1727, at the age of eighty-five, and was
buried in Westminster Abbey; his funeral attended by all of
England's eminent figures, and his coffin carried by noblemen. It
was, a contemporary noted, a funeral fit for a king.
Isaac Newton Grave
Dr. Robert Hooke
• Robert Hooke was an English inventor, microscopist,
physicist, surveyor, astronomer, biologist and artist, who
played an important role in the scientific revolution,
through both theoretical and experimental work.
• In 1660, he discovered Hooke's law of elasticity, which
describes the linear variation of tension with extension in
an elastic spring.
• In 1662 Hooke was named Curator of Experiments of the
newly formed Royal Society of London -- meaning that he
was responsible for experiments performed at the Society's
weekly meetings.
• In 1665, he published a book entitled Micrographia. Hooke
devised the compound microscope and illumination system
- one of the best such microscopes of his time, and used it
in his demonstrations at the Royal Society's meetings.
Henry Oldenburg
• Henry Oldenburg (1619 – 1677)
was a German theologian known
as a diplomat and a natural
Thank You
To myself I am only a Child playing on the beach, while vast Ocean of truth lie
undiscovered before me.