Transcript Slide 1

UWS Delegations
Paul Woloch – Director Policy and Governance, UWS
Ray Cauchi – Developer, (TWEEK!)
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
University Context
In general universities are very decentralised organisations:
Large number of staff with delegations (e.g. research delegations
involving 229 researchers)
Large numbers of financial cost centres and projects
Complexity and diversity of purchasing
Extensive business travel
Consultancy and other commercial activities
Regular and extensive employment of casual staff
Audit Review at UWS in 2002 pointed to the need to devise an
effective mechanism to maintain track of delegates and generate
greater awareness of responsibilities. Delegations included in 2009
UWS Audit Program.
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
What is it?
The Register is an online database that enables
extraction of data of individuals holding delegations:
Details of cost centre/project account
• The category of delegation held by the individual
• Auto extraction from the Policy schedules all relevant delegations
• Effective dates on which the delegate holds authority (especially
relevant for acting appointments)
• The financial limit of any credit card
• A complete audit record of all delegations held currently and
• Notice that the delegate’s signature is in electronic TRIM file
• A notes field to describe any restriction or change to a delegation
• Accessible via web browser from any location
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
What is it?
The Register also:
Auto generates signature forms and emails delegates about
their delegation and when it changes
• Emails delegates when acting in positions and sends
reminders on expiry
• Has the capacity to email cohorts of delegates
• Provides complete audit records of all transactions in the
• Enables the generation of tailored audit reports.
• Provides searching facility to identify individuals or categories
of delegates
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Organisational Framework
Controls and Linkages
Policy and Governance
Delegations Policy
at position level
College DMO (3)
Admin Divisions (3)
Links delegations
for positions
to actual
position holders
Research (1)
Informs decisions
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
The Solution (conceptually)
The system was designed so that it:
Could be readily searched
Would facilitate business processing (finance and audit
Could be comprehensive and accurate in its records of
individuals and therefore auditable
Could be kept up to date
Contained cost centre, project code and credit card details
Was able to accommodate acting appointments
Could be intuitive and facilitate business processing
Auto generated forms and notices
Account code verification from Oracle financials
Would result in greater awareness of responsibility and
Provided a reliable mechanism to handle specimen signatures
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Uses of the Register
The Register is used for:
Verifying that an individual has a delegation
Providing an auditable historical record of delegations held by
individuals, including any acting appointments
Providing information to delegates about their delegation
including cost account details over which they have authority
A searchable database to establish who might have authority
over a particular account or list of delegates for a particular
Reinforcing with delegates their responsibilities with respect
to the exercise of their delegations in a highly decentralised
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Uses of the Register
UWS processes some 5,000 invoices per month ($2M-$5M
total). Prior to Register only random manual checks were
possible – now all transactions are checked.
Transactions incorrectly approved can be rejected with
confidence – also transaction can be quickly routed to
appropriate delegate.
Submission of transactions with incorrect delegate has shown
marked decline in frequency since the Register’s advent.
Used to scope fraud investigations to immediately define
extent of potential risk/exposure – financial accounts, credit
cards, staff delegations, historical record of the individual
under scrutiny. Remedial actions such as suspension of
delegations, monitoring etc. can be put in place quickly. Used
in tandem with CAATS.
CPN Conference 2008
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
The Search Engine
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Search Results
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Create Acting Record
CPN Conference 2008
Workspace: Email: Confirmation of Delegation Addition
This form is sent by email
on creation of the record.
UWS Delegations Register
Declaration & Sample Signatures
Check that the details of the
delegation are correct as
displayed on the form.
If details are correct, send
the form to the delegate
for signing. It can be
emailed to them.
Once the delegate has
signed, the delegation
must be approved by an
authorised officer.
If we do not already have the delegates sample signature on file, the fully approved form needs to be scanned into the
Delegations Sample Signature TRIM file. If the signature is already on file, at least one of these fields will be blank.
CPN Conference 2008
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
[email protected]
[email protected]
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
The Solution (technically)
Built on a foundation of Open Source Software:
PHP 4 (currently operating in a PHP 5 environment via an
Apache/Solaris cluster of web servers)
MySQL 4.1 Database backend utilising both MyISAM and
INNODB transactional tablespaces as required.
Database abstraction via ADODB - –
operable with database backends other than MySQL.
Smarty templating system – – abstracts the
presentational code from business logic.
Implements components of the PEAR library –
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
The Solution (technically)
Design Methodologies/Standards:
3 Tier software design methodology implemented
Web Standards compliant and Accessible
WAI AA standard
CSS2/XHTML1 Transitional based layout (public site)
User-centric interface design methodology
Best practice techniques applied in database design,
coding and security aspects.
Interface to Oracle Financials:
Cost and Project codes are imported to the Register
from Oracle Financials on a nightly basis.
Further potential to share data bi-directionally with
Oracle Financials, via data feeds and web services.
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
General System Features
Multi-user, multi access level authentication
Ability to Email system users with attachments
Application configuration (Administrators only), including:
system email addresses
reminder email time limits
manual override of automated tasks, notification of last time of
execution/failure to execute
University Divisions and Positions Management
Web page Content editing via WYSIWYG editor
FAQ/FAQ category management
Navigation management (public and admin sites)
Flexible reporting features – exporting data to CSV files.
CPN Conference 2008
UWS Delegations Register
Delegations Specific Features
Centralised Delegate management; ability to pre-date expiration
of a Delegate
Delegations creation functionality:
associated automated task that deactivates Delegates nightly
from scratch or by duplicating an existing record
Create Acting record
Amend existing – insert end date, extend acting record, invalidate
Automatic generation and emailing of Delegation Declaration and
Approval Form
Schedule creation and management (AJAX based)
Intuitive search facilities (public and admin sites)
Ability to export search results to CSV files (admin site only)
Ability to limit search results to current (default) or all
current/expired/invalidated records
CPN Conference 2008